Excertos do catálogo
Rotary Flow Meter flow meter and switch with right-angle flow Very low flow sensitivity State-of-the-art electronics - high reliability Adjustable flow switch - built in Small foot print All-PTFE models available (except sapphire Tangential turbine flow meters continue to be the most common way to measure flow electronically in a wide range of industries. Enhancements to tangential turbine flow meter systems are producing a flow-sensing device that is smaller, easier to install, and more accurate than ever before. Malema manufactures a line of Tangential Turbine (also called Paddle Wheel) Flow meters that utilize sophisticated circuitry to foster signal conditioning. Sample lines Chemical injection Semiconductor tools ELEC- HOUSING Model with 1/4" ports. rotary wheel varies linearly with the average velocity of the fluid flowing through the flow meter. A square wave pulse is generated by a Hall Effect from magnets rotor wheel. Depending on relayed directly, converted to a 0-10 VDC (voltage) output or a 4-20 mA (current) output. The voltage and current models are span-adjustable over the flow range of the unit. Custom Versions Available Malema welcomes the opportunity to apply its flow sensor experience to work for its customers. Please contact the factory for any special requirements; such as ports, extreme temperature Calibration Range Accuracy: 5% Full Scale Material Versions Other materials available on request. Port Sizes malema flow sensors
Abrir o catálogo na página 1Linearizers are electronic devices that improve the linearity of the output signal of turbine flow meters. The output frequency is essentially a straight-line frequency as a function of flow rate which does not pass through zero. Left uncorrected, this will result in a K-factor which varies with the flow rate. Simple, low-cost linearizers will compensate and correct for the frequency offset characteristics. These linearizers use a method of offset frequency injection to compensate the frequency characteristics. Offset frequency injection is implemented electronically by adding a signal...
Abrir o catálogo na página 2Rotary Flow Meter The standard M-l 0001 unit must be installed horizontally with the axis of the rotor perpendicular to the ground (axis facing the sky).. If necessary the flow meter is easily disassembled and cleaned. For detailed directions, please refer to our "Installation and Maintenance" sheet. Standard Component Materials * Special Material Notes: ■ The M-l 0001 is available with special flare-fittings, please contact factory ■ Shaft: Sapphire shaft is available for acid applications ■ Window: Any of the materials are available ■ O-Ring: Polyimide, Buna, and other elastomers are...
Abrir o catálogo na página 3M-10001 Series Electrical Specifications Vol ta ge Ve r si on Cu r r e nt Ve r si on 24 VDC + 10% Pu l se Tr a i n Powe r Su ppl y 12 to 24 VDC + 10% 3. 8 VDC to 24 VDC Cu r r e nt Dr a w 50 mA ma xi mu m Te mpe r a tu r e Ra nge Al l e l e c tr i c a l c ompone nts a r e Exte nd e d Ind u str i a l Ra nge Compone nts r a te d fr om -400 to 850 C (-40o to 185o F ) 2 Be l d e n Ca bl e s (2-wi r e a nd 5-wi r e c a bl e s) Vol ta ge Ve r si on Re d : 12 to 24 VDC Bl a c k: gr ou nd 5-wi r e c a bl e Gr e e n: nor ma l l y ope n Br own: nor ma l l y c l ose d W hi te : r e l a y c ommon Re d...
Abrir o catálogo na página 4Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos Malema
control valve brochure
12 Páginas
6 Páginas
oval gear flow meters
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MTHF Series Thermal Mass Flowmeter
1 Páginas
M-100 Series Flow Switch
4 Páginas
M-80 Series flow switches
3 Páginas
FLOMID FX series
12 Páginas
FLOMAT series flow meter
8 Páginas
M-64 Fixed Set point Flow Switch
3 Páginas
M-60 Fixed Set point Flow Switch
4 Páginas
DP65/DP500 series target flow meters
8 Páginas
LU90 Displacement level indicator
1 Páginas
Covol Oscillating Piston Flow Meters
12 Páginas
M-50X Fixed Set point Flow Switch
5 Páginas
M-XF Safety Excess Flow Valves
4 Páginas
M-50/55 flow switches
4 Páginas
1 Páginas
M-10000 Paddlewheel
6 Páginas
Catálogos arquivados
Float type level switch
2 Páginas
Mini Universal Converter
3 Páginas
Digital Display
3 Páginas
MUW-Mini Ultrasonic Level Monitor
4 Páginas
PTFE Pressure Relief Valves
2 Páginas
Clamp-On Ultrasonic Flowmeter
4 Páginas
Products offering
3 Páginas