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YLM-QCW and YLR-QCW Single-mode QCW Fiber Lasers Ideal Replacement for Lamp Pumped YAG Lasers Single-mode Beam Quality Applications  Microcutting of Highly Reflective Metals  Cutting of Sapphire, Ceramics and Silicon  Spot Welding and Seam Welding  Microdrilling of Metals and Non-metals  Microkeyhole and Conduction Welding  Batteries, Medical Devices, Electronic Components Features  CW Power 250 W, Peak Power 1.5 kW*  Air-cooled Rack Units or OEM Modules  Perfect Beam Quality, M2 1.05  Pulse Shaping/Internal Pulse Generator  Outstanding Pulse Power/ Energy Stability  Highly Efficient >30% Wall-plug Efficiency *2 kW Peak Power is Preliminary IPG Photonics single-mode quasi continuous wave YLM-150/1500-QCW and YLR-150/150-QCW fiber lasers are ideal for applications requiring high peak power and small focal spot in pulsed operation mode such as microcutting of highly reflective metals (copper, brass, aluminum) and non-metals (sapphire, ceramics, silicon etc.), and a variety of microwelding and microdrilling applications. IPG QCW lasers provide tenfold increase of peak power in comparison with average CW power in long pulse operation mode with pulse durations from 10 microsecond to 50 milliseconds and pulse energy up to 15 Joules. The single-mode QCW Series lasers are offered as both end user friendly rack units and OEM modules for system integrators. These compact air-cooled lasers are substantially more cost-effective than lamp-pumped YAG lasers due to wall-plug efficiencies >30% and maintenance-free operation. Water-cooling can be provided on request. The QCW fiber lasers are available for requalifying in existing lamp-pumped processes at IPG application facilities. The QCW Series utilizes the new pump diodes optimized for pulsed operation and features redesigned control electronics with ex

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YLM-QCW and YLR-QCW Single-mode QCW Fiber Lasers Optical Characteristics Max. Average Power CW mode, W Max. Average Power QCW mode, W Maximum Peak Power*, W Maximum Pulse Energy, J Power Tunability, % Power Stability***, % * 2 kW peak power model is preliminary. ** The minimum pulse duration is 10 microseconds upon request. Please contact your IPG Representative. *** Over 4 hours, T=const General Characteristics Console Dimensions (W×D×H), mm Weight, kg Cooling Supply Voltage Wall-plug Efficiency, % * Water cooling is available upon request. MAX. AVERAGE OUTPUT POWER: 500 W MAX. PEAK OUTPUT...

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Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos IPG Photonics Corporation

  1. YLPF 250-500 fs

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  2. ULPN-266

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  4. ULR-266-SF

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  5. HLPN-10-50-20-R

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  6. GLPN-500-1-50-M

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  7. GLPN-30-M Series

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  8. YLPF-FlexO

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  9. YLPP

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  10. YLS Series

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  11. LDD-700

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  12. ELPN-1645 Series

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  13. YLS-U and YLS-CUT

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  14. ELS-2000

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  15. YLR-1070 Series

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  16. YLS-10000-ECO

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  17. PLD-40 Series

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  18. EAR Series 2RU

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  19. EAR Series 1RU

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  20. RLD Series

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  21. RLR Series

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  22. RLM Series

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  23. TM:ZnSe_S Series

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  24. PLD-10

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  25. DLM 200-400

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  26. GLR Series

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  28. DLR Series

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  29. EAR Series

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  30. HP Brochure

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