Semi Auto Tube Bending Machines
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Semi Auto Tube Bending Machines - 1

DURAL MACHINERY Tube Processing Machines Product Catalogue

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Semi Auto Tube Bending Machines - 2

• Tube Bending Machines • Double Head Tube Bending Machines • Tube Chamfering Machines • Pipe End Deburring Machines • Tube Notching Machines Where Technology Turns Into Realty

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Semi Auto Tube Bending Machines - 3

About us / Hakkımızda As Dural Machine we have experience on machine industry since 1991. With the help of our experience and with large expert staff team, we give the best service to our valued customers for 26 years. All production steps of our machines are made under the our roof with our innovatice chasis, automation and metal working department with the newest technology, which are the main points of our competition power. Our product range can be described as bending machines, deburring machines, tube end chamfering machines, notching machines. Since our establishment, we succeed to...

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Semi Auto Tube Bending Machines - 4

SERVO ROTASYON NC BORU BÜKME MAKİNALARI SERVO ROTATION NC TUBE BENDING MACHINES TEKNİK ÖZELLİKLERİ TECHNICAL DETAILS Büküm Kapasitesi Max. (mm) Max.Bükme Radyüsü (mm) Max.Bükme Açısı (°) Max. Center Line Radius (mm) Bending Speed (°/sec) Machine Size GENEL ÖZELLİKLERİ Servo Rotasyon Çabuk değiştirilebilir kalıp sistemi Otomatik ve manuel modda çalışma DDT Direkt dişli transmisyonu (Made by Dural) Hata mesajları Dokunmatik renkli Türkçe ekran 14 farklı büküm için bükme programı yapabilme Sıkma ve baskı kalıbı hidrolik 999 adet program hafızası Mandrel erken geri çekme hidrolik Ürüne ait...

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Semi Auto Tube Bending Machines - 5

GENERAL DETAILS Servo Rotation Easy quick changable tooling system Automatic / manuel mode options DDT Direct Gear Transmission I/O list - Warning messages Touch screen control with different languages Programming for 14 different type of bendings Clamp die / Pressure die by hydraulic Program memory for 999 bending products Automatic hydraulic mandrel extraction Choose different mode for kind of bend Energy - saving mode Sequentially adjustable flip stops Foot pedal control

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Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos Duralbend - Tube Processing Machines

  1. Dura

    24 Páginas