Metal Enclosed Capacitor Bank
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Metal Enclosed Capacitor Bank - 1

ABBACUS Mtal Enclosed Capacitor Bank Power and productivity for a better world'

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Metal Enclosed Capacitor Bank - 2

ABBACUS Mtal Enclosed Capacitor Bank ABB ls the world's leading capacltcr manufacturer. Thls comptence has led to a tully integrated ABB solution kncwn as ABBACUS, for r驩active compensation h mdium voltage networks. The ABBACUS ls a packaged reactive compensation System whlcfi combines prlmary components, and secondary control and protection, within a compact modular enclosure. The System can be either configure! as a flxed or svtfched capacitor bank_ The switefied bank conslsts of single or multiple steps, automatically controlled to improve powr factor The design of the ABBACUS provides...

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Metal Enclosed Capacitor Bank - 3

Power Module The Power Modules in the ABBACUS. when energised. gnrale the reactive power. Th驨se modules are designed to be interconnected to each other and the incomer module. An appropriate power module can be chosen depending on the required application- The Power Modules for the ABBACUS range can accommodate the tollowing: Capacitor s Օ Inrush reaclors or deluning reactors HRC fuses Օ Contactors Unbalance current transtormers Օ RapkJ discharge vcttage transtormers Pressure sv/itches Օ Earlhing sOck Safety interiocks Օ Lights Anfi condensation heeters Օ Connecting busbare Cable...

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Metal Enclosed Capacitor Bank - 4

Technical Spcification General Voltage Conirol Vbttage Maximum Output Frequency Location Amttent Temprature Altitude Humidity Insulation Lev驩 1-24KV 230 -240V Standard Upto13.2MVar 50 or 60 Hz Indoor or Outdoor -1/+45*C# <1000m above sea levei Maximum 90% RH non condensing <-12KV28/75KV BIL >12kV-175kV 38/96kV BIL >175kV-24kV 5tV125kV BIL Up to 50kA for 1 second Fixed. switched single or muitlstep lECor ۩quivalent Circuit Breaker ABB Model Type Isolator ABB Model Type Earth Switch ABB Model Type Enclosure Material Base trame Protection Paint System VD4 Vacuum MAL Air insulatCK) Short...

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