Excertos do catálogo
/ Bearinqs General Catalog 2011 A&S Fersa Bearings
Abrir o catálogo na página 1s'*s*'s** y' J^y'y^J''yJ'y^'yyyJ §ll|llSil ss'y'/'s //s', ■y. ■;yyy. ■' y y ;y. y ■y. ■ yy 'yy:<
Abrir o catálogo na página 2During these last forty years Fersa has aimed to strengthen its image as an innovative European company.Our product experience, our capa-city for R&D + Innovation, access to the latest manufacturing technology and the efficient management of our supply distribution chain, has positioned Fersa as one of the top suppliers in the market for this type of product today. Fersa is present in five continents today thanks to the dedication and effort of our staff, trade-mark of an excellent customer service, constant innovation and effort to go beyond our custo-mers' expectations. A key element to...
Abrir o catálogo na página 3Los orgenes de Fersa Bearings, se remontan al ano 1968, cuando dos empresas fa-miliares vinculadas a este sector se unieron para formar A&S FERSA. No sera hasta anos ms tarde, cuando se decide cambiar el nombre de la empresa para enfatizar su carcter internacional pasando a denominarse Fersa Bearings. Dos elementos fundamentales del xito de la empresa en estos m⩢s de cuarenta anos, han sido la experiencia profesional y el saber hacer de todo el personal; as como a la vision de su equipo directivo para acometer ambiciosos proyectos de modernizacin en diferentes reas cuyos resultados se...
Abrir o catálogo na página 7Cira of th* k#y facture to Fersa eucok tra-s pest ■iWB h-as t^eo Ira- de-i猪aon to croate b ra* Ihe of productsthet ts irm in oonoert wth the needs cf ou more demandhg Afterrnartot and T1/0&1 cuslomefs. The devebpment is basked by a stiong rweetment in the RKD aiea that aJong with the new test bendies and the knwrfiow of our staff h dosa colafcoratiorvMtri tha fceM t^riofcgbaJ irrMJtuts h^: enabled tha maiket buidi of tha new HPio bearings ine wth proven funcfonal impiovements: ■ Ircreaaed IHB spenof the bearing, ■ LOiYern^ -Jpr䴩matur taiKjra Batter response and adaptation to ncn*Ef gnment...
Abrir o catálogo na página 8Quality Calidad Oie of Fersa's biggest goals has been Ihe constant rnprwement of the quality of our products and processes» leadlng us to obtain the ISO 9001 Certification in 1997; IS014001 in 2002; and ISO TS/16949:2002 in 2006. The company's effort in this direction has merited the acknowledgment of the industry, testimony of which are severa) awards such as the BUSINESS EXCELLENCE AWARD in 1998 and 2004. the INDUSTRIAL MERT1R AWARDS in 2004, the Exportation Prize award in 2003 and 2006 and the Logistics Excellence PI LOT Prize award. Uno de los objetivos de Ferea ha sido te continua...
Abrir o catálogo na página 10i I The product producto The logistics department is customer-centrc and focused in responding to delivery supply requests in increasingiy shorter periods of time for ail bearings items such as Tapered, bail, cylndrical, needle, double rcw angular contact bearings, and wheel kits featured in our product line. departamento de logistica trabaja enfocado a nues* tros dientes con tiempos rﮢpidos de respuesta a sus nece-sidades de suministro en cuaJquier producto de nuestras g amas de rodamientos de rodillo cnico, de bolas, cilindri-cos, de agujas. de doble contacto angular, kits de rueda.
Abrir o catálogo na página 11Manufacturing processes Proceso de fabricacin The investments made in our manufacturing plant in Zaragoza. has enabled us to increase our production capacrty. automatizing production processes while maintaining the high quality standards of our bearings and the flexibilrty we make available to our customers in adjusting to their various nds. The quality of our production process is supported by the moet important OEMS customers in both automotive and heavy vehicle. which has enabled us to develop a global supply chain of service and quality with excellence as the key determining tactor. Las...
Abrir o catálogo na página 12/ Tech ni cal warranty Garante tcnica Fersa guarantees the quality of ail of their products and guarantees that ail the materials used during the manufacturing and production processes are deiivered free of any and ail defects. Shoutd there be a problem with any of the parts; Ferea guarantees the replacement thereof, subject to revision of our quality dpart ment to confirm the existence of defects in the material or during the production process. Fersa also guarantees the performance of Iheir bearings in compliance with the ISO 76 and ISO 281 standards, after careful consid驩ration that the...
Abrir o catálogo na página 13/ Technical introduction Introduccin tcnica
Abrir o catálogo na página 15m itroduccin a los rodamiento Introduction to bearin Dfinition Bearings are vital machine components d䩩signͩe! to allow rotation between two l驭ments of a mechanism. They must be able to sustain the load coming from their own weight, and gear actions, belts, chains, etc., with minimum friction. A bearing is generally composed of : - Two rings, one linked to the fixed l驭ment, the other fitted to the mobile l驭ment, enabling rolling motion. - Assembly of rolling lments, balls or rollers, that allow the displacement be驭tween the two rings. - A cage maintaining separately the rolling lments. A...
Abrir o catálogo na página 16::A&sFersa Bearings Features / Caracteristicas: Bail bearings / Rodamientos de bolas Most used / Mբs Usado Economie / Econմmico Simple design / Diseno simple Օ High speed limit / Limite de alta velocidad Radial loads /Cargas radiales Օ Axial loads on both sides / Cargas axiales en ambos sentidos Simple maintenance / Fբcil mantenimiento No disassembly / No desmontaje Tapered roller bearings / Rodamientos cմnicos Assembled in pairs / Montaje por parejas Օ Huge range / Amplia gama Axial and radial loads / Carga axial y radial Օ Exchangeable rings / Aros intercambiables Stiffness /...
Abrir o catálogo na página 17Ttchflteal Introduction Inlroduocln tocnKa Typesofbearings/Tipos de rodamientos Rodamionto radiale-» Bmtnflo / Rodamientos RotUmidntoa a bolJ䮯 00 jrooTB taIIbojirli Rodant tontot a bol» Oo ranura prof un da f Taporod palier bo^nng* Rodarnionto» do rodilod comcoa Anfluttr contact Rodmlorfto i d« contacte ai Pmrod Four point corrLflcl ban bojiring Rc dwniflntOB a boUo do cuatro puirto» do contacta soir-angniog tau fioinnga Rodomlontoiobol» IIIBOOMM Taporad roiior boartn* doubla row Rod jmtooto* do rodlloi i loporto* Taporod rolor bojnrtfi* U typo R篻damtonto* do rodllo* onlcos tlpo U um mi...
Abrir o catálogo na página 18Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos A&S Fersa
Agricultural Application Catalog
25 Páginas
Commercial Vehicle Bearings
26 Páginas
American market
648 Páginas
Summary General Catalog 2013
101 Páginas
General Catalog
283 Páginas
Cover of General Catalog
1 Páginas
Cylindrical And Thrust Ball Bearings
34 Páginas
Ball bearings
56 Páginas
Tapered roller bearings
122 Páginas