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RC2 - 2

Capabilities The RC2® builds on 25 years of ellipsometry experience. It combines the best features of previous instruments with innovative new technology: dual rotating compensators, achromatic compensator design, advanced light source and next-generation spectrometer design. The RC2 is a near-universal solution for the diverse applications of spectroscopic ellipsometry and Mueller matrix ellipsometry. Why an RC2? Advanced Measurement Capabilities ellipsometer to collect all 16 elements of the Mueller matrix. Mueller matrix SE allows characterization of the most advanced samples and...

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RC2 - 3

Advanced Technology Dual Rotating Compensators The RC2 uses synchronous rotation of two compensators (both before and after the sample) to provide high accuracy, fast measurement speed, and advanced measurements including the complete Mueller matrix. Achromatic Compensator Design Patented achromatic compensators provide optimized performance over a wide spectral range from the ultraviolet to the near infrared. Advanced Light Source Next-generation light source includes computer-controlled beam intensity to automatically Innovative Spectrometer Next-generation spectrometer collects over 1000...

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RC2 - 4

Excellent Data Quality The advanced RC2 technology provides very high data accuracy. A test measurement of air (straightthrough) produces diagonal Mueller matrix values = 1 ± .002 and off-diagonal Mueller matrix values = 0 ± .002. Ultimately, superior Mueller matrix performance translates to high-precision thickness and refractive from Ellipsometry is also very sensitive to thicknesses down to a monolayer of material, as witnessed in the map of native oxide thickness.

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RC2 - 5

Thin Film Characterization d) and optical constants (n, k) are derived from the measurement. Spectroscopic ellipsometry is very sensitive to the presence of surface layers on the order of just a fraction of a nanometer. Primary sensitivity comes from changes in phase for a series of thin oxides on silicon substrate. In addition to thickness measurements, spectroscopic ellipsometry is also able to will affect the Psi measurement amplitude, as shown in the graph to left.

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RC2 - 6

SiO2 on Glass Adjustable light output optimizes coatings such as index matched Si-rich Nitride - dielectrics, organics, semiconductors, metals...and more. Compare optical constants measured from a series of silicon-rich nitrides to study changes with process conditions.

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RC2 - 7

Applications Low bandgap semiconductors The RC2 can cover wavelengths from the ultraviolet to the near infrared. For compound semiconductor thin the bandgap of the material, while the high energy shows the absorptions caused by other electronic transitions. Conductive Organics at progress has occurred in the area of organic layers and stacks used for display There are many different materials being studied, from small molecules such as Alq3 to conjugated polymers such as P3HT. Often multiple materials are blended together – which requires the wide spectral range of the RC2 – to probe...

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RC2 - 8

Display Applications Meas ITO conductivity is related to NIR absorption, which the RC2 is perfectly suited to measure with the NIR or XNIR wavelength extensions.

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RC2 - 9

Anisotropic Applications Complete Mueller Matrix The RC2® can characterize the full Mueller matrix of M11 a sample. This advanced data type ensures appropriate characterization of complex samples that are both anisotropic and depolarizing. Mueller matrix ellipsometry for an anisotropic, depolarizing samples can contain information in every element of the normalized Mueller matrix. Viewing the entire Mueller matrix allows access to different polarization effects in advanced samples. The yellow and green sections are relatrespectively. The red section shows unrotated Retardance. Further...

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RC2 - 10

Liquid Crystals T introduce the complexity of an anisooptical axis orientation. MM-SE is the best choice for thick liquid crystal layers sandwiched between glass substrates - as depolarization and anisotropy effects will both exist. Glass Substrate ITO Polyimide Glass Substrate The complete Mueller matrix was measured for a twisted liquid crystal. This enabled characterization of the optical axis twist and pre-tilt, and liquid crystal anisotropic refractive index.

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RC2 - 11

independent control of sample and detector angle for Horizontal system offers wide range of options like large area mapping, liquid cells, and heat stages. Focused The smallest RC2 spot size available (25 by 60 microns) for demanding feature sizes. In-Situ Mount the RC2 directly to a process chamber for real-time monitoring and control

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RC2 - 12

Accessories Mapping & Rotation Fully automated sample translation of wafers or glass panels. Rotator useful for anisotropic material characterization. Automated 300 x 300 mm XY mapping. Sample Rotator Auto-Align, Camera & Focused Spot Fully automated sample alignment to adjust tip-tilt-z. Focused spot size with camera for patterned features. RC2 with automated sample alignment and detachable focusing probes. Liquid & Temperature Studies environment or with adjustable temperature in one of our many cells. 5mL Heated Liquid Cell (Room Temp. to 50°C) Linkam Temperature Stage Environmental...

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RC2 - 13

System Overview ented dual rotating compensator ellipsometer with simultaneous CCD detection of all Measurement Capabilities Delta over their full range. • Generalized SE: Complete 2x2 Jones matrix for anisotropic samples. • Mueller Matrix SE: All 16 elements of the 4x4 Mueller matrix. • Depolarization: Measure and model the non-ideal nature of your sample. tance, including anisotropic terms such as likeand cross-polarized intensities. Data Acquisition Rate Measure complete spectrum advanced data types! Angle Range Fixed Angle Horz. Auto Angle Vert. Auto Angle

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Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos J.A. Woollam Co.


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