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TBi Industries beCool 2.2 (Sensor) Technische Daten / Technical data Kühlgerät / Cooling unit TBi beCool 2.2 (Sensor) Kühlleistung / Cooling capacity Kühlmitteltemperatur / Cooling fluid temp Durchfluss / Flow rate 2200 W max. 60º C Max. Druck / max. pressure Luftdurchsatz / Air flow TBi beCool 2.2 Sensor 230V / 50 Hz 550P358024 Other voltages on request Messinggehäuse und -läufer, Edelstahlwelle, integrierte thermische und Überlastsicherung / brass rotor and body / stainless steel shaft / internal thermal and amperometric protection Abmessungen / Dimensions 550P348024 1,9 m2 (Prüfdruck: 35 bar / tested at: 35 bar) Zentrifugalpumpe / centrifuge pump Merkmale / Features 230V / 50 Hz 300 W Wärmetauscher / Heat exchanger Pumpe / Pump TBi beCool 2.2 900 m3 h / Elektrische Leistung / Electrical power Tankinhalt / Tank capacity Bestellinformationen / Ordering information min. 0,25 l in ( bar) /m 4 max. 8 l min (0 bar) / 4 bar 230 x 270 x 530 mm ( / L LxBxH x W xH) Gewicht / Weight ca. / approx. 13 g ( eer / empty k l ) 5l Kühlgerät / Cooling unit TBi beCool 2.2 Sensor Schaltpunkt einstellbar / Switch limit adjustable Belastbarkeit / max. load 0,5 - 3,3 l in /m 50 V / 0,3 A IEC 60974-2 ► 8 5.1
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Anschlussschema/ Connection diagramm Flow switch Normally open Rocker switch Ersatzteile / Spare parts Schalter / Rocker switch 230V Flow switch Pumpe komplett / Pump unit complete Capacitor for pump motor Lüfter / Vent Warmetauscher kpl. / Heat exchanger cpl. Tankdeckel / Screw-on cap for tank Tank 5 Liter / Tank 5 liter beCool 2.2 Schnellkupplung zur Montage am Gerat/ Quick connector for installation on the unit Empfohlenes Zubehör / recommended accessories Wasserschlauch PVC 5x1.5 mm, blau, Bund à Waterhose PVC 5x1.5 mm, blue, in coil of 100m Hose clamp 9.5 mm with ring beCool Fluid,...
Abrir o catálogo na página 2Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos TBi-Industries
MIG/MAG Welding Torches
32 Páginas
Robot Welding Torches
44 Páginas
MIG/ MAG Absaugbrenner
2 Páginas
TBi X-Power MIG / MAG Welding torche
4 Páginas
MIG / MAG Welding torches TBi Expert
34 Páginas
TBi BRG 2000
2 Páginas
TBi JetStream
2 Páginas
AUT 410 / 410S
2 Páginas
TBi Syntronic (reverse)
2 Páginas
2 Páginas
Overview TBi Plasma welding torches
4 Páginas
Overview of the TBi RoboMIG system
8 Páginas
Overview TBi Aut torches
4 Páginas
Overview of TBi Classic torches
4 Páginas
Overview of TBi Top 2000 torches
4 Páginas
TBi 6G
2 Páginas
TBi 5G
2 Páginas
TBi 3G / 3G DR
2 Páginas