Excertos do catálogo
Brake -C Chek > Brake F Fluid T Tester:Easy -t to -u use, a accurate t tool t tests b boiling p pointAnd w water c content o of b brake f fluids . . > The Reichert Brake-Chek Brake Fluid Tester is aprecision optical instrument that is an easy-to-use, accurate, cost-effective tool for determining boil- ing point and water content of DOT3 and DOT4 brake fluids. With just a couple drops of fluid placed on the sample window, the instrument pro- vides an instant reading. The Brake-Chek is portable with no power cords. KEY FEATURES Ε Quick and easy to use Temperature compensated to work in any environment Օ Requires only one or two drops of fluid from the wheel master cylinder or master cylinder Easy-to-read scale shows boiling point and % water content BRAKE-CHEK BRAKE FLUID TESTERS Օ The test requires no heating of the sample so no dangerous chemicals are inhaled by the operator Catalog NumberDescription13759600BC3 is designed to test DOT3 and Racing DOT3 fluids in degrees fahrenheit137596C0BC3C is designed to test DOT3 and Racing DOT3 fluids in degrees celcius13759510BC4 is designed for DOT4 and Super DOT4 fluids -- for US use only.13759800BC4 is designed for DOT4 and Super DOT4 fluids -- for international use (Not for use in US). 10X focusable eyepiece for easy viewing Օ No messy cleanup Analytical Instruments Reichert, I Inc. , 3362 Walden Avenue, Depew, NY 14043Tel: (716) 686-4500 -- Fax: (716) 686-4555 e-mail: ai@reichert.com -- www.reichertai.com size="-4">
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