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Packaging machines for your food products
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Only experts master future technologies Challenges? That´s what we like. Innovative packaging machines demand a high level of specialization. Optima meets this requirement with innovative concepts for the development and manufacture of branch-oriented systems in its four areas of Consumer, Nonwovens, Pharma and Single Serve Day after day, unimaginable quantities of food, cosmetics and chemical products are dosed, filled and packed. Many of them with machines from Optima Consumer and this for several reasons: machine flexibility, high output rates, product protection and process assurance...
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For classic food products and innovations Instant products Soups & Sauces / Spices - dry Soups & Sauces / Spices - liquid Single Serve – capsules and pods Secondary packaging Functional Closures Service Lifecycle Your contact partner An overview of OPTIMA consumer Addresses worldwide
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For classic food products and innovations From large packs to portion packs Packaging technologies for foods Optima Consumer is your partner for packaging foods of varying regarded as extremely reliable, precise and with high output rates. consistencies: from thin liquids to pastes and for powders, granu- Whether semi-automatic single machines, fully automatic mono- latesand chunky foods. Optima packaging technologies are based block machines or complete turnkey lines, Optima has the solu- on decades of experience and are convincing again and again tions especially tailored to meet your...
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The best solution for every requirement
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Instant products Figure shows an example: OPTIMA MMK-FS This is what matters ► Calibratable weight controls ► Explosion-protected machine execution ► Dosing with highest accuracy
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Instant products ► Air rinsing, evacuation, turning and sterilizing ► Careful filling of product with cup dosing system or auger dosing machines ► Dust-free filling process ► Vibrating stations increase product density and output ► Volume adjustment via weighing system ► Dosing with highest accuracy ► Screwing, press-on, position orientation, crimping ► Sealing: Inductive, ultrasonic, thermal ► Adjustable speed and torque ► Closure inspection with rejection ► Automatic change of product ► Simple and quickformat changes ► Central controls of the technical units ► Interface to a higher-level...
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Soups & Sauces Figure shows an example: OPTIMA MFL This is what matters ff Hygienic design concept ff Highest portioning accuracy through customized dosing and weighing technology ff Tool-less and quick format changes ff Calibratable tare/gross weighing system ff Efficient product compression over several stations
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Soups & Sauces for dry powdered soups, sauces & spices ► Air rinsing, evacuation, turning and sterilizing ► Careful filling of product with cup dosing system or auger dosing machines ► High filling accuracy ► Dust-free filling process ► Vibrating stations increase product density and output ► Processing of mixed products ► Screw capping, press-on, position orientation, crimping ► Sealing: Inductive, ultrasonic, thermal ► Adjustable speed and torque ► Closure inspection with rejection ► Closures processing from the stack or as bulk goods ► 100 % tare/gross weighing system (calibratable) ►...
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Soups & Sauces Figure shows an example: OPTIMA SHF This is what matters ff Toolless and quick format changes ff CIP / SIP fully automatic cleaning ff Chunky ingredients in liquid ff Inductive without pressure vessel ff Multi-component filling
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Soups & Sauces for liquids and pasty ffSauces & spreads (sweet and savory) ffSoups & spices Cleaning of containers ff Sterilizing and air rinsing Dosing ff Coriolis mass flow meters (MDM) ff Magnetic-inductive flow meters (IDF) ff Piston pump ff Gravimetric system ff Volumetric system Filling ff Low-germ under laminar flow ff Hot filling, double-jacket execution ff With chunky parts ff High filling accuracy ff Multi-component filling Closing ff Screw capping, pressing-on, position orientation ff Sealing: Inductive, ultrasonic, thermal ff Adjustable speed and torque ff Closure inspection...
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Figure shows an example: OPTIMA OF-OV This is what matters ► Processing of non-freestanding containers ► CIP /SIP fully automatic cleaning ► Short format changeover times due to carrier systems ► Minimized energy consumption
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► Coriolis mass flow meters (MDM) ► Magnetic-inductive flow meters (IDF) ► Low-germ under laminar flow ► Hot filling, double wall model ► Screw capping, press-on, position orientation ► Sealing: Inductive, ultrasonic, thermal ► Adjustable speed and torque ► Inspection stations with rejection ► Easy format change Further processes ► Container feeding and/or sorting ► Filling module completely changeable - Quick change of product - Avoidance of cross contamination ► Low-germ processes under laminar flow ► Explosion-protected machine execution possible ► Data exchange with customer's master...
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Single Serve – capsules and pods Figure shows an example: OPTIMA CFL This is what matters ff Modular system ff Integrated controls / components ff Only one operator panel for all functional modules ff Functional modules can be moved on a patented track system ff Multi-lane and intermittently working model ff Servo-driven dosing technology ff Individual lanes can be switched off ff Integrated weighing technology
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Single Serve - capsules and pods Portion packs - quickly produced and with high pressure Since their introduction, portion packs for coffee, tea and other packaging can be taken into account individually by the modular food items are ever more in demand. Optima offers filling and pa- construction. ckaging machines specially designed for the rational and flexible The quality of the product has first priority. With the integrated manufacture of small packaging sizes. combination of dosing and weighing technology, high output ra- The special features of the various coffee types and their...
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Secondary packaging for capsules and pads Module: Bag forming, filling, and sealing machine ff For packaging a number of stacked pads into bags of different execution. Processes ff Gassing of filled magazines ff Corner sealing ff Forming of the tubular bag (VFFS) ff Inserting the product stack into the bag ff Gassing the product stack and the bag ff Flat bag bottoms ff Sealing the bag ff Printing ff Re-closing ff Final check weigher Module: Four-side seal pouch device ff Capsules and pads are individually packaged with the single pouch module. In this way they are aroma protected and can be...
Abrir o catálogo na página 16Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos OPTIMA packaging group GmbH
Excellence in Packaging
19 Páginas