Grupo: surveying solutions

Excertos do catálogo

Operating systems Android 2.3.3 or above Supported instruments Satlab GNSS RTK receiver Satlab Android handheld controller 3rd-party Android devices Background maps Google maps Google satellite Google hybrid Google terrain GIS map Project management Project info Coordinate system management Parameters calculation Code list Data management Collection data: Point, line, polygon Import format: *.DXF, *.TD2, *SHP, *.KML, *.DWG Export format: *.TXT, *CSV, *.SHP, *DAT, *ASC, *.KML, *.NCN, *.geojson. Road data: *.ROAD, *.Xml, *.BCP, *.SEC, *.PM, *.ICD, *.PHI, *.XY, *HJD, *.ZLINE, *PVI, *TPL, *.BPI, *.BCI Surveying methods Static Detail survey Tilt survey Quasi-dynamic survey PPK survey Mapping survey Headquarters: Datavagen 21B SE-436 32 Askim, Sweden info@satlab.com.se Regional Offices: Jicin, Czech Republic Ankara, Turkey Scottsdale, USA Singapore, Singapore Warsaw, Poland Hong Kong, China Dubai, UAE Road survey Road design Road stakeout Store cross-section Cross-section points Surface Elevation difference COGO Angle Distance Coordinate system Area Dist and Azi Intersection Angle calculation Volume Point and line Calculator Share FTP Compass Language Support over 10 languages Bulgarian German Greek English Spanish Iranian Farsi French Hungarian Italian Japanese Lithuanian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Turkish
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The professional field surveying software Satsurv is a customed and easy-to-use Android software for field surveying tasks, such as Detail Survey, Data Stakeout, Cadastral Surveying, Road Design and Data Management. It supports tilt survey, quasi-dynamic, PPK and static surveying mode. Equipped with built-in NFC, Bluetooth, FTP functions, Satsurv provides an industrial solution for efficient fieldwork. Tilt Survey Quasi -dynamic Survey Road Design View Road measuring Functions Road Design supports Centerline, Profile, Cross-Section, Side-Section, Broken Chainage, and Construction Design...
Abrir o catálogo na página 2Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos SatLab Geosolutions AB
SatLab/ADCP/ HydroFlow
4 Páginas
SatLab/Machine Control Solutions
8 Páginas
SatLab/GNSS Receiver/ Njord
2 Páginas
SatLab/USV/ HydroBoat 990
4 Páginas
SatLab/USV/ HydroBoat 1200
4 Páginas
SatLab/USV/ HydroBoat 1500
4 Páginas
SatLab/Side Scan Sonar/ HydroScan
2 Páginas
4 Páginas
4 Páginas
2 Páginas
2 Páginas
SatLab/GNSS Receiver/ TR7
1 Páginas
SatLab/Total Station/ TTS2
1 Páginas
SatLab/GNSS Receiver/ SL900
2 Páginas
SatLab/GNSS Receiver/ SL800
2 Páginas
SatLab/GNSS Receiver/ SL700
2 Páginas
SatLab/GNSS Receiver/ SL600
6 Páginas
SatLab/ Indoor Positioning Solution
2 Páginas
SatLab/GNSS Receiver/ SLX1-NG
2 Páginas
SatLab/ Smart Monitoring Solution
2 Páginas
SatLab/ Machine Control Solution
2 Páginas
SatLab/Airborne LiDAR System/SUL1
2 Páginas
SatLab/Mobile Laser Scanner/SLS-1
2 Páginas
SatLab/Automatic Level/ SAL32
2 Páginas
SatLab/Rotary Laser/SRL-1000R
1 Páginas
SatLab/Total Station/SLT Series
2 Páginas
SatLab/Rugged Pad/ SL86
2 Páginas
SatLab/Rugged Tablet/ SL11
2 Páginas
SatLab/Handheld Controller/SHC30
2 Páginas