Group: Ametek

Catalog excerpts

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Zygo® is respected globally as an innovator and for providing best-in-class technologies, services, and solutions with a focus on surface metrology, position sensing, and optical components and assemblies. In a world where meeting and achieving precise tolerances are critical to the success of advanced applications, Zygo is your dedicated strategic partner. ZYGO NANO P O SITION SENS ORS
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Zygo has been at the cutting edge of ultra-precision manufacturing for 50 years. Zygo’s global, industry-wide reputation for excellence is a result of a dedicated team, and an unwavering focus on timely, cost-effective, and exceptional highquality outcomes for the most critical specification. We continuously innovate, achieving cuttingedge solutions through a combination of passion, experience, tenacity, and the desire to succeed. ZYGO’s four core values sit at the heart of all we do. In every way Zygo goes Beyond Precision™. Beyond Precision
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A measurement customers can absolutely trust… Zygo has pioneered innovations in the displacement and position sensor space for over 30 years by working closely with applications requiring the highest precision and reliability. Our team of experts stand ready to help you tackle your position metrology needs. Why Zygo? Application analysis • Radiometry • Uncertainty Superior product performance • Highly stable lasers • High fidelity electronics Ongoing application support ZYGO NANO P O SITION SENS ORS
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MOTION = DOPPLER MEASUREMENT f Doppler REFERENCE LIGHT GENERATION DUEL FREQUENCY GENERATION SPLIT & RECOMBINE INTERFERENCE & DETECTION PROCESSING & INTERPRETATION Modern precision manufacturing Unlike alternative sensors such as relies increasingly on automated lithography and inspection tool capacitance gauges or magnetic stage positioning, as well as encoders, Zygo’s position for deformable optical systems. Other applications are calibration systems are capable of direct efficient automated precision and metrology based, where the high precision measurement from Abbe error, and are immune...
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STAGE & ABSOLUTE POSITIONING SYSTEMS The Zygo name is synonymous with the industry’s most accurate optical solutions, setting the standard by which all other technologies measure themselves. We specialize in two types of nano position sensing systems — stage position metrology and absolute position metrology. ZYGO NANO P O SITION SENS ORS STAGE & ABS OLUTE P O SITIONING SYSTEM
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Stage Position Metrology Systems ∆d displacement interferometers ZMI products employ heterodyne relative changes in distance. metrology and precisely measure are ideal for stage position interferometry technology, making it insensitive to signal amplitude changes and therefore extremely stable and robust. Absolute Position Measurement Systems d i The Zygo ZPS™ absolute position measuring system provides high-precision measurement over a range of non-contact absolute position channels. The ultra-compact optical sensors that comprise the ZPS system are easily integrated into high-end...
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Stage Position Metrology Systems Servo Controller Fiber Optic Cable Motor Drive Reliable and repeatable position feedback — ideal for closed loop control. MEASUREMENT ELECTRONICS LASER HEADS Zygo’s heterodyne measurement techniques mean low noise electronics and high fidelity displacement measurements. The ZMI 4100 and ZMI 5020 boards also feature automated cyclic error compensation to ensure the attainment of ultimate levels of measurement precision. Serial and parallel output interfaces allow for flexibility in connectivity to other industrial equipment. Zygo’s ZMI systems are based on...
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Exposure Optic Wafer Stage CABLES & FEEDTHROUGHS INTERFEROMETERS & OPTICS Zygo offers a wide variety of cables and feedthroughs, including standard fiber optic cables as well as vacuum compatible fiber optic cables with low outgassing jacketing. Zygo also offers a selection of laser head power cables that simultaneously enables communication with the laser. Unique, patented technology. Zygo interferometers are designed to have low intrinsic non-linear cyclic error covering a wide range of applications. Zygo’s interferometers measure displacement over many degrees of freedom, and allow for...
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Each ZMI system is designed and customized to your specific performance, layout, and configuration needs. SERVO CONTROL Zygo is a market leader in stage position feedback sensors for semiconductor manufacturing and process control tools. The ZMI series of interferometer systems can be configured to provide all degrees of freedom necessary to enable successful nanometer-level motion control. With over 30 years of experience, Zygo’s products have become some of the most reliable and ZMI Systems for OEM Closed Loop Applications Lithography Tools Optical Lithography Steppers and Scanners E-beam...
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SENSOR CALIBRATION MATERIAL CHARACTERIZATION MECHANICAL MEASUREMENTS Calibrate lower resolution sensors Precisely measure intrinsic Understand how your mechanical — such as LVDTs or capacitance material properties such as systems perform in vacuum thermal expansion coefficients or under extreme heat loads, measuring a common target with something only achievable with for novel and exotic materials. precision optical sensing. Critical for opto-mech and other precision system provides nanometer level mechanical system before deployment into space or other easy-to-use package. challenging...
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Absolute Position Measurement Systems Sub-nanometer level repeatability in ultra-compact optical sensors to measure targets within high-precision applications. ZYGO NANO P O SITION SENS ORS
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ZPS ABSOLUTE POSITION MEASUREMENT SYSTEMS Up to 64 high-precision, ultra-compact sensors measure targets, in air or vacuum, over the range of 3.5 ± 0.6 mm. Absolute position measurement easy switching between multiple means knowing exactly where your target is. Zygo’s ZPS allowing multiple applications system delivers this powerful in different locations within the capacity with sub-nanometer same facility. level repeatability. The system employs ultra-compact optical From set-up to analysis and sensors that connect to a centralized enclosure via multi- streamlined interface is simple fiber...
Open the catalog to page 13All Zygo catalogs and technical brochures
Zygo Precision Optics & Systems
20 Pages
Zygo Laser Interferometers
28 Pages
Zygo 3D Optical Profilers
24 Pages
Zygo Service Brochure
12 Pages
Compass2 1-sheet - Optimized
2 Pages
Compass 2™ Specifications
2 Pages
Mx Surface Texture Parameters
28 Pages
SubAngstrom Surface Texture
3 Pages
PMI vs Fringe Analysis
2 Pages
Mx Films Analysis Software
2 Pages
Interferometer Scale Facton
2 Pages
Coherent Artifact Reduction
3 Pages