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Amenabar Manual Trollyes Characteristics and Dimensions of the Amenabar Manual Trollyes Amenabar Manual Trollyes Maximum working life. Built to work at full load under the most severe conditions for many years. Up to five different girders per model simply by changing the position of the washers. Characteristics and Dimensions of the Amenabar Manual Trollyes References Approx. Weights Hand chain Ø x pitch mm. OPTIONS: Articulated heads for articulated overhead travelling cranes. OPTIONS: Trolleys without Bearings Options of Manual Trolleys S DE GARANT I NNÉE • A TUNG • ANNI D E • A ELL NO IA LEIS AG S NT Ä H R W
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Amenabar Trollyes parts Wheels Machined grey cast iron, valid for any type of profile. Characteristics, Dimensions and Selection of the Beams Ball bearings Great load capacity to ensure the trolley slides easily along the girder. Principle Characteristics of a Beam: In general, a beam is defined by its height in mm (120, 270, 300, etc) and in function of this and its type (IPN; IPE, HEB, HEA), the width of the wing is determined. The height of the beam is also the parameter considered in order to determine its load resistance: the higher’s beam, the greater’s resistance. In function of the...
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Amenabar Recommendations General Risks for all Machines The pieces to be lifted shall be of good construction, Chains should be oiled at frequent and regular intervals solid and resistant material. when rolled in drums or passing over hoists, except PREVENTATIVE MEASURES when they can retain or pick up sand or gravel and when Do not pull on the taught chains under the load or rotate they are used as slings loads around them. Chains should be stored hanging from hooks in such a Chains shall be made of wrought iron or steel. The safety factor shall be at least five for the maximum nominal...
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Applicable Legislation - Spanish legislation UNE 58915/1992 Series Elevation Units. Fax Service (34 - 945 450 304) Request Details: UNE 58919/1995 Series Elevation Units. Measures to be taken to determine the operating periods of the power driven units. UNE 58920/1999 Elevation Force Restrictors for the control of power-driven elevating mechanisms. Chain Hoist. UNE-EN 818/7: 2002 Elevation Chains with short links. Safety. Part 7: Calibrated Chain for Chain Hoists. Class T (Types T, DAT and DT). ROYAL DECREE 2291/1985. Regulation for Lifting Equipment (MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY AND ENERGY,...
Abrir o catálogo na página 4Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos TALLERES AMENABAR
Amenabar Chains
16 Páginas
Amenabar Special Products
3 Páginas
Amenabar Powered Chain Hoist
7 Páginas
Amenabar Hand Chain Hoist
5 Páginas