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Workstation Equipment and Accessories Ergonomic Tool Handling with or without Position Control Perfectly coordinated stand and gantry solutions guide the screwdriving tool securely to the assembly position and take the strain off the operator. Position control systems ensure that at the right place, at the right time, the correct connection element is assembled to the correct torque.
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overview Optional Systems For tool handling with position control For tool handling without position control The Position Control Stand / the Position Control Gantry With Position Control Position control stand - technical data/accessories/dimensions Position control gantry - technical data/dimensions Software products suitable for position control stand Software products suitable for position control stand and position control gantry Possible combinations with position control stand and position control gantry Without Position Control Linear stand - description/technical...
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systems with or without position control Tool Handling with Position Control Optional systems: nn Position control stand PKS nn Position control gantry PKP Notes: nn Monitoring of the screw position and screw sequence, freely programmable nn Individual screw tightening parameters available for each screw position nn Takes the strain off the operator by absorbing the reaction torque nn Vertical screwdriver guidance nn Optionally with integrated vertical stroke to relieve the operator. The pressure is activated by a cylinder. Tool Handling without Position Control Optional systems: nn Linear...
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applications Perfectly coordinated stand and gantry solutions guide the screwdriving tool securely to the assembly position and take the strain off the operator. Position control systems ensure that at the right place, at the right time, the correct connection element is assembled to the correct torque. Notes nn Monitoring of the screw position and screw sequence, freely programmable nn Individual screw tightening parameters available for each screw position nn Takes the strain off the operator by absorbing the reaction torque nn Vertical screwdriver guidance nn Optionally with integrated...
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the position control stand / the position control gantry The position control stand can be used with the following operating modes: nn Stand-alone operation with a DEPRAG sequence controller nn Stand-alone operation with a DEPRAG sequence controller with toolbox nn Operation with external controller nn Operation with external fieldbus module The operator can upload an image of the product and using program creation with “teach mode” each screwdriving position on the image can be indicated by the stand at the actual original positions. Up to 1000 screwdriving positions can be set per program...
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with position control – pOSITION control stand Technical data – Position control stand integrated electronics into the base stand with analog output at the base stand Technical data For torque Weight of Total weight reaction up to horizontal arm Nm/in.lbs kg/lbs kg/lbs Required accessories for position control stand with integrated electronics into the base stand Power supply Source (AC) Output (DC) More required accessories: balancers (see page 16) and screwdriver adapter or V-mounting bracket (see pages 17/18). Optional equipment for position control stand Designation Interface fieldbus...
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with position control – pOSITION control stand Ceiling support Clamping unit with cylinder Horizontal drawback Clamping unit grüne Fläc geändert Working area Working area A mm/in.
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with position control – pOSITION control gantry Technical data – Position control gantry Position measuring system X/Y incremental, non-contact, magnetic Optional: position measuring system Z incremental, cable rope position measuring device Maximum travel distance (X/Y/Z) for handheld screwdrivers for DEPRAG FEED MODULE Outer dimensions (WxD) basic version The abovementioned travel distance indicates the maximum value. In practice the exact version is adjusted to your requirements. Please contact us to discuss. Working area
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software products – suitable for position control stand Sophisticated software products optimise and complete your DEPRAG hardware. Save costs and time whilst increasing efficiency with the intelligent, user-friendly DEPRAG software solutions. Software products for position control stand Software TIA Link activation key part no. 135839 Description Integration in the Siemens programming environment (Totally Integrated Automation (TIA) Portal) is required to operate DEPRAG devices with the current SIMATIC controllers. This integration is quite time-consuming and requires expert domain...
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software products – suitable for position control stand and position control gantry Optional software modules for position control stand and for position control gantry when using the DEPRAG controller system DCOS DVIP50 part no. 815629 DVIP100 part no. 815630 DVIP200 part no. 815631 DVIP – DEPRAG VIsion and Position DAST – DEPRAG AblaufSTeuerung The extension package DVIP is required if positioning control is needed for a position control stand/portal or actions should be initiated via the screwdriving position (e.g. allocation of various tools via toolbox, etc.). The package is not...
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without position control – linear stand Linear stand – for ergonomic and process reliable tool guidance DEPRAG linear stand for ergonomic process reliable guidance of your tool, used to support the tool weight and for fast and secure positioning. Advantages: nn user friendly nn ergonomic nn support of the tool weight nn fast and secure positioning Please contact us if you require a special linear stand for e.g. ceiling suspension, with longer extension or with locking mechanism. Weight of horizontal arm Part no. kg/lbs 2 / 4.4 6.7 / 14.7 13.7 / 30.1 Optional equipment for linear stand...
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without position control Parallelogram stand - for screwdriver, straight for torque reaction Capacity Working area Height max. Part no. kg/lbs mm/in. mm/in. up to Nm/in.lbs 45 / 400 0-2 / 0-4.4 150-610/5.85-23.8 600 / 23.4 406253A Required accessories: Screwdriver adapter or V-mounting bracket (page 17/18). Screwdriver adapter Parallelogram stand with adjustable starting position, spring loaded. Additional swivel-arm - for parallelogram stand 406253A Working area mm/in. 250 / 9.75 400 / 15.6 Additional swivel-arm Rail-guided torque relief arm maximum torque 20 Nm - for screwdriver in...
Abrir o catálogo na página 12Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos DEPRAG SCHULZ GMBH u. CO. KG
Torque Transducers
8 Páginas
4 Páginas
Flat Head Screwdriver
2 Páginas
4 Páginas
4 Páginas
Air Turbine Drill
2 Páginas
Air Pliers
8 Páginas
Air Chain
2 Páginas
Jig Saw
2 Páginas
Air Hammers
10 Páginas
Air Impact Tools
4 Páginas
Air Tappers
4 Páginas
Drills - Pistolgrip
8 Páginas
Pneumatic Angle Drills
4 Páginas
Pneumatic Straight Drills
2 Páginas
Straight Drills
6 Páginas
Air Files
2 Páginas
Air Grinders - Angle
8 Páginas
Air Grinders with Collets
6 Páginas
Air Polishers
8 Páginas
Belt Sanders
6 Páginas
Air Motors
28 Páginas
40 Páginas
Air Vane Motors for Special Applications
18 Páginas
48 Páginas
12 Páginas
Storage Devices
4 Páginas
Feeding systems for stationary use
16 Páginas
Measurement devices
4 Páginas
24 Páginas
2 Páginas
Screwdriving System DEPRAG Plus
32 Páginas
Pneumatic Power Tools
40 Páginas
Software Solutions & Updates
36 Páginas
Step Feeder System D3835E
20 Páginas
12 Páginas
8 Páginas
GET Turbine Generator
8 Páginas
Air motors for special applications
16 Páginas
12 Páginas
Controller Technology
12 Páginas
Inserting Tools for Screwdrivers
20 Páginas
MINIMAT Screwdrivers
4 Páginas
8 Páginas
D 6600
48 Páginas
MINIMAT-T Depth Stop Driver
2 Páginas
Screw Presenter
6 Páginas
Catálogos arquivados
Feeding Technologies D3810
36 Páginas