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Recording measurement data and events and making them available immediately D Historical data available immediately Measurement Systems for Industry and Energy www.iba-ag.com
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Historical data available immediately ibaHD-Server allows you to continuously record data acquired with ibaPDA. Find events from the past with a mouse click, navigate and zoom quickly from the year, month or week view into the milliseconds range. Use ibaHD-Server to analyze your data over a long period of time and to automatically create day, shift or monthly reports. Not only can time-based measure- ment data from ibaPDA be stored › Continuous recording of measured data and events over a long time period › Simultaneous recording from several ibaPDA systems and import of measurement files ›...
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Data file time-based .dat Data file product-related (triggered) HD HD Continuous ibaHD-Server Measurement data temp events Measurement data KPI set P 1 tool change offline events time period time period time period The graphic illustrates the principle of time-based and product-related (triggered) data storage in measurement files, compared to c ontinuous recording with ibaHD-Server. In ibaHD-Server, measurement data, online events and offline events can be stored. The time p eriods concept combines the advantages of continuous recording with ibaHD-Server and triggered recording of data...
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Data acquisition Several ibaPDA servers can write to different HD data stores of an ibaHD-Server. Event HD data stores can receive data from multiple clients (ibaPDA, ibaDatCoordinator), such as offline events. Ethernet TCP/IP and event table provides easy and effective navigation between products or registered process states. Attach additional information directly at the origin time Pre-defined or free texts can be placed as annotations in the HD trend view. This means additional information can be documented with the correct time and also supplemented by images, PDF documents or other...
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Additional information, such as images, comments or reports can be added to the event table. By means of several filter functions, you can quickly find events of the past in the event table. Clicking on the event displays the signal trends configured for this purpose at the time of the event. Measurement signals can be enlarged from the overview of the entire recording period down to the milliseconds range. Clicking on a time period in the table immediately displays the measurement data included in it over the entire time period. Process data from different process cycles can thus be...
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Convenient administration with ibaHD-Manager The ibaHD-Manager is used for diagnostics, administration and configuration of the ibaHD-Server service as a central management tool. It provides status information about the active HD clients and HD stores, such as the number of signals and disk space. In addition, the HD stores can be configured, projects managed, backups created and data files imported in the ibaHD-Manager. One single server for more than one HD data store One ibaHD-Server can be used for administrating more than one HD store. Both the time-based and length-based recording of...
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Tailor-made analyses of HD data HD backup Interactive analysis with ibaAnalyzer Data from ibaHD-Server can be conveniently retrieved, displayed and analyzed with the ibaAnalyzer analysis program. It is just as easy to access HD data as it is to open a measurement file. The big advantage of ibaHD- erver S is that the aggregated data can be displayed over a larger eriod p of time than is possible with measurement files - for example over a week, a month or even longer period of time. The data can be easily selected using markers in a preview or directly by specifying the time period....
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Automatically post-process HD data and extract information HD data can be utomatically a processed with the software ibaDatCoordinator. A time period can be configured in ibaDatCoordinator for which the Offline events data from ibaHD-Server is to be read and processed. Based on the HD data, so-called offline events can also be generated or the data ibaDatCoordinator can be used to save calculated KPIs as so-called offline events in the ibaHD-Server, but HD queries can also be automatically executed. can be processed like measurement files, for example to calculate characteristic values...
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Open data platform for any type of data analysis External analysis, machine learning, data scientists, etc. ibaDaVIS HD-API Access to HD data with customer-specific systems The product ibaHD-Server-V2-APIRead is a programming interface (API: Application Programming Interface) that can be used to query historical data and events from the HD stores by external systems. The API enables custom systems and users such as data scientists to flexibly read stored signals and events. The database available in ibaHD-Server can thus be used for modeling, machine learning, benchmarking, anomaly...
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Modular Product Design The basic licenses for ibaHD-Serv-er are graded according to the number of signals and comprise one ibaHD-Server, two HD data stores and two HD clients. One time period can be used with the basic license. A separate license is required for the definition of further time periods. One license allows to define two time periods. The licensed HD data stores can be used for time-, length- or event-based HD data stores. For a further extension, licenses are available for further HD data stores (on the same server) and further HD clients which allow the access from several...
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Baseline > Operating system: Windows s10 or Windows Server s 2016 > Processor: 2 core + 1 core per HD data store; > 2 GHz > RAM: min. 8 GB + 2 GB per HD data store > Intermediate store: Always flash on local machine. No network storage. See the table below for examples of recommended buffer size. > ibaHD store: Preferably flash. Local or network drive in RAID. > Disk space: depending on number of signals and storage period1 Maximum ibaHD- Server configuration (Recommendation for one ibaHD-Server computer) > Data storage: max. 32 HD data stores > Overall number of signals: max. 32000 signals...
Abrir o catálogo na página 11Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos Iba AG
Local Data Acquisition with ibaPDA
12 Páginas
The iba Modular System
36 Páginas
Safety and Quality in Energy Grids
20 Páginas
Locate Errors and Eliminate Failures
12 Páginas
Web-based product and process analysis
12 Páginas