Nanopositioning Solutions
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Nanopositioning Solutions - 2

Nanopositioning Solutions The effects of human operation limit the precision of many optical adjustments. In theory, it is possible to achieve adequate adjustment sensitivity with very fine mechanics. However, in practice, the lateral forces applied to a component during an adjustment often have an excessive effect, making alignments lengthy and frustrating. Also, many optical experiments are extremely sensitive to environmental factors and provide consistent results only when well shielded against external influences. Our nanopositioner solutions are ideal devices for providing exceptional...

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Nanopositioning Solutions - 3

Table of Contents PicomotorsTM • Exceptional precision • Vacuum and Closed-Loop compatibility • Integrated stage solutions • Set-and-forget stability with virtually no backlash • Highly precise and repeatable incremental motion steps • Innovative miniature encoder technology – CONEX AGILIS • Robust design for uninterrupted use and long life • Ultra-compact — ideal for system integration • High reliability operation NANOPZ • Fast speed and high load capacity • Non-rotating tip • No loss of position with removal of power; ideal for set-and-forget applications Piezo Stack • Precision...

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Nanopositioning Solutions - 4

Simply Better™ Precision Motion Control Easy-to-use, flexible controllers and drivers When you need fine control of your laser alignment, linear stages, rotary stages, etc., New Focus™ has an innovative, reliable solution for you. Here we outline several reasons why our Picomotor™ actuators and motorized stages and mounts are optimum products. BEAM STABILIZATION Our Picomotor controller and drivers are modular. You can daisy-chain up to 31 drivers together with four channels each, so you can have a network of up to 124 standard Picomotor actuators or up to 62 Closed-Loop Picomotor actuators...

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Nanopositioning Solutions - 5

Picomotor™ Selection Guide Travel Range or Number of Motors Minimum Incremental Motion Picomotor Actuators Tiny Picomotor Actuators Vacuum and UHV-compatible Picomotor Actuators Vacuum-Compatible Tiny Picomotor Actuators Closed-Loop Picomotor Actuators Vacuum-Compatible ClosedLoop Picomotor Actuators Optical Mounts Large Aperture Mounts Pint Sized Mounts UHV Pint-Sized Center Mount Stability Mounts Vacuum Stability Mounts Motorized Flipper Mount OPTICAL MOUNTS STAGES Optical Mounts CONTROLLERS AND DRIVERS BEAM STABILIZATION

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Nanopositioning Solutions - 6

Travel Range or Number of Motors Minimum Incremental Motion Rotary Stages Closed-Loop Rotary Stages Kinematic Stages Fiber Positioner Gothic-Arch-Bearing Solutions Compact Gothic-ArchBearing Integrated MotionControl Solutions Crossed-Roller-Bearing Integrated Motion-Control Solutions Triple-Divide Integrated Motion-Control Solutions Encoded Translation Stages Open-Loop Controller/Driver Closed-Loop Controller/Driver PCB-Mountable Driver GuideStar II Camera Sensor BEAM STABILIZATION OPTICAL MOUNTS Beam Stabilization

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Nanopositioning Solutions - 7

Picomotor™ Actuators • < 30 nm resolution in a compact design • Set-and-forget long-term stability • Lifetimes of 1,000,000,000 steps • Vacuum and Ultrahigh-Vacuum From left to right: Models 8353, 8341, 8301, 8302, and 8303. OPTICAL MOUNTS Picomotor actuators are ideal for motorizing fine-positioning stages and mounts. Use them with our stages and mounts or your own custom devices. They have better than 30-nm resolution with minimal backlash, and can exert a 5-lb (22-N) force. Moreover, they have exceptional longterm stability and the ability to hold their position with no power applied....

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Nanopositioning Solutions - 8

Tiny Picomotor™ Actuators •Ultra compact design •Set-and-forget long-term stability Our Tiny Picomotor actuator is a smaller-sized version of our standard Picomotor actuators. We have improved the design so that it will meet even more of your compact-area needs. The Tiny Picomotor actuator is ideal for moving small linear stages, like our Compact Gothic-Arch-Bearing stage. It is also integrated with some of our Pint-Sized mounts. The overall footprint is even smaller now; the cable exits from the side, similarly to our standard Picomotor actuators. For such a small device, it has an...

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Nanopositioning Solutions - 9

• UHV version compatible to 10–9 Torr; vacuum version compatible to 10-6 Torr Vacuum and Ultra-High Vacuum Picomotor™ Actuators • 1/2", 1", and 2" travel ranges • Set-and-forget long-term stability • Teflon or Kapton wires available From left to right: Models 8302-UHV, 8321-UHV, 8301-UHV, and 8341-UHV We’ve improved the specifications of our popular Picomotor actuators so that they can be used in either vacuum (10-6 Torr) or UHV (10–9 Torr) environments as well as for VUV/EUV applications. Ideal for beam-steering and scientific vacuum motion-control applications, these Picomotor actuators...

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Nanopositioning Solutions - 10

Closed-Loop Picomotor™ Actuator • Built in rotary encoder for Closed-Loop operation • All the benefits of our traditional Picomotor actuators • Compact packaging enabling integration into our translation stages and most optical mounts The Model 8310 closed-loop Picomotor actuator and Model 8743-CL Closed-Loop Picomotor driver are ideal for applications where Closed-Loop control is required. With an integrated rotary encoder and forward and reverse limit switches, this unique device offers the best attributes of the standard Picomotor actuator—<30-nm resolution, >5 lbs (22 N) of force along...

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Nanopositioning Solutions - 11

• All the benefits of our traditional Picomotor actuators Closed-Loop Vacuum Picomotor™ Actuator • Completely compatible with our Picomotor Controller/Drivers OPTICAL MOUNTS This vacuum compatible Model 8310-V Closed-Loop Picomotor actuator is ideal for applications where Closed-Loop control is required in a clean environment. Just like the Model 8310 Closed-Loop Picomotor actuator, Model 8310-V offers an integrated rotary encoder and home, forward, and reverse limit switches. It combines the best attributes of our vacuumcompatible Picomotor actuator—<30-nm resolution, >5 lbs (22 N) of force...

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Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos MICRO-CONTROLE / Spectra-Physics

  1. SA2_90028936F

    1 Páginas

  2. 10BPF10-370_ROHS

    1 Páginas

  3. 10BPF10-320_ROHS

    1 Páginas

  4. 10BPF10-310

    1 Páginas

  5. M-401

    1 Páginas

  6. newport ressource

    1640 Páginas

  7. Motion PL30

    24 Páginas

  8. CONEX-AG-LS25-27P

    2 Páginas

  9. Nanopositioners

    40 Páginas

  10. Beamsplitters

    34 Páginas

  11. Optrical mirror

    33 Páginas

  12. I-V Test Station

    2 Páginas

  13. Motion System

    2 Páginas

  14. Xenon Flashlamps

    2 Páginas

  15. Iris Diaphragms

    1 Páginas

  16. Mounting Bridles

    1 Páginas

  17. Slotted Bases

    2 Páginas

  18. Rotation Adaptor

    1 Páginas

  19. Magnetic Bases

    2 Páginas

  20. Kinematic Bases

    2 Páginas

  21. Base Clamps

    1 Páginas

  22. Rod Platforms

    1 Páginas

  23. Rod Clamps

    1 Páginas

  24. Dual Rod Systems

    1 Páginas

  25. Filter Holders

    1 Páginas

  26. V-Blocks

    1 Páginas

  27. Kin-a-Flip Mount

    1 Páginas

  28. Beam Steerers

    1 Páginas

  29. Objective Lenses

    1 Páginas

  30. Infrared Lenses

    1 Páginas

  31. Laser Collimator

    1 Páginas

  32. UV Beam Viewer

    1 Páginas

  33. Sapphire Windows

    1 Páginas

  34. Parallel Windows

    1 Páginas

  35. Bandpass Filters

    4 Páginas

  36. HXP100 Hexapod

    2 Páginas

  37. Deuterium Lamps

    2 Páginas

  38. Ozone Blowers

    1 Páginas

  39. Blackbodies

    2 Páginas

  40. Alignment Laser

    1 Páginas

  41. Beam Dump

    1 Páginas

  42. Mode Scrambler

    1 Páginas

  43. Kevlar® Shears

    1 Páginas

  44. Infrared Fibers

    1 Páginas