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Industrial Safety Systems Safety solutions and services for machines and systems Contents List of product families Product selection based on risk assessment SICK Online Portal
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System integration and safety know-how Services for every phase of a machine‘s life Products and complete solutions for effective operator protection and accident prevention Safety laser scanners Electro-sensitive protection of hazardous points, hazardous areas and access for stationary and mobile applications Safety camera system Electro-sensitive protection of hazardous points and hazardous areas Safety light curtains Electro-sensitive protection of hazardous points, hazardous areas and access Multiple light beam safety devices Electro-sensitive protection of hazardous areas and access...
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List of product families Opto-electronic protective devices Safety laser scanners Safety light curtains Multiple light beam safety devices C4000 Micro Cold Store Single-beam photoelectric safety switches Safety camera systems V300 Work Station Extended V200 Work Station Extended Mirror columns and device columns Mirror columns with protective field height mirror Mirror columns with separate mirrors Device columns with external grooves Device columns for outdoor use Safety switches Electro-mechanical safety switches Safety command devices Non-contact safety switches sens:Control – safe...
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Industrial Safety Systems from SICK. Safe to say: more performance! Product selection based on risk assessment START No further measures FINISH Can hazards be removed using design measures? Electro-sensitive protective equipment ESPE Indicate residual risk, e.g., in operating instructions or on machines/systems Design measures Can protective devices be used? ESPE for triggering stop as access protection Chapter D, F, G and H ESPE for preventing start-up for protection of the interior of the machine or presence detection Chapter D and F ESPE for triggering stop and for preventing start-up as...
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SICK Online Portal: The quick way to higher efficiency at work Work online at www.mysick.com Fast results instead of tedious searching - with the SICK “Finders.” Direct access for everyone, no registration necessary! ■ Product search, products and information is linked ■ Easy to understand illustrations of applications, connection diagrams and accessories ■ Download of technical data, drawings and graphics We will quickly guide you right to the appropriate device for your application. Choose an application based on task, industry/market or product group. Access all publications, e.g.,...
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SICK is a technological and market leader in sensor technology. With headquarters in Waldkirch, Germany and more than 5,000 employees in almost 50 subsidiaries, numerous representatives and holdings, SICK has a solution for your application no matter where you are in the world. SICK achieves product innovation by means of consistent development. It has five development sites in Germany and a total of seven other sites all over the world. SICK turns customers’ needs into automation solutions that increase efficiency and reduce costs. SICK is large enough to be independent – but still...
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What you get from working with SICK We help to increase your efficiency As a leading manufacturer of automation solutions for industrial applications, we are familiar with the processes in our customers’ organizations – and we are particularly familiar with their requirements for increased efficiency.
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The focus and how you benefit from it We provide safety SICK concentrates strictly on the development and production of sensors for factory, logistics and process automation. The result is innovative, powerful products and systems that provide our customers the highest level of safety and increased quality.
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Business areas Openness The secret behind our success All sensors in principle work in any automation scenario. This level of openness provides our customers with maximum freedom and creates the best possible safety solution. Factory automation Logistics automation detection, counting, classification and positioning of objects ■ Detection of shape, position and surface differences ■ Protection against accidents and protection of people with sensors, safety software and safety services identification using bar code and RFID readers for sorting and destination control in industrial material...
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Customers’ markets and how we view them We are familiar with your processes Sensors from SICK are ideal for all automation in industry, regardless of the type of production processes used or which products are manufactured. For this reason in particular: as a development partner for industry, it is crucial for our success that we are fully familiar with the production steps in every market. Automotive industry With its specialized market expertise, SICK is your partner in the following markets: Our holistic view of optimization potential makes automated processes safer, faster and more...
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Industrial markets Food & beverage With comprehensive knowledge, SICK understands every detail in automated production and handling. Perfectly matched sensors ensure plant safety and meet stringent hygienic requirements. In an increasingly global economy, the demands on logistics processes are growing steadily. With tailor-made solutions and products for control, identification, monitoring and measuring, SICK ensures customers have an efficient logistics chain.
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Seeing details, understanding the big picture SICK is a worldwide leading manufacturer of intelligent sensors and sensor solutions for all areas of factory, logistics and process automation. The company’s comprehensive product portfolio is always oriented to delivering customer benefits. Years of practical experience and thousands upon thousands of application solutions go into creating precisely those products that will support your effort to design processes more efficiently and economically. SICK sensors take on tasks like measuring, detecting, safeguarding, identifying and positioning,...
Abrir o catálogo na página 12Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos SICK
W4F en
17 Páginas
SLG-2 en
14 Páginas
IMS en
12 Páginas
IO-Link Supplement
5 Páginas
T-Easic FTS
56 Páginas
FLUID SENSORS Overview of the Products
16 Páginas
T-Easic® FTS
12 Páginas
T-Easic® FTS
4 Páginas
134 Páginas
6 Páginas
2 Páginas
5 Páginas
4 Páginas
Photoelectric laser sensors
20 Páginas
48 Páginas
Photoelectric sensors_2019
20 Páginas
29 Páginas
8 Páginas
37 Páginas
Safe Robotics Area Protection
32 Páginas
40 Páginas
12 Páginas
G2F Photoelectric sensors
20 Páginas
TR110 Lock
20 Páginas
24-hour helpdesk
8 Páginas
32 Páginas
20 Páginas
EnforceKey Single Door
84 Páginas
WTB16 Bluetooth®
135 Páginas
LD-LRS Laser Measurement System
6 Páginas
PET Pressure transmitter
44 Páginas
LFV 310/330
48 Páginas
2 Páginas
T-Verteiler mit Taster
8 Páginas
CLV63x, CLV64x, CLV65x Bar code scanners
80 Páginas
Proximity Sensors
20 Páginas
Registration Sensors
24 Páginas
FLG Standard automation light grids
12 Páginas
Advanced Automation Light Grids
92 Páginas
QAL3 Master
4 Páginas
MCS100FT FTIR Analysis System
12 Páginas
MCS100E HW/CD/PD Multicomponent Analysis
16 Páginas
GM960 Boiler Wall Monitor
8 Páginas
Dust measuring devices
171 Páginas
Automation Light Grids
228 Páginas
Maritime Emissions Monitoring
2 Páginas
Raw Gas Measurement
2 Páginas
TranspaTect product information
16 Páginas
GR18 product information
56 Páginas
Top Products from SICK
486 Páginas
SICK Essentials
118 Páginas
Magnetic Cylinder Sensors
164 Páginas
Presence Detection
170 Páginas
Fluid Sensors
174 Páginas
388 Páginas
Distance Sensors
404 Páginas
Detection and Ranging Solutions
124 Páginas
Identification Solutions
308 Páginas
Zone control
5 Páginas
fiber-optic sensors
5 Páginas
20 Páginas
System solutions VMS410/510 / VMS410
4 Páginas
Inductive proximity sensors
5 Páginas
Catálogos arquivados
Photoelectric sensors_2012
5 Páginas
safety laser scanners
5 Páginas
3D cameras
6 Páginas
Miniature photoelectric sensors
5 Páginas
MCS300P Superior in front
4 Páginas
MKAS Compact Analysis system
2 Páginas
4 Páginas
GM32 In-situ gas analyzer
8 Páginas
W9-2 Small photoelectric sensors
7 Páginas
Product overview Industrial Sensors
100 Páginas
News Factory Automation
8 Páginas