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Grating - 4

[Eiffel Tower] n:Parisian landmark andtechnological masterpiece. Built between 1887 and 1889 for the Centennial Exposition of 1889.Named after its designer, noted bridgeengineer Gustave Eiffel. >

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Grating - 5

Along with the EgyptianPyramids, the Eiffel Tower in Parisis one of the most fascinatingbuilding constructions in history.Built for the Centennial Expositionof 1889 to commemorate theFrench Revolution, the actual erec-tion of the Tower which, at 300metres, was then the highest in theworld ֖ initially caused a storm of protest.Nowadays, nobody woulddream of not admiring this stun-ning monument built as the resultof Gustave Eiffels genius.If, however, Eiffel had notrecognised the advantages of steelas a building material Җ and if hehad not exploited those advanta-ges this eighth wonder of the...

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Grating - 6

[function] n:any of a group of related actions contributing to a larger action. > Meiser produced gratings form the substructure to the Plenary Hall in the German Parliament housed in the Reichstag, Berlin. The Porsche High Rack Warehouse in Salzburgis an excellent illustration of the advantage oftransparency: the crane driver can see frombelow to what extent the shelves are full. size="-1">

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Grating - 7

The functional advantagesof grating are much more versatilethan you may think. Starting with avery firm surface. Compared to theamount of material that goes intothem, gratings have an incredibly high statical quality.A further advantage is that grating constructions can beassembled easily and quickly and dismantled, too if, for whateverreason, you wished to re-open thearea used.Another advantage ֖ thetransparencyӔ perhaps takesgetting used to.If you combine gratingfloors with other kinds of covering, further advantages become clear. In the Plenary Hall of the (new) German Parliament in the...

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Grating - 9

7References 4675 1234567 > Walkway and sun shield construction made of louvre gratings Technical Museum BerlinWalkway and sun shield constructionElectrolyte oxidised aluminium and galvanised press locked gratings New building LVA Augsburg Walkway made of galvanised press lockedgratings VW WolfsburgHeavy duty vehicle ramp at SassnitzFerry TerminalPress locked grating used for amaintenance gangway and railingsat Frankfurt AirportStade of Toulouse Heavy duty vehicle ramp at SassnitzFerry Terminal size="-2">

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Grating - 10

[costs] n pl:the outlay or expenditure made to achieve an object. See cost efficient andcost reduction. > Take, for example, the building shown onthe left: a multilevel carpark at ZurichExhibition Centre. The same facade in glass(= transparent) or in concrete (= secure)would have meant four times the cost of thegrating construction. size="-1">

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Grating - 11

The CostAdvantage 9 > Lets talk about costs Җ or,as the economists would say, therequired cash input. Costs are usual-ly discussed in relation to theirbenefit. How much money must Iinvest and what will I get out of it? Is there a comparable alternative at more favourable conditions?One purely functional bene-fit is that of a very firm floor sur-face. To achieve the same staticalvalues with other materials or otherdesigns, you would have to investconsiderably more in the firstplace.Creative architects and civilengineers often arrive at surprisin-gly affordable solutions simply byusing the...

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Grating - 13

11References 1234567 > press locked gratingscarpark facade UlmFactory for printing machinesHeidelberg Shelf grating with notched T-shaped banding at the Porsche High Rack Warehouse in SalzburgPress locked grating used as parapetDesign element at Zurich Exhibition Centre multilevel carparkCurved grating at Hannover TradeFair multistorey carpark Trade Fair multistorey carpark HannoverFacade with yellow galvanised press lockedgratings Tanner Denkfabrik in Lindau 7 654 >

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Grating - 14

[aesthetics] pl:a branch ofphilosophy dealing with the nature of beauty, art and taste and with the creation andappreciation of beauty. > Observation grating and gangways for building maintenance purposes atDeutscher Herold in Bonn. size="-1">

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Grating - 15

The AestheticAdvantage 13 > In their time, Gustave Eiffelor Walter Gropius provided ampleproof that steel can be deployed in architecture to achieve interestingand unconventional solutions. Yetover the last few years, modernarchitecture seems to havedeveloped new creative impulsesof its own. If the 1960s and 1970swere moulded by a rather staid pseudo-modernism, the construc-tions of today with their interplayof material and form ֖ exude grea-ter stylistic confidence. Thus thePompidou Centre in Paris is nolonger dismissed as the weird andwonderful creation of an artist with an overheated...

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Grating - 17

15References Styleful sun shieldEuropeen Training Center, BitburgSun shield construction Press locked galvanised and coated gratings Meiser administration building, Oelsnitz Sun shield construction Press locked galvanised and coated gratings Meiser administration building, Oelsnitz Sun shield constructionAluminium full gratings Brose GmbH & Co. KG, Coburg Commerce Bank Frankfurt Walkway and sun shield construction madeof press locked aluminium gratings Mayr GmbH, Mauerstetten Sun shield constructionExhibition centre Leipzig Cover gratingsAluminium comb gratingsSSA Radisson Hotel KlnWalkway...

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Grating - 18

10 x 30 T T F F > 30 mm Mesh size Mesh size is largely determined bythe way the mesh is configured i.e. depending on the different spa- ces which the bearing bar (T) andthe cross bar (F) can take. In all ourtables on the following pages, thefirst value is that of the bearing bar space in mm and the second isthat of the cross bar space in mm.If you look at the diagram, wehavecontrasted a 30 x 10 with a 10 x 30mm mesh as an illustration. 30 x 10 > 10 mm 30 mm 10 mm Cross bars At right angles to the bearing bars,the cross bars connect the bearingbars with one another in that theyare pressed...

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Grating - 19

Is an angle welded on to the gra-ting on one or more sides. The span of the angle should be atleast bearing bar height. Notching Special notching on the bearing bars and banding bars in the areaof the rests Mesh width = clear distance (a) between the bea-ring bar and the cross bar Mesh spacing = measurement from axis to axis (b) for the bearing bars and cross bars Bottom support Cut-outs Banding strengthened and exten-ded upwards These are entire sections or obli-que sections removed from the grating. If the length of cut is smal-ler than 0.5 m, we refer to them assmallӔ cut-outs. Landing...

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Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos Meiser

  1. Profile Plankings

    2 Páginas

  2. Barrel hoops

    1 Páginas

  3. XMGR

    2 Páginas

  4. GRP floor systems

    2 Páginas

  5. MEISER Staircases

    62 Páginas


    40 Páginas

  7. HTS-Wooden-Beams

    20 Páginas

  8. Special Graitingse

    16 Páginas

  9. Strip coating

    2 Páginas

Catálogos arquivados

  1. Meiser Grating

    40 Páginas

  2. MEISER Grating GRP

    132 Páginas

  3. Stairway

    40 Páginas