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KM_Master12_K000_K001_Minch_EN.qxp:Layout 1 3/23/12 1:09 PM Page K3 Hole Finishing Tool Selection Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .K4–K5 Application Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .K6–K92 Reaming Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .K94–K127 RMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....
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Hole Finishing with Kennametal Owning the entire process chain from raw materials all the way to reconditioning means Kennametal is almost the only source in the metalworking industry where you can get all types of Hole Finishing tooling, from reaming and fine boring to motion tooling, directly from one hand. Kennametal is capable of offering you customized solutions for your application that are the best fit for your machining challenge without any limitations, in regard to portfolio or capacity. • Extremely productive and tailored for satisfying your high-volume production needs. •...
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Padded Reaming • RIQ™Quattro Cut™and RIR™. • Highest precision and surface quality achievable but still easy to apply. • RIQ is the market-leading reaming technology, enabling you to leave out any back taper adjustment, dramatically reducing setup time and effort while still offering highest accuracy and surface quality and four cutting edges with PCD, CBN, carbide, or cermet. • RIR provides you the most stable pocket seat and fail-safe clamping, from smallest to largest diameters. • Combine the large, standard RIQ and RIR insert offering with your customized tool body. Fine Boring •...
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Hole Finishing Tool Selection Guide • first choice solid carbide standard diameter solution diameter reaming monoblock - brazed RMB-E™ (expandable) reaming monoblock - brazed reaming head - modular RHM-E™ (expandable) reaming head - modular reamer Insert - rectangular Quattro Cut™ RIQ™ reamer Insert - Quattro Cut reamer Insert - Quattro Cut fine boring fine boring fine boring fine boring Romicron Multicron fine boring ModBORE FBHO fine boring ModBORE FBHM fine boring ModBORE FBHS fine boring ModBORE Bridge Tools ModBORE Bridge Tools fine boring Fine Boring Cartridges fine boring round tools...
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Hole Finishing Tool Selection Guide NOTE: Surface roughness values are guidelines and depend on the application, coolant situation, machine, and cutting data applied.
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Hole Finishing Application Example Cylinder Head • Four usable cutting edges per CBN insert. • CBN RIQ insert with 28,000 bore tool life. • 1,400 bores with regrindable RMS reamer. • Cost savings due to four edged full face CBN insert. • No insert back taper adjustment needed. • Same RPM at both stages saving time of spindle
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Hole Finishing Application Example Cylinder Head Polished flutes chip evacuation PCD SEAT & GUIDE PARENT BORE PCDRSC04RLE Valve seat and guide parent bore machining combined. Machining center with internal coolant. • Productivity increases as same RPM applied to both seat and guide stages. • Lowest possible run out resulting in higher tool life.
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Hole Finishing Application Example Cylinder Head valve seat angle RIQ " QUATTRO CUT " VALVE SEAT & GUIDE MACHINING 1 Valve guide machining combined with primary and secondary seat angles. 1 Concentricity of seat to guide less than 50 um. 1 Machining center with internal coolant. Valve Seat tooling with integrated hydraulic chuck. 1 RIQ K68™ carbide inserts and solid carbide RMS™ multiflute reamer. vc 80 m/min f 0,10 mm/rev valve seat. vc 80 m/min f 0,32 mm/rev valve guide. > Tool life of 12,000 valve seats per insert. IUTTING DATA > Twelve usable cutting edges per carbide insert. > Due to...
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Hole Finishing Application Example • Tool life of 18,000 valve seats per roughing insert. • Tool life of 12,000 valve seats per roughing insert. • Twelve usable cutting edges per full face CBN insert. • Due to high precision RIQ pocket seat there is less setup effort as no angular adjustment of the insert is needed. • Able to adapt RMS " solid carbide reamer machining the valve guide.
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Hole Finishing Application Example Cylinder Head Semi finish stage after pilot hole RMS " VALVE GUIDE MACHINING ■ Valve guide bore 0 6mm (.236"). ■ Brass material, lead free. ■ Concentricity of seat to guide less than Í UTTING DATA RIR VALVE GUIDE MACHINING > Valve guide bore 0 6mm (.236'" > Brass material, lead free. > Concentricity of seat to guide less t UTTING DATA > Tool life of 100 bores. > Secure process due to very good chip control on lead free brass. • Tool life of 3,000 bores. • Productivity increases due to four effective cutting edges compared to one with padded reamers.
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Hole Finishing Application Example MOTION TOOLING VALVE SEAT & GUIDE MACHINING ■ Semi-finish and finish machining of primary seat angle and valve guide in one operation. ■ Transfer line with internal coolant. • Higher accuracy of valve seat angles as machining result is independent from insert wear. • Time saving combination with valve guide reamer.
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Hole Finishing Application Example Cylinder Head improved chip evacuation Chlpformer in carbide body • Valve lifter bore 0 12mm (.472" > Machining center with internal coolant. UTTING DATA » Machining center with internal coolant. PCD tipped, carbide based tool with PCD guide pads > Two effective cutting and chamfering teeth. UTTING DATA • Tool life of 125,000 holes. • Surface finish better than Rz 1.5 urn. • Secure process and very good concentricity. • Tool life of 400,000 bores. • Surface finish better than Rz 3 urn. • Secure process due to chipformer in carbide body improving chip...
Abrir o catálogo na página 13Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos Kennametal
CB11 Stack-On
2 Páginas
Grinder Tips
16 Páginas
Grader Blades
40 Páginas
Road Rehabilitation • Road King
24 Páginas
Kennametal Puller Complete Kits
2 Páginas
Kennametal Wet Coupling Driver
1 Páginas
Underground Mining
182 Páginas
ROCTEC ecoline
1 Páginas
Conforma Clad X2™
2 Páginas
84 Páginas
Kennametal Metalworking Services Catalog
60 Páginas
156 Páginas
Tooling Systems News 2018
60 Páginas
988 Páginas
Oilfield Radial Bearings
2 Páginas
Cladding Formulas Oilfield
2 Páginas
General Conveyance Equipment
4 Páginas
2 Páginas
Riley Power CCV Burner Components
4 Páginas
EDM Blocks Brochure
8 Páginas
KMT_Wear Solutions_Brochure
12 Páginas
Alloys Brochure Direct
28 Páginas
Kennametal Stellite Alloys
15 Páginas
Composite Rods
1 Páginas
Fluidized Bed Boiler Tubes
1 Páginas
Mill Roll Brochure
8 Páginas
Snowplow Blades
1 Páginas
KenCast Wear Protection
20 Páginas
3 Páginas
Tool Selection
3 Páginas
Indexable Milling Index
8 Páginas
Milling geometries quick
9 Páginas
Milling grades
4 Páginas
Kennametal Solutions for Energy Catalog
60 Páginas
Specialty Carbide Catalog
16 Páginas
KMT Stellram expanded milling catalog
100 Páginas
Tooling Systems 2013 Catalog Sections
1576 Páginas
260 Páginas
Kennametal Innovations 2014
630 Páginas
KMT KBH20 metric
18 Páginas
Tooling Systems 7030 catalog complete
844 Páginas
Master Catalog 2013 Complete - metric
2122 Páginas
Railroad Brochure
24 Páginas
Abrasive Blast Nozzles Catalog
60 Páginas
Surface Mining Catalog
42 Páginas
Holemaking Taps (metric)
118 Páginas
108 Páginas
O.D. / I.D. Toolholders
162 Páginas
PCD / PCBN Inserts
66 Páginas
ISO / ANSI Inserts
132 Páginas
Thread Mills
20 Páginas
Copy Mills
118 Páginas
Slotting Cutters
56 Páginas
Shoulder Mills
96 Páginas
Face Mills
138 Páginas
Solid End Milling
118 Páginas
194 Páginas
Indexable Drills
108 Páginas
Combination Tools
28 Páginas
Modular Drills
62 Páginas
Solid Carbide Drills
112 Páginas