Factsheet JEL SafeConnect
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Factsheet JEL SafeConnect - 1

The Experts for bulk solids processes

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Factsheet JEL SafeConnect - 2

Different heights of inlet and outlet nozzles often mean time-consuming adjustments when connecting the big bags. The module JEL SafeConnect offers the right solution for easy and safe connection of big bags in different sizes. The system can be applied for emptying and filling of big bags with and without inliner. It is suitable for different outlet diameters without requiring any modification and can be retrofitted subsequently. Short Description Convincing Facts ■ safe, dust-tight connection of big bags ■ suitable for big bags with different inlet/outlet lengths ■ can be used for filling...

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Factsheet JEL SafeConnect - 3

Mode of Operation (version with sealing ring) The big bag filled with bulk material is brought into the emptying station and positioned above the JEL SafeConnect system. The outlet of the big bag is put over a flexible adapter ring, into the housing of the system and connected to it. Due to the expansion of the integrated pneumatic sealing the outlet of the big bag is fixed ensuring dust-tight connection. The outlet of the big bag is opened at the point where it was tied up and the bulk material is discharged into the following process. The JEL SafeConnect system is also suitable for...

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Factsheet JEL SafeConnect - 4

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