Sauer Compressors for Naval Marine
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Sauer Compressors for Naval Marine - 1

NAVAL MARINE D e p e n d a b l e u p to 500 bar – any wher e, any time, any gas .

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Sauer Compressors for Naval Marine - 2

Sauer Compressors for the Naval Marine ■ High-Pressure Compressors ■ Medium-Pressure Compressors ■ Low-Pressure Compressors ■ Non-magnetic Compressors Sauer Compressors for the Naval Marine are developed on the basis of the philosophy that for the maritime market and especially for the navy market special demands exist. This is the reason that maritime or navy users require different solutions compared to industrial applications. As a result Sauer Navy compressors were developed especially for use on submarines and naval combat ships. This development was based upon established expertise in...

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Sauer Compressors for Naval Marine - 3

Worldwide Sauer Compressors Group Naval Know-How for the World Market Sauer Compressors can look back on a more than 130-years-old history and more than 60 years of experience in developing and manufacturing special compressors for the navies. Starting as supplier to the German Navy, Sauer quickly gained a world-wide reputation as a reliable manufacturer of navy compressors. Today more than 55 Navies rely on Sauer compressors. The reasons for this success are: ■ reliability of the compressors ■ knowledge of the special naval demands ■ credibility of the company The Sauer compressor product...

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Sauer Compressors for Naval Marine - 4

Sauer Compressors for the Naval Marine The Sauer Navy compressors of the 5000series have been specially designed for the use on combat ships, destroyers, frigates or submarines. They are available with AC- or DC-motor and can be delivered for surface ships or special highly sophisticated submarine versions. Their special feature is the vertical crankshaft with the 4 cylinders radially arranged around it with the motor direct coupled on top of the compressors. As an alternative for submarine applications, Sauer offers the unique axial swash type compressor of the TGM design with low space...

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Sauer Compressors for Naval Marine - 5

WP 5000 with AC motor and IMD (integrated membrane dryers) Special suction and delivery dampers available for lowest air borne and pipe noise. If requested the compressor can be equipped with a low maintenance Interstage Membrane Dehydrator (IMD) or traditional desiccant dryer in a module. Straight cooler tubes, drawable to both sides of the cooler for easy cleaning and installation. The floating design prevent heat stress in the bundle and consequential damages. Vertical arrangement of the crank haft with cylinders radial s round it ensures lowest vibration and structure borne noise...

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Sauer Compressors for Naval Marine - 6

Sauer Compressors for the Naval Marine In the year 1955 Sauer delivered the first air-cooled light weight high-pressure compressor WP 3231 N, which can still be seen in the German Museum in Munich as first of its kind. Since then Sauer has delivered more than 1000 aircooled HP compressors for navy applications which due to their special design, work to full satisfaction of the users. Main features of air-cooled Sauer high-pressure compressors are: ■ Light weight ■ Robust design ■ Low and easy maintenance ■ Maximum pressure 400 barg ■ To be delivered in non-magnetic version upon request ■...

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Sauer Compressors for Naval Marine - 7

WP 3232 in non-magnetic version for use in MCMV. Highly efficient compressor valves for longest maintenance i ntervals. Easy to maintain. Driven by AC-, DCor diesel engine. Suitable for ambient temperatures up to 60°C without reduction of performance Sturdy and robust design. Comparably low weight due to air-cooled design. Non-magnetic design with less than 20 nt disturbance uncompensated available upon request Shock-proof according to all international navy standards. The well-known Sauer quality – some details All Sauer Compressors are of direct-drive design. Advantages vs. v-belt drive:...

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Sauer Compressors for Naval Marine - 8

Sauer Compressors for the Naval Marine Sauers' quality and leading position in the market for Navy compressors with vertical crankshaft of the series are well known. With the introduction of the unique high-pressure compressor block Tornado this quality and performance is now also available for breathing air compressors. Sauers' Navy breathing air compressors can be delivered according to several shock and vibration standards from simple LRoS rules to highest Navy standards like US Mil Std 901 or German BV0432 and 044. The heart of each breathing air station is the robust compressor block -...

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Sauer Compressors for Naval Marine - 9

Tornado WP 4325 ComSilent. Proven Sauer quality ready to use in an complete and silent module. Breathing air filtration suitable for all international standards. Integrated demister vessel. Side covers easy to remove for inspection and maintenance. Optimized cooling air flow: Compressed air treatment and filtration in cold air stream. Hurricane WP 4341 Shock-Proof. Compact breathing-air unit to meet the requirements of demanding naval specifications. Breathing-air filtration mounted on the unit as per international standards. Air cooling up to + 60 °C ambient temperature Front door: Easy...

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Sauer Compressors for Naval Marine - 10

Sauer Compressors for the Naval Marine For control- and working-air applications Sauer can deliver special screw- and piston compressors in naval design. Sauer low pressure air compressors can be delivered according to several shock and vibration standards from simple LRoS rules to highest Navy standards like US Mil Std 901 or German BV0432 and 044. Cooling is available for both screw- and piston compressors by seawater, fresh- or chilled water as well as by air. If required special air treatment can be included in the scope of supply either to be delivered separately or attached to the...

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Sauer Compressors for Naval Marine - 11

Accessories for Central High Pressure Air Systems The selection of a centralized high pressure air system in your warship will provide lowest lifetime-costs and is a prerequisite for an up-to-date and affordable warship design. The centralized air-system provides air for all consumers via a ring-main directly or if required through pressure reducing stations. It is versatile and flexible even if in a later stage of the design or operation other consumers requiring air supply will be installed. Space and weight is considerably lower than an alternative “point of use” system which requires...

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Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos J.P. Sauer & Sohn Maschinenbau GmbH