Grupo: Richard Pieris Group

Excertos do catálogo

Richard Pieris Exports: Pioneer mat manufacturer in Sri Lanka offers the largest selection of safety matting for the industry. J Mats are designed for specific purposes to prevent slipping, tripping, fatigue relief and stress due to long hours of standing. Prevention of workplace accidents and improved productivity due to reduction of fatigue is our objective.
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Anti - fatigue Mat with beveled edges Arpi Comfort Link i Applications Available Colours □□□□Li □□□□□ □□□□□ Product Features: Manufactured using different Nitrile formulations to withstand oily and greasy surfaces 25% Nitrile - Mild contact with oils 75% Nitrile - Intermittent contact with oils 100% Nitrile - Continuous contact with oils Suitable for moderate temperature environments Interlocking modules or single mats are available
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Available sizes & other information Item Code Dark grey Terra cotta 25% Nitrile Blend with Natural Rubber 25% Nitrile Blend with Natural Rubber Dark grey 25% Nitrile Blend with Natural Rubber Terra cotta Rubber Black Dark grey Terra Cotta 25% Nitrile Blend with Natural Rubber 25% Nitrile Blend with Natural Rubber Dark grey 25% Nitrile Blend with Natural Rubber Terra Cotta Dark grey Terra Cotta 25% Nitrile Blend with Natural Rubber 25% Nitrile Blend with Natural Rubber Dark grey
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Applications Available Colours Features i GP HI 4 Product Features: • Manufactured using different Nitrile formulations to withstand oily and greasy surfaces 25% Nitrile - Mild contact with oils 75% Nitrile - Intermittent contact with oils 7 00%) Nitrile - Continuous contact with oils • Suitable for moderate temperature environments • Ergonomically designed to reduce fatigue and stress at the work stations • Interlocking mats for passages/single mats for work stations are available
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Available sizes & other information
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Anti Fatigue Solid Top Single Mat with beveled edges Applications Available Colours Product Features: Manufactured using different Nitrile formulations to withstand oily and greasy surfaces 25% Nitrile - Mild contact with oils 75% Nitrile - Intermittent contact with oils 7 00%) Nitrile - Continuous contact with oils Suitable for moderate temperature environments Mats available with yellow bevelled edges for better visibility Softer version also available on reguest
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Available sizes & other information Bubble Mat Anti Fatigue Solid Top Single Mat with beveled edges
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Applications O ® ®Available Colours Dark Grey Features Product Name Product Features: Manufactured using different Nitrile formulations to withstand oily and greasy surfaces. - 25% Nitrile - Mild contact with oils - 75% Nitrile - Intermittent contact with oils - 7 00%) Nitrile - Continuous contact with oils Ergonomically designed to reduce fatigue and stress at the workstations The high resilient rubber improves anti-fatigue reduces stress providing optimal comfort Length wise & width wise matting solutions Facilitates easy installation & removal Light weight for easy handing & Cleaning ft
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Applications ® © @ Product Name Manufactured using different Nitrile formulations to withstand oily and greasy surfaces 25% Nitrile - Mild contact with oils 75% Nitrile - Intermittent contact with oils 7 00%) Nitrile - Continuous contact with oils Solid top mat provides a very comfortable anti-fatigue flooring Ergonomically designed to reduce fatigue and stress at the workstation Individual mats can be moved and replaced with ease Optional bevelled edging in yellow for better visibility - f4
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Available sizes & other information
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Available Colours Product Features: • Cushioned texture for comfort and fatigue relief • Nitrile mats are machine washable • Built in bevelled edges for safety • Anti-slip design on wet surfaces
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Product Name Feet Centimeters Arpi Scrape Product Features: • Suitable for heavy duty industrial uses • Provides slip-resistant and fatigue relief • Raised circular surface gives excellent underfoot grip • A comparable insulated alternative to cold hard floors
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Available sizes & other information Item Code Tera cotta 25% Nitrile Blend with Natural Rubber 75% Nitrile Blend with Natural Rubber 25% Nitrile Blend with Natural Rubber Tera cotta 75% Nitrile Blend with Natural Rubber Tera cotta Tera cotta 25% Nitrile Blend with Natural Rubber 75% Nitrile Blend with Natural Rubber 25% Nitrile Blend with Natural Rubber Tera cotta 75% Nitrile Blend with Natural Rubber Tera cotta Tera cotta 25% Nitrile Blend with Natural Rubber 75% Nitrile Blend with Natural Rubber 25% Nitrile Blend with Natural Rubber Tera cotta 75% Nitrile Blend with Natural Rubber Tera...
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Open Bottom Single Arpi Hive t Features © # ■ ^ GP 1 ■ | I ■ t Product Name Product Features: Manufactured using different Nitrile formulations to withstand oily and greasy surfaces 25% Nitrile - Mild contact with oils 75% Nitrile - Intermittent contact with oils 7 00%) Nitrile - Continuous contact with oils Honeycomb Design adds Anti-Slip Surface Provides product strength Light to Medium Applications Anti-Slip Surface Provides Safe Footing Excellent Drainage
Abrir o catálogo na página 16Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos Richard Peiris Exports Plc
Sports & Leisure Mats
6 Páginas
Agricultural Mats
8 Páginas
3 Páginas
MATS & FLOORING - Full Catalog
56 Páginas
5 Páginas
Catálogos arquivados
13 Páginas