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034782 - 1

ORACLE DATA SHEET SUN STORAGE 6780 ARRAY KEY FEATU FHE POWER TO DELIVtH ' 73GB SolW Stale DrsK drtves defiver 80x performance improvecncnt ovcr 16K FC M DD wtth tower power & spacc requifements Data encrypoon services deicver opvemrnenl-oradc, cosl effedrve data protection tnroughout (rie ilecycle oi t>e drive. Addibonal cache memory optons delrver ncreased cache hrt rates and enhancement (o performance t*nen cacne mirronrvj Next GenefaDon B Gb/s FC interlaces provide oacfcward and forwat d invretmeot protection and tiellver hgher performance at a lower cosl ' 600GB MFC& 2TB / ?K SATA orrves provkJe more capaoty ftan ciment rc and SATAfrwes Oracle 's Sun Storage 6780 Array is an enterprise-class modutar storage System that provides a winning combination of best performance, best price/performance, enterprise-class availability, and scalability for customers who need to support business-critical enterprise applications and expect best-in-ciass investment protection, Tlie Systems inciude a r隷ch set of data management features and data senices at no extra costr dramatically improving data center conomies. With its relentless data density, performance, and seventh-generation architecture, the Sun Storage 6780 Array provides the highest reliability and avaitability in its class. KEYBENEF 1 Common expansion moWes provide seamless pay as yxxj gtow scataotlity as rcquircmcnts tnange ' Persistent cadw bachup ensures any data in cache rs capture*] permanenUy m the event of a power outage ■ Sun SI or ge Common Array Manager software triai provides a browser-based. appiicarjorvodented management console * Application IJexMty颗 databasc (Oracle fata&as&WySQl). vrtuaMzation (VMwarettVM). r>mail (Microsoft Fxchange/Java Messenger Server) E Tne Sun Storage 6780 Array aflows compares to cost-efTecttvery manage and protect data. Scalability Without Sacrifice The Sun Storage 6780 Array*s advaneed architecture cnablcs multidimcnstonal, linear scalability in IOPs. bandwidth, and capacity* so data ceuters can scale their enterprisc* databasc, virtualization* and c-mail applications in any dimension without having to sacrifice fea turcs, functjons, data protection, or cost-cffcctiveness. Sun ORACL懲

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034782 - 2

ORACLE DATA SHEET Improve Productivity and Drive Top-Line Growth The Sun Storagc 6780 Array allows organizations to cost-cffcctivcly manage and protect data. Cust omets achieve higher productivity through improved consolidation and power cflcicncics. additional cooling and rack spacc, and higher revenue and ROI on their initial storagc investments. Kurthcrniorc, Sun Storagc Comnion Array Manager software provides cntcrprisc-class management tools and a robust suite of data services, dranialically improving data center conomies. Oeploy with Confidence The Sun Storagc 6780 Array is the newest...

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034782 - 3

ORACLE DATA SHEET Volume Upto 2.048 Global hot spares ■ Unlimited Maximum array capacity * 896 TB Disk Drives Fonn fat" (or 3.5 m. low-profilt! ծti!i-iT;*iv l>ual-port Fibre Chaunel Supported Drives / System per Tray Capacity (Raw, Unformatted) Fibn* Channe) drives 300GB 15,000 ipm 4Gbps. 4 800GB per tray (3 RU) 600GB 15,000 rpm. 40bps, 9,600GB per tray (3RU): FDE Capable SA1A II drives 1TB. 7,200 rpm, 3Gbps, 16,000GB per tray (3 RU) 2TB. 7.200 rpm. 3Gbps. 32.000GB per tray (3 RU) Sobd State drives ' 73GB FC, 1,168GB per tray (3RU) Supported Software LegatoNetWorker7J ' SunChister 3 0, 3 1...

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034782 - 4

ORACLE DATA SHEET Dimensions Hetghl « Wkflh - Oepth Controller module " 6 87 m x 17 S m x 24 m ■ (17.45 cm x 44,45 cm * 60 96 cm) Expansion module 5 I m * 17 6 in * 22 5 in Օ (12,95 cm x4470 cm x 57 15 cm) Rack (SunRackn) * 60 m x 1,200 m Maximum Weigh! Controller module ■81.1 Ib (36 8 kg) Expansion module 95 Ib (43 kg) * Dթpends on the number and types of dnves installed Cabinet ■ 420 ib AC Power Controller unit 2.65A maximum operating @ 240 VAC (180 VAC to 264 VAC. 50/60 Hz) Օ 553Amaxununioneradng@115VAC(90VACto 136 VAC. 50 60 Hz) Expansion tray 1 97A maximum operanng g 240 VAC (180...

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034782 - 5

ORACLE DATA SHEET Warranty The Sun Storage 6780 array cornes wilh a onc-year warranty. Visil hirp://www.oraclcxom^goto/sua'waiTaDtyfor more informai ion about Oracle's hardware warranty. Support Wih Oracle Prenuer Support, our customers gel complte, integrated support to maximize the rcturn on their Oracle tnvestmentfrom software updates and opcrational best practiecs to proactive support tools and rapid problem resolution. For more information visit http://w^\^.OTMlc.corn/support Contact Us For more information about Oracle *s Sun Storage 6780 Array. plcasc visit oraclc.cWstorage or call...

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Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos Oracle

  1. Oracle Analytics

    4 Páginas


    5 Páginas

  3. Oracle Solaris 11

    3 Páginas

  4. osb

    2 Páginas

  5. MySQL

    4 Páginas


    5 Páginas

  7. pillar-axiom-600

    6 Páginas

  8. 036083

    4 Páginas

  9. DB

    2 Páginas

  10. erp-cloud

    7 Páginas

  11. netra-blade-x3-2b

    4 Páginas

  12. sparc-t4-4

    4 Páginas

  13. dynamic-tracing

    2 Páginas

  14. solaris-zfs

    3 Páginas

  15. solaris-10

    5 Páginas

  16. Oracle WebCenter

    8 Páginas

  17. Sun Server X2-8

    5 Páginas

  18. Sun Server X2-4

    5 Páginas

  19. Sun Server X3-2L

    5 Páginas

  20. Sun Server X3-2

    5 Páginas

  21. sun-fire-x2270-

    4 Páginas

  22. servers-storage

    19 Páginas

  23. hardware-brochure

    8 Páginas

  24. berkeley-db-xml

    2 Páginas

  25. berkeley-db

    2 Páginas

  26. berkeley-db

    2 Páginas

  27. exadata

    2 Páginas

  28. database-firewall

    2 Páginas

  29. advanced-security

    2 Páginas

  30. big-data

    16 Páginas

  31. application-server

    18 Páginas

  32. em12c-executive

    2 Páginas

  33. dms-11g

    4 Páginas

  34. oracle_DATA.pdf

    22 Páginas

Catálogos arquivados

  1. Sun Blade 6000

    5 Páginas