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Product Catalog Compressed Air Conditioning • Garage Equipment Compressed Air Accessories • Autogenous-Propane
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We are compressed air and autogenous machines. Innovation as a tradition. Welcome to ewo – We are glad to see that you are interested in our product line and our company ewo as synonymous for reliable products in the sector of compressed-air-powered and autogenous devices. A trademark for quality. Numerous applications for industrial operations, craft producers, filling stations, rescue and relief agencies, health-care operations etc. document in an exemplary fashion the performance and professionalism displayed in our products. Our responsible approach to conserving our earth's resources...
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General Information airvision Modular and Compact “L” stainless steel Drain Valves Garage Equipment
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1 Representatives around the world Ultramax P.O. Box 255 Maddington WESTERN AUSTRALIA 6989 Haberkorn Ulmer GmbH Modecenterstrasse 7 1030 WIEN Haberkorn Ulmer GmbH Hohe Bruecke 6961 WOLFURT phone: fax: email: internet: phone: fax: email: internet: phone: fax: email: internet: Gas welding and cutting equipment REFLAKE GROUP Rua Antonio Bergamo, 10 Cep 13.274-442 - VALINHOS – SAO PAULO BASVULK Ltd. 86, Tsar Osvoboditel St. 2500 KYUSTENDIL phone: fax: email: internet: phone: fax: mobile: email: internet: AIG Welding Ltd. Kompl. “Sveta Troitza” “Zaichar” Str. bl.332 ent.B, fl, ap37 1309 SOFIA...
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JETAS A/S Syrevej 55A 3300 FREDERIKSVAERK Gama Trading & Engineering Nasr City - 23 Omarat Elobour - Salah Salem CAIRO Mopla Oy Kotkankatu 4 00510 HELSINKI phone: fax: email: internet: phone: fax: email: internet: Garage equipment GO Fluids 7 rue de la Voie Romanine 88160 RAMONCHAMP Athens-Hydrodynamic S.A. 54-56 Athinon Ave 10441 ATHENS G.H. Carayanopoulous & Sons S.A. 17, Marni Street 10443 ATHENS phone: fax: email: internet: Garage equipment Skulason + Johnsson HF Skutuvogi 12 P.O. Box 4143 104 REYKJAVIK Spektrum Fluid Power Pvt. Ltd. Building F3, Flat No. 9 State Bank Nagar Co-op Paud...
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1 Representatives around the world KOREA (South) Società Italiana Commerciale Utensili s.p.a. SICUTOOL Via Cesena, 15 20155 MILANO Taiyo International Corporation Shirokanedai Kowa Bldg. Shirokanedai 2-9-6, Minato-ku TOKYO 108-0071 U-Chang International Ltd. Bld. # 19-25, Industrial Circulation Center Sangyuk-2 Dong, Buk-Gu DAEGU 702-012 phone: fax: email: internet: phone: fax: email: internet: phone: fax: email: internet: SIA Alintek Krasta iela 103 LV-1019 RIGA SK-TEC Automation & Engineering No.54-A, Taman Puchong Utama, Jalan PU 7/3 47100 PUCHONG, SELANGOR Bönnekamp b.v. Maarnse...
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SOUTH AFRICA ewo Slovak Republic Jan Chlupsa Kosor Korejsi 205 25226 PRAHA OMEGA AIR d.o.o. Ljubljana Cesta Dolomitskega odreda 10 1000 LJUBLJANA ewo SOUTH AFRICA (PTY) LTD 26 6th Avenue Edenvale, 1609 Postnet Suite 12 Private Bag x10016 EDENVALE 1610 phone: +420 60 852 938 0 email: jan.chlupsa@ewo-stuttgart.cz internet: www.ewo-stuttgart.cz phone: fax: email: internet: phone: +27 11 453-5891 fax: +27 11 453-8608 email: peter.tolmay@ewo-sa.com internet: www.ewo-sa.com All products Delfin Traver S.L. Antigua N-340 Poligono Industrial Pullman 12006 CASTELLON Seicom S.L. c/o Joan Banti Visa C/...
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1 Representatives around the world UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM Middle East International Enterprises P.O. Box No. 484 SHARJAH / U.A.E. The West Group Ltd. Aston Road Waterlooville HAMPSHIRE PO7 7XJ Newbow Aerospace Ltd. Meir Road Park Farm North REDDITCH B98 7SY phone: fax: email: internet: phone: fax: email: internet: Garage equipment VIETNAM CAT MINH Industrial Hardware Co. Ltd. 137 Le Quang Dinh St. Ward 14, Binh Thanh District HO CHI MINH CITY phone: fax: email: internet: www.ewo-stuttgart.com – info@ewo-stuttgart.com
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Please note general safety instructions in the relevant data sheets and manuals! Manufacturers of machinery and equipment under EU law must prove the conformity of machinery or equipment with the applicable EU directives. A machine or system can only be put into operation if it is determined that the machinery or plant of the relevant EC Directive. Pictures serve only as examples and are not binding. In general just one picture is shown for each group of products. The Technical data are also for information only and without responsibility. Improvements in construction may be made at any...
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1 Guide to the different registers Register 2 Air Preparation: vma A filter system for compressed air of the highest purity. Different filter stages – preliminary filter, microfilter and activated charcoal filter. Modular system for direct flanging. Six sizes with connecting threads from G 1/4 to G 2. Register 3 Air Preparation: standard up to G 2 and 60 bar Air preparation equipment in classical design and of proven quality. Filters, special filters, pressure regulators, fog lubricators, filter pressure regulators and combination maintenance units with many variations in filter fineness,...
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Register 7 Air Preparation: stainless steel Treatment equipment completely in stainless steel and extremely robust, high resistance against corrosion. Filter, filter regulator, pressure regulator, lubricator, FRL, threaded pipe and valves. Connection G 1/8 to G 1 - Fittings and valves in part to G 2. Register 8 Air Preparation: Drain Valves Drain valves serve to remove compressed air condensate from filters and filter pressure regulators on the equipment of all ewo series in all sizes. Manual drain valves are fitted on our filters as standard equipment. Other types of drain valves...
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1 Terms and Conditions § 1 General These supply and payment conditions only apply to the business transactions with entrepreneurs mentioned under § 310 section 1 BGB as well as to legal entities under the Public Law or special properties governed by the Public Law. All the offers, order confirmations, deliveries and services are based on these conditions and special contractual agreements, if any. Deviating purchase conditions of the ordering party / customer shall not be included in the contract even with the acceptance of the contract. A contract shall become effective with a special...
Abrir o catálogo na página 12Todos os catálogos e folhetos técnicos Armaturen- und Autogengerätefabrik ewo Hermann Holzapfel GmbH & Co. KG
Compressed air catalogue 2020
196 Páginas
Welding catalog
124 Páginas
ewo Compressed Air Catalog
212 Páginas
Catálogos arquivados
ewo Product Catalog II
116 Páginas
Product Catalogue
182 Páginas