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Product catalogue | Catalogo prodotti We transform metals to boost their intrinsic, stellar qualities and let them shine again Trasformiamo i metalli per esaltare le loro intrinseche caratteristiche stellar e farli nuovamente brillare

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INDEX | INDICE Legor Group has always been renowned worldwide for its core business: master alloys for the jewellery industry. Today it proposes the widest range of compositions and dedicated solutions available on the market, for the transformation of metals from raw materials to finished products. Legor Group e da sempre conosciuta nel mondo per il suo core business: le leghe madri per i settori della gioielleria e del fashion. Oggi propone la piu vasta gamma sul mercato di composizioni disponibili e soluzioni dedicate, per la trasformazione del metallo da materia prima a prodotto finito....

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GOLD line GOLD ALLOYS • LEGHE ORO Gold is the most desirable of metals It is also the best known among precious metals, thanks to its unique characteristics of colour, ductility and rarity. Manufacturing a gold jewel poses today a large amount of challenges, from compliance with international standards, to weight reduction, to the need for improved workability or better scraps re-usability, to high tarnish resistance in lower titles. Legor master alloys for gold are available for all the titles and all the production processes applicable on the market. They are a range of products...

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YELLOW GOLD - ORO GIALLO • 750% Code Codice Main formulation Formulazione base Main features Caratteristiche principal Colour shade Sfumatura colore Code Codice Main formulation Formulazione base Main features Caratteristiche principal Colour shade Sfumatura colore Hardness Durezza AC/AH "SCA4 • Intense colour • Casting with stones • High fluidity and reusability • Colore intenso • Microfusione con pietre • Alta fluidita e riutilizzabilita ••• • High silver content leads to rich colour • Massive and hollow mechanical working • Colore intenso grazie all’alto titolo in argento • Lavorazione...

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YELLOW GOLD - ORO GIALLO • 375-585%0 Code Codice Main formulation Formulazione base Main features Caratteristiche principal Colour shade Sfumatura colore Code Codice Main formulation Formulazione base Suitable for Adatta nei titoli Main features Caratteristiche principali Colour shade Sfumatura colore Hardness Durezza AC/AH • Best suitable for stone-in-place casting in closed systems. • More compact than OG130A (for open systems) • Adatta a microfusione con pietre in sistemi chiusi • Piu compatta rispetto OG130A (per sistemi aperti) v. SCA5 • The best selling choice for stone-in-place...

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hite Gold ...more on W A range of nickel-free formulations for all titles and processes, based on all whitening elements compatible with jewellery production. Palladium and silver in particular are the most common and easiest alternatives to nickel in the production of white gold jewellery. Ni1811 / Ni1811-Rh A range of patented white, nickel-based gold alloys specifically developed to comply with the EN1811:2015 European standard on nickel emissivity. The introduction of rhodium as an alloy element has the main benefit of guaranteeing low values and very high stability to nickel...

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Code Codice Main formulation Formuiazione base Main features Caratteristiche principal Colour shade Sfumatura coiore Code Codice Main formulation Formuiazione base Main features Caratteristiche principaii Hardness Durezza AC/AH MECHANICAL WORKING CASTING Very soft alloy, higher protection for stones while cooling Lega molto tenera, superiore protezione per le pietre durante il raffreddamento Suitable in all titles Low processing temperatures Adatta in tutti i titoli Basse temperature di processo Soft alloy, higher protection for stones while cooling Lega tenera, superiore protezione per...

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WHITE GOLD - ORO BIANCO • 375-585%0 Code Codice Main formulation Formulazione base Main features Caratteristiche principal Colour shade Sfumatura colore Code Codice Main formulation Formulazione base Main features Caratteristiche principali Colour shade Sfumatura colore Hardness Durezza AC/AH MECHANICAL WORKING WA12B5 • Proderma Ni-Pd-free formulation • Perfect for stone-in-place casting in title 375%o! ♦ Formulazione Proderma Ni-Pd-free • Perfetta per microfusione con pietre in titolo 375%o/

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RED GOLD - ORO ROSSO • 375-585% Code Codice Main formulation Formuiazione base Main features Caratteristiche principal Colour shade Sfumatura coiore Code Codice Main formulation Formulazione base Main features Caratteristiche principal Colour shade Sfumatura coiore Hardness Durezza AC/AH • Pink colour, compliant to 5N standard • Minimizing brittleness issues in 750%o title • Best selling alloy • Unique deep red colour! • Minimizing brittleness issues in 750%o pink gold ► Colore rosa, conforme allo standard 5N * Minimizza i problemi di fragility nel titolo 750%o • Lega best seller • Colore...

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SILVER ALLOYS LEGHE ARGENTO Silver is second to none From the point of view of quantity worked, silver is the most used metal in the jewelry sector. Its glowing whiteness and its malleability are unique. It is also known to have several processing issues such as tarnishing, unsatisfactory hardness, porosity, firestain. Legor Group, in a constant research to solve any processing limitation, proposes SILVER line! a complete line of formulations to answer to all the requests of maximum productivity and increase of final product quality, as ready-to-use drops at guaranteed titles 925-930-935,...

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SILVER MASTER ALLOYS - LEGHE MADRI ARGENTO Code Codice Main formulation Formuiazione base Main features Caratteristiche principal Hardness Durezza AC/AH Code Codice Main formulation Formuiazione base Main features Caratteristiche principal Hardness Durezza AC/AH ► Great surface and re-usability • Ideal for stone in place on open and closed casting systems AG115MA • Great surface and good re-usability • Ideal for stone in place on closed systems • Superficie eccezionale e alta riutilizzabilita • Ideale per le pietre, in sistemi aperti e chiusi%o • Superficie eccezionale e buona...

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