Laser Spare Parts Catalog
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Laser Spare Parts Catalog - 3

LASER SPARE PARTS CATALOG Ifyour laser beam delivery system or component should ever require factoryservice,our staffofprofessional repair technicians will return your product to its original operating specifications.Should you ever require field service or repair,our nationwide network offactory-authorized technicians will get you back in business quickly.Please contact a Laser Mech RPS technical sales associate today at (800) 207-9014 for a complete list oflaser machines serviced and foradditional information regarding field service in your area. Laser Mech RPS is your single source...

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Laser Spare Parts Catalog - 4

PLPRG0004 71198087 Rear Mirror ֖ 1.1" x 0.236",20.0MCC (1.5 kW Fanuc) PLPRG0005 71198094 Rear Mirror 1.5" x 0.315",35.0MCC (2.0 kW Fanuc) PLPRZ0005 71198081 Output Coupler ֖ 1.1" x 0.236",20.0MCC 60%R/9.00MCX (1.5 kW Fanuc) PLPRZ0006 71198093 Output Coupler 1.5" x 0.315",35.0MCC 60%R/15.0MCX (2.0 kW Fanuc) PLRRS0007 71198088 Phase Shifter ֖ 2.0" Dia. PLTRS0047 71198083 Fold Mirror Si,2.0" Dia.,0.200" ET PLZRS0002 71198089 Total Reflector ֖ Si,2.0" Dia. > PLOCK0008 81141003 TX404 Absorbond Optical Wipes (300 count) > PLRRC0006 Z50MB000040 Phase Shift Mirror ֖ Cu,1.5" Dia. PLZRC0002...

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Laser Spare Parts Catalog - 5

Zero Phase PLZRS0002 907971 Total Reflector Si,2.0" Dia. PLZRC0002 907464 Total Reflector ֖ Cu,50 mm x 10 mm PLZRC0003 909976 Total Reflector Cu,2.25" Dia. PLZRC0006 910341 Total Reflector ֖ Cu,3.0" Dia. PLZRC0008 922769 Total Reflector Cu,2.25" Dia.,Water-Cooled Polarizers PLRRC0004 907463 Phase Shift Mirror ֖ Cu,50 mm x 10 mm PLRRC0005 909975 Phase Shift Mirror Cu,2.25" Dia. PLRRC0009 922515 Phase Shift Mirror ֖ Cu,2.50" Dia. PLRRC0012 922768 Phase Shift Mirror Cu,2.25" Dia.,Water-Cooled Anti-Reflective FoldMirrors PLIRC0006 923414 Anti-Reflective Fold Mirror ֖ Cu,50 mm x 10 mm PLIRC0009...

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Laser Spare Parts Catalog - 8

ή PLAMA0007 Amada Gasket For Sensor Head PLAMA0008 Amada Teflon Gasket 1.5" Lens Mount PLAMA0009 Amada Teflon Gasket ֖ 2.0"Lens Mount PLAMA0010 Amada Head Protection Disc 32 mm PLAMA0011 Amada HP-X Nozzle Shield Cup PLAMA0012 Amada Nozzle Adapter w/Holes PLAMA0013 Amada Teflon for Water-Assist Nozzles (Rigid Design) PLAMA0014 Amada Lens Gasket for NT PLCAB0196PLCAB0203 71398293 Amada HS95 & 8 Sensor Cable ֖ 12" (Short) PLFLH0112 Amada Fixed Lens Holder 1.5" Note: Lens mounting service available PLFLH0113 Amada Fixed Lens Holder ֖ 2.0" Note: Lens mounting service available PLFLH0114 Amada...

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Laser Spare Parts Catalog - 11

ή PLBYS0013 2-08700 Bystronic Threaded Signboard PLBYS0014 4-09010 Bystronic Ceramic Insulating Ring PLBYS0015 3-13113 Bystronic Ceramic Insulator (New Style) PLBYS0016 3-13422 Bystronic Ceramic Insulator w/Holes PLBYS0019 2-10837 Bystronic Nozzle Body PLBYS0020 3-11071 Bystronic Fastening Nut PLBYS0021 3-09001 Bystronic Cross-Jet Screw PLBYS0022 4-04976 Bystronic Knurled Screw (Large) PLBYS0023 Bystronic Signboard Screws PLBYS0008 3-06035-T Bystronic Teflon Disc PLBYS0024 3-06035-C Bystronic Signboard (Thin Style) PLBYS0025 3-06035 Bystronic Signboard Assembly (Thin Style) PLBYS0026...

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Laser Spare Parts Catalog - 14

ή PLTRA0346PLTRA0328 923257 Tip Assembly with Shield Tip Assembly without Shield PLTRA0320PLSCR0015 923022 911779 Tip Retainer Assembly Nylon Screw 4-40 x .375" SHCS PLFRK0011 PLTOR0007PLCON0013 923411 Field Repair Kit for PLTRA0328,PLTRA0346Tip Assembly O-ring ( Note: Connector replacement recommended when installing kit Note: Included with PLFRK0011)SMA Connector PLTRA0321 923021 Tip Retainer Nut Tapered PLTRA0163 925284 Tip Retainer Nut for High Capacitance Nozzles PLHSU0006PLCAB0177PLCAB0004 840539840065841043 Height Sense Card &TransformerHSU BNC Cable ֖ 50"HSU BNC Cable 25' PLTTA0009...

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Laser Spare Parts Catalog - 15

ή PLBTR0001PLBTR0004 907468 Replacement Ball Transfer Replacement Ball Transfer With Lube Hole Note: Ball Transfers come prepped for installationwith O-ring and Thread Sealer PLBTR0007 909136 Pallet Ball Transfer PLLMB0001 909360 Lens Manifold Block Std.Cincinnati Contact/Non-Contact PLLMB0068 923016 Lens Manifold Block ֖ Lever-Lock Style,Non-Contact (Saturn III) Note: Lens Manifold Block can be retrofitted to older style heads PLLMB0084 924745 Lens Manifold Block Front Adjuster Lens Holders (Saturn IV) PLALH0034PLALH0031 909359 Adjustable Lens Holder Adjustable Lens Holder ֖ Carbide Disc...

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Laser Spare Parts Catalog - 16

ή PLAJS0003PLAJS0014 Knurled Lens Adjuster Screw Front Adjuster Lens Holder (1.75") Knurled Lens Adjuster Screw ֖ Lens Manifold Block (1.0") 922481 PLLOC0005 922467 Lens Lever Lock PLLTS0001 908121 Lens Thumb Screw PLLIT0017 925210 1.5"/2.0" Lens Insertion Tool PLDLP0001 (1) PLDLP0002 (2) 909370/922470922466 Dowel Locating Pin (Diamond) Dowel Locating Pin (Round) > 1 2 PLSBS0001 PLSBS0002 908575 Water-Cooled Spacer Seal Kit Air-Cooled Spacer Seal Kit PLKIT0051 PLKIT0052 PLKIT0065 Saturn III Seal Kit Saturn IV Seal Kit Standard Non-Contact Seal Kit PLLUB0006 922822 Non-Flammable Lubricating...

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Laser Spare Parts Catalog - 18

ή PLPRE0002 Finn-Power Ceramic Nozzle Holder PLPRE0003 Finn-Power Ceramic Nozzle Holder PLMIT0005 Finn-Power Ceramic Nozzle Holder (Pink OEM Version) > LASCUT06 Cutting Head Assembly LASCUT11 Non-Contact Cutting Head Assembly > PLGJT0058PLGJT0039 PLGJT0098 PLGJT0286 PLGJT0138 Non-Contact Nozzle Ζ 0.040" Non-Contact Nozzle 0.060" Non-Contact Nozzle ֖ 0.080" Non-Contact Nozzle 0.100" Non-Contact Nozzle ֖ 0.120" PLGJT0266 PLGJT0265 Shower Nozzle 0.040" Shower Nozzle ֖ 0.060" PLGJT0010PLGJT0009 Lasercut Nozzle 0.040" Lasercut Nozzle ֖ 0.060" > PLTRA0328 Shielded Tip Assembly PLFRK0011 Field...

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Laser Spare Parts Catalog - 23

ή PLMAZ0003 36602300580 Mazak Stylus Arm w/Proxy M6 PLMAZ0004 36682300050 Mazak Stylus Arm Short Style PLMAZ0011 36602350020 Mazak Stylus Arm ֖ High Version PLMAZ0012 46522300250 Mazak Stylus Arm Pin Style PLMAZ0053 36682300281 Mazak Stylus Arm ֖ M6 & M5 Screw PLMAZ0001PLMAZ0002 PLMAZ0017 46572301041S46572301041T46572301041 Mazak 12 mm Stylus Foot Steel Mazak 12 mm Stylus Foot ֖ Teflon Mazak 12 mm Stylus Foot Brass PLMAZ0014 46512300520 Mazak 4 mm Stylus Foot ֖ Brass PLMAZ0018 PLMAZ0019 PLMAZ0020 46572301043 46572301045 46602350080 Mazak 9 mm Stylus Foot Steel Mazak 9 mm Stylus Foot ֖...

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Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos Laser Mechanisms

  1. FocusMonitor FMW+

    3 Páginas

  2. FiberWELD® DH

    1 Páginas

  3. AccuShaper® 2.0

    1 Páginas

  4. FocusMonitor FM+

    4 Páginas

  5. AccuFocus

    4 Páginas

  6. Articulated Arms

    2 Páginas

  7. fiber cut RA

    2 Páginas

  8. fiber cut ST

    2 Páginas

  9. fiber mini ST

    2 Páginas

Catálogos arquivados

  1. Robotic Delivery

    4 Páginas

  2. Welding Heads

    1 Páginas

  3. Viewing Systems

    2 Páginas

  4. Beam Benders

    4 Páginas