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SPX Flow Technology Overview
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SPX is a Fortune 500 multi-industry manufacturing leader, headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina. SPX manufactures and markets products, components, services and technologies that are integral to meeting today’s challenges and tomorrow’s needs. We are a place where innovation is fostered, and the real needs of business are understood. We transform ideas into powerful solutions to help our customers meet their goals, overcome business challenges and thrive in a complex, always changing marketplace. SPX's Flow Technology segment designs, manufactures and markets engineered solutions and...
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> Anhydro Email: ft.dk.soeborg@spx.com Common Applications: Dairy, Food, Chemical, Pharmaceutical SPX Flow Technology 105 Crosspoint Pkwy. Getzville, NY 14068 USA Tel: +1 (716) 692-3000 Fax: +1 (716) 692-6416 SPX Flow Technology Rua Joao Daprat, 231 Sao Bernardo do Campo SP 09600-010 Brasil Tel: +55 11 2127-8105 The Anhydro processes combine more than 60 years of experience and specialization in evaporation and drying for the dairy, food, chemical, pharmaceutical, and other industries PROCESSES • Anhydro plants and equipment are renowned for their design, engineering, process quality,...
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Email: ft.dk.silkeborg@spx.com Common Applications: SPX Flow Technology 1200 West Ash Street Goldsboro, NC 27530 USA Tel: +1 (919) 735-4570 Fax: +1 (919) 581-1167 SPX Flow Technology 611 Sugar Creek Road Delavan, WI 53115 USA Tel: +1 (262) 728-1900 Fax: +1 (262) 728-4904 Food, Dairy, Beverage, Brewery, Healthcare, Marine, Power, Chemical, Biotechnical, Petrochemical, HVAC, Industrial, Oil & Gas, Pulp & Paper, Automotive, Refining HEAT EXCHANGERS • Large range of plate, gasket, material and • Invented Plate Heat Exchanger in 1923 • Wide portfolio including Gasket, Brazed, and Semi-Welded...
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THERMAL PROCESSING SYSTEMS >APV ft.dk.silkeborg@spx.com Common Applications: Food, Dairy, Beverage, Pharmaceutical, Personal Care INFUSION / PURE-LAC Gentle and accurate heating Fast heating 600°C/sec, (1112°F/sec) Accurate holding time High bacteria spore kill rate Shelf life up to 45 days High product flexibility • Superior product quality - low chemical change, pasteurized milk flavor • Low fouling rate • Long operating time between CIP • As option designed according to ASME, PMO, 3A TUBULAR High up-time Flexible product range Easy inspection of product and medium surface High...
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MEMBRANE FILTRATION AND MICROPARTICULATION SYSTEMS SPX Flow Technology Pasteursvej 8600 Silkeborg, DK Tel: +45 70 278 278 Fax: +45 70 278 330 Email: ft.dk.silkeborg@spx.com Common Applications: SPX membrane technology in general • Based on SPX proven components • Plant design to minimize environmental foot print • Versatile automation solutions securing operator • Skid mounted standards and flexible solutions • Performance warranties making filtration a key • Maximize process yields and return of investment • Sanitary design • Development based on decades of experience line component and a...
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CHEESE SYSTEMS SPX Flow Technology Pasteursvej 8600 Silkeborg, DK Tel: +45 70 278 278 Fax: +45 70 278 330 Email: ft.dk.silkeborg@spx.com Common Applications: Food, Dairy CHEESE VATS - CURDMASTER A VERTICAL DOUBLE O VAT • Fast foamless filling • Rapid mixing of all added components including rennet • Gentle and precise cutting • High yield Fast whey draw Controlled, fast heating and cooling Vertical vat with 2 outlets for fast emptying Efficient and gentle stirring Fully automated with touch screen CIP cleanable vats OPD PRE-PRESS • Flexible pre-press for all cheese types, block sizes and...
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MIXING, BLENDING & DEAERATION SYSTEMS SPX Flow Technology Pasteursvej 8600 Silkeborg, DK Tel: +45 70 278 278 Fax: +45 70 278 330 Email: ft.dk.silkeborg@spx.com Common Applications: Food, Dairy, Beverage, Brewery, Personal Care, Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology, Paint FLEX-MIX INSTANT • Unique high shear mixing enables a high • Allows a closed, continuous production, powder intake • Air is efficiently removed during mixing prolonging running time and ensuring consistent quality resulting in higher throughput and reduce dust issues • Handles a large number of formulations FLEX-MIX PROCESSOR •...
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Email: branluebbe@spx.com Common Applications: SPX Flow Technology 611 Sugar Creek Road Delavan, WI 53115 USA Tel: +1 (800) 252-5200 or +1 (262) 728-1900 Fax: +1 (262) 728-4904 SPX Flow Technology Ironstone Way, Brixworth Northants, NN6 9UD UK Tel: +44 (0) 1604 880751 Fax: +44 (0) 1604 880145 Oil & Gas, Petrochemical, Chemical, Food, Beverage, Personal Care, Pharmaceutical, Pulp & Paper, Water Treatment PROCAM METERING PUMPS • Modular, single and multi-stream pump configurations to match process requirement • Double Diaphragm and Plunger Pumps • Pressures up to 20 bar (300 PSI ) (Diaphragm)...
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Email: branluebbe@spx.com Common Applications: SPX Flow Technology 611 Sugar Creek Road Delavan, WI 53115 USA Tel: +1 (800) 252-5200 or +1 (262) 728-1900 Fax: +1 (262) 728-4904 SPX Flow Technology Ironstone Way, Brixworth Northants, NN6 9UD UK Tel: +44 (0) 1604 880751 Fax: +44 (0) 1604 880145 Color, Fragrance, Shampoo, Shower Gel, Fabric Conditioner, Liquid Detergent, Mayonnaise, Tomato Ketchup, Margarine, Polyurethanes, Resins, Bitumen, Shaving Gel, Orange Juice, Soft Drinks, SLES Dilution, Bakery Additives, Brewing, Medical Gels and Paper Wipes STANDARD SYSTEMS FOR ADDITIVE INJECTION •...
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Email: branluebbe@spx.com Common Applications: SPX Flow Technology 611 Sugar Creek Road Delavan, WI 53115 USA Tel: +1 (800) 252-5200 or +1 (262) 728-1900 Fax: +1 (262) 728-4904 SPX Flow Technology Ironstone Way, Brixworth Northants, NN6 9UD UK Tel: +44 (0) 1604 880751 Fax: +44 (0) 1604 880145 Methanol, Glycol, Corrosion Inhibitor, Scale Inhibitor, Demulsifier, Antifoam, Biocide, Flocculant, Oxygen Scavenger, Condensate, Polymer, Odorant, Hypochlorite, Drag Reducer, Polyelectrolyte BASIC INJECTION PACKAGES • • • • Single chemical/single injection point Duty or duty/standby arrangement Simple...
Abrir o catálogo na página 12Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos Gerstenberg Schröder
GS Yellow Fat Technologies
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GS Kombinator 250 SHCW
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GS Kombinator 250L
2 Páginas
GS Perfector 180
2 Páginas
GS Perfector 150
2 Páginas
GS Nexus 200C
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