6" submerged electropumps
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6" submerged electropumps - 1

Elettropompe sommerse 6” 6” Submerged electropumps Électropompes immergées 6” TIPO: Pompe sommerse centrifughe multistadio, per pozzi da 6”, particolarmente adatte per impianti di sollevamento e distribuzione che richiedono pressioni e portate molto elevate. UTILIZZO CONSIGLIATO: Impianti idrici, per usi domestici ed industriali, in servizio continuo o intermittente. Impianti di pressurizzazione. Impianti di irrigazione. CARATTERISTICHE COSTRUTTIVE: Flangia di accoppiamento al motore e corpo di mandata in ottone (OT 58). Valvola di ritegno incorporata (per tutti i modelli) e facilmente removibile. Giranti e diffusori in Noryl, corpo diffusore in acciaio inox (AISI 304). Camicia, albero pompa, giunto, coprifilo, griglia di aspirazione e viterie realizzati in acciaio inox. Flangia di accoppiamento al motore predisposta secondo le normative NEMA TYPE: Submersible multistage centrifugal pumps for 6” wells, particularly suitable for water rising and distribution installations requiring very high pressures and flow rates. SUGGESTED APPLICATIONS: Water plants and systems for residential and industrial use, for continuous or intermittent duty operation. Pressurizing system. Irrigation plants. CONSTRUCTION FEATURES: Motor coupling flange and discharge head are made from brass (OT 58). Incorporated easily removable non-return check valve for all pump types . Impellers and diffusers in Noryl, diffusers body in stainless steel (AISI 304). Shell, pump shaft, coupling, cable shield, suction screen and all screws are in stainless steel. Motor coupling flanges are made according to NEMA standards TYPOLOGIE: Pompes immergées centrifuges multietagées pour puits de 6”, conçues particulierèment pour installations d’élévation et de distribution requierant de très grandes pressions et débits. USAGE CONSEILLÉ: Installations et systèmes pour utilisation domestique et industrielle, en service intermittent ou continu. Systèmes de pressurisation. Stations d’irrigation. CARACTERISTIQUES DE CONSTRUCTION: Bride d’accouplement au moteur et pièce de refoulement en laiton (OT 58). Pour tous les types, clapet anti retour incorporé, facilement extractible. Turbines et diffuseurs en Noryl, corps des diffuseurs en inox (AISI 304). Chemise, arbre, accouplement, protège câble, crépine d’aspiration et boulons sont en acier inox. Bride d’accouplement au moteur est exécutée selon normes NEMA

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6" submerged electropumps - 2

Elettropompe sommerse Electric submersible pumps Électropompes immergées 6” (150 mm) Prevalenza manometrica totale Total manometric head Hauter manométrique totale 350 300 250 Corpo Pompa Pump Body Corps de Pompe Motore Motor Moteur Motore - Motor - Moteur (2900 rpm) Dimensioni e pesi - Dimensions and weights - Dimensions et poids Corpo pompa - Pump Body- Corps de Pompe Motore - Motor - Moteur Tipo - Type Tipo - Type Q = Portata - Capacity - Debit l/min

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6" submerged electropumps - 3

Elettropompe sommerse Electric submersible pumps Électropompes immergées 6” (150 mm) Prevalenza manometrica totale Total manometric head Hauter manométrique totale Portata Corpo Pompa Pump Body Corps de Pompe Motore Motor Moteur Motore - Motor - Moteur (2900 rpm) Dimensioni e pesi - Dimensions and weights - Dimensions et poids Corpo pompa - Pump Body - Corps de Pompe Motore - Motor - Moteur Tipo - Type Tipo - Type Q = Portata - Capacity - Debit l/min

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6" submerged electropumps - 4

Elettropompe sommerse Electric submersible pumps Électropompes immergées 6” (150 mm) % Prevalenza manometrica totale Total manometric head Hauter manométrique totale Corpo Pompa Pump Body Corps de Pompe 50 Motore Motor Moteur Motore - Motor - Moteur (2900 rpm) Dimensioni e pesi - Dimensions and weights - Dimensions et poids Corpo pompa - Pump Body- Corps de Pompe Motore - Motor - Moteur Tipo - Type Q = Portata - Capacity - Debit l/min Tipo - Type

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6" submerged electropumps - 5

Elettropompe sommerse Electric submersible pumps Électropompes immergées 6” (150 mm) Prevalenza manometrica totale Total manometric head Hauter manométrique totale 300 250 Corpo Pompa Pump Body Corps de Pompe 50 Motore Motor Moteur Motore - Motor - Moteur (2900 rpm) Dimensioni e pesi - Dimensions and weights - Dimensions et poids Corpo pompa - Pump Body - Corps de Pompe Motore - Motor - Moteur Tipo - Type Tipo - Type Q = Portata - Capacity - Debit

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6" submerged electropumps - 6

Elettropompe sommerse Electric submersible pumps Électropompes immergées 6” (150 mm) Prevalenza manometrica totale Total manometric head Hauter manométrique totale Corpo Pompa Pump Body Corps de Pompe Motore Motor Moteur Motore - Motor - Moteur (2900 rpm) Dimensioni e pesi - Dimensions and weights - Dimensions et poids Corpo pompa - Pump Body Corps de Pompe Motore - Motor - Moteur Tipo - Type Q = Portata - Capacity - Debit Tipo - Type

Abrir o catálogo na página 6
6" submerged electropumps - 7

Elettropompe sommerse Electric submersible pumps Électropompes immergées 6” (150 mm) Prevalenza manometrica totale Total manometric head Hauter manométrique totale Corpo Pompa Pump Body Corps de Pompe 50 Motore Motor Moteur Motore - Motor - Moteur Tipo - Type Tipo - Type Motore - Motor - Moteur (2900 rpm) Dimensioni e pesi - Dimensions and weights - Dimensions et poids Corpo pompa - Pump Body - Corps de Pompe Q = Portata - Capacity - Debit l/min

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