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Frontends01 - 1

TEBIS Workshop Front-Ends T E B I S F RO N T- E N D S F O R PA P E R L E S S P RO D U C T I O N : L E S S PA P E R , M O R E P RO D U C T I V I T Y The new Tebis front-ends are ideal hardware for your workshop. Tested by the German Technical Inspectorate (TÜV), these dirt-, liquid- and spark-resistant terminals come in different designs for nearly any requirement: stand-or wall-mounted, with a tube monitor or space-saving TFT display, with built-in PC or remote connection, with or without height adjustment. No matter which version is the right one for your workshop, Tebis front-ends are a first step toward paper-reduced or even paperless production.

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Frontends01 - 2

The Tebis front-ends were developed specifically to meet the high demands of the modern workshop and are ideal for running software like viewers, production information systems as well as CAM and DNC packages. Powerful graphics, ergonomic handling and a sturdy design make them extremely useful tools for gathering, processing and distributing information quickly, whether installed right next to your milling machines or in the assembly area. Depending on your location and space requirements, you may want a front-end that stands on the floor or one that is mounted on the wall. With either...

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Frontends01 - 3

S TA N D - M O U N T E D T E R M I N A L S Tebis stand-mounted terminals are ideal for use near machines and in assembly areas. Tebis offers a variety of designs, and you can choose the installation location for the PC hardware as well as the monitor you want to use. A number of options helps increase the terminal’s ergonomic design. All models come with sturdy, stable wheels, two of which can be locked in place, for safety and stability. Integrated PC terminal The dust-protected case in the terminal base has ample space for any of today’s popular high-performance PCs. Doors on either side...

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Frontends01 - 4

TEBIS Werkstatt-Frontends OPTIONS FOR TEBIS FRONT-ENDS • Electrical height adjustment for stand-mounted terminals lets you adjust the monitor to the proper height at the touch of a button (maximum range: 200 mm). • Pneumatic-spring-supported height adjustment makes the wall-mounted terminal easier to handle (vertical range 1,000 mm; electromagnetic locking mechanism with LED indicator for locked operation); the terminal pivots 160° in the horizontal direction. • If you like to use wall-mounted terminals but have limited wall space, we have floor pedestals on which one or two wall terminals...

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Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos TEBIS

  1. Multiple setup

    2 Páginas

  2. 5 Axis Trimming

    4 Páginas

  3. DNC

    4 Páginas

  4. Simulator

    8 Páginas

  5. Lathe_A4_2011

    6 Páginas

  6. Tebis_ProductRange

    45 Páginas

  7. wire-edm

    8 Páginas

  8. laser-cutting

    4 Páginas

  9. tebis Products

    45 Páginas


    8 Páginas


    4 Páginas