Grupo: Shuanglong Group Co., Ltd.
Excertos do catálogo
fll mull ffjgffiHJaafctBBsam, tnfflT0M« &s*»n«0 an±»5R**»»a**PR^ii, i°i#ma&iT^5i#o «»^fiwtfca«s, giiisiTasisMiiai, Sfj, 'tmm, «*wr*7 ftJfT »g^1989*Pfo*fHM6«¥J*££ POWDER SYSTEM SOLUTION SINCE 1989
Abrir o catálogo na página 1EXCELLENT QUALITY c <© ce mm*&k amsm ±»th8s«^. aacEUii jHTESIBl SHUANGLONG GROUP ; ■effisssg ewttas );msmmmmmi'A, smimmiRmmK, Tmvmrtmw. m±s amicftw. Tim* a^ia«S§fflFttg#mjbnaK ;#4P. IEHC *S8&»M#ftiSCo The conical screw mixer consists of one long screw and one short screw. The long screw lift the material up and fall down with gravity. At the same time, the screw arms run slowly by means of revolution. This type of mixer is widely used for powder mixing and powder mixing with little liquid, without residues and low energy consumption. It could be tailor designed for heating, cooling,...
Abrir o catálogo na página 2mtmm SHUAWGIONG GROUP Pin-Cycloid reducer Centeral spraying type 'A, Rotation and revolution drive Dimple Jacket Full Jacket *f m M iPRECISED FABRICATION -Stir structure Atomizing nozzle or spraying nozzle available on request,creating fan shape or hollow cone .liquid flow into mixtures to have intensive mixing. -Applications Single Screw Design Double Screws Design
Abrir o catálogo na página 3^HHssasfTO, mi, laojgBtuxfy (twwt«f*8, iti£tt»?s). fffSFADfDri'-ArRSffifS, SMI), il5S«S£«?!5fI„ 6'JilT&*INNOVATED TECHNOLOGY m tit: 4’@±iSrt5SSEiti®I^fF^E^*ESg299# ADD:No.299 Delixi Road, Nanxiang Industrial Development Zone, Jiading District, Shanghai. Eg, S: 0086-21-69178818 69178808 69178817 tt M: 0086-21-69178807 m ti: 201802 m tit: ffiB i£*S£*gi¥5ES^iApJgw# ( CNAS ) iAiI;iM£M,£W2OO9^3£280 Released by lab registered to China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS) on March 28, 2009 mmu'pmfe&mti Mixing of...
Abrir o catálogo na página 4Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos S&L Group Co.
LDH Series
2 Páginas
DSH Series
2 Páginas
GPH Series
2 Páginas
WLDH Series
2 Páginas
WZ Series
2 Páginas
LHJ Series
10 Páginas
Shuanglong Chocolcate Conche LHJ
4 Páginas
Catálogos arquivados
5 Páginas
ISO 14001
1 Páginas
iso 9001
1 Páginas
Shuanglong Ribbon Blender WLDH CE
4 Páginas
Shuanglong Continuous Mixer DLM
4 Páginas
Shuanglong Plough Share Mixer LDH CE
4 Páginas
Shuanglong Paddle Mixer WZ CE
4 Páginas