Railway Signal Cables


Catalog excerpts

Railway Signal Cables - 1

E s t a bl i s hedi n1992, ZT Ts t a r t edf r om opt i c a lberc ommuni c a t i onsa ndwa s l i s t ed on S ha ngha iS t oc kE x c ha nge( S S E )i n 2002( S t oc kCodei nS S E : Rai l waySi gnal Cabl es 600522) . ZT Tha spi c t ur edadi v er s iedi ndus t r i a l por t f ol i of orma r i neequi pment , r enewa bl eener gy , newma t er i a l s , s ma r tgr i d, opt i c a l c ommuni c a t i ons a ndot herdi v er s iedi ndus t r i a l pr oduc t s . ZT TGr oupi snowhos t i ng80s ubs i di a r yc ompa ni esa ndov er16, 000empl oy ee,oper a t i ng5ov er s ea spl a nt s l oc a t edi nI ndi a , Br a z i l , I ndones i a , Mor oc c oa ndT ur k ey. ZT Townsmor et ha n 2500pa t ent swi t hi ndependenti nt el l ec t ua l pr oper t yr i ght s , pr es i dedov er or pa r t i c i pa t edi nmor et ha n500i nt er na t i ona l a ndna t i ona l i ndus t r ys t a nda r ds . T hepr oduc t sofZT Ta r eex por t edt o160c ount r i esa ndr egi ons. T hec ompa nyha sr a nk eda mongt het op500Chi nes eent er pr i s esf orc ons ec ut i v ey ea r s a ndbr ok et hr ough$13. 4bi l l i oni ns a l esr ev enuei n2022.ZT Tf ol l owst he new ec onomi cmodeloff os t er i ngc l ea nerpr oduc t i ona nd a c c el er a t i ng gr eena ndl owc a r bondev el opment , wor k sha r dt os er v ea st hepi oneerof per s i s t entendea v ort oa c hi ev ena t i ona l goa l i nv ol v i ngc a r bondi ox i deemi s s i onspea k i ngby2030a ndc a r bonneut r a l i t yby2060, emer gi nga sagr een ma nuf a c t ur i ngt ec hnol ogygr oupa s s umi ngr egi ona l ec onomy .

Open the catalog to page 1
Railway Signal Cables - 2

Railway Signal Cables Railway Signal Cables Type of Railway Signal Cables Railway signal cable (Internal shield)Railway digital signal cable Responder data transmission cable Copper wire braided shielded responder data transmission cable Railway axle cable Railway long-distance symmetrical communication cable Signal cable for urban rail transit Axle cable for urban rail transit Multi-composite high electromagnetic shielding rail traffic communication signal cable Rail trans

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Railway Signal Cables - 3

Railway Signal Cables Railway Signal Cables Company profile Zhongtian Radio Frequency Cable Co., Ltd. was established in 2004, as a high and new technology enterprise founded by Jiangsu Zhongtian Science and Technology Co., Ltd and Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, which is located at Nantong Economic & Technological Development Zone of Jiangsu Province. We provide products such as radio frequency cables, leaky coaxial cables, railway digital signal cables and accessories for mobile communications, which are widely used in over 20 countries. We have excellent R&D ability...

Open the catalog to page 3
Railway Signal Cables - 4

Railway Signal Cables Railway Signal Cables Production progress Main testing equipment list Zhongtian Radio Frequency Cable Co., Ltd(ZRF) has the industry's leading leather -bubble-leather physical foaming wire-drawing insulation series production lines, high-speed warping machine, inner shield longitudinally wrap line, argon arc welding line and other professional signal cable production equipment, professional and employs the industry renowned experts from outside to use technological advantages to build brand products. ZRF imports international advanced brand RK-S wire-drawing insulation...

Open the catalog to page 4
Railway Signal Cables - 5

Railway Signal Cables Railway Signal Cables The specification of railway signal cable Railway signal cables core structure Application Railway signal cable is suitable for railway signal and audio signal transmission or some automatic device with fixed installation. Composite sheath and aluminum sheathed railway Twin line Signal wire Lead sheath signal cables have a little shielding performance, which is applied to be laid in electrification area or other areas with high voltage interference. Product using characteristics ◆ The working temperature of cables is -40℃~ +60℃ . should not be...

Open the catalog to page 5
Railway Signal Cables - 6

Railway Signal Cables Electrical performance DC resistance for every conductor The Resistance of the conductor to the working wire is unbalanced Insulation resistance Working capacitance of twin line group Working capacitance of star twist quad Railway Signal Cables (Internal shield)Railway Digital signal cables Unit Test method Reduction formula Railway digital signal cable is suitable for transmitting control information, monitoring information and electric energy between signal equipment and control devices such as railway signal automatic blocking system, counting axis, station code,...

Open the catalog to page 6
Railway Signal Cables - 7

Railway Signal Cables Railway Signal Cables The specification of (Internal shield) Digital signal cables Specification ( number of cores ) Structure of cable core Electrical performance Project Unit DC Resistance at 20℃ DC Resistance of each conductor Ω/km % operating lines are unbalanced to conductor Insulation Insulation resistance DC 500V 20℃ MΩ·km Each Insulation wire core to others(connected with screen and metal sheath ) strength of the dielectric medium 50Hz 2min One wire core to others V All the connected wire cores(or one wire core) to screen and metal sheath Capacitance 0.8 ~...

Open the catalog to page 7
Railway Signal Cables - 8

Railway Signal Cables Railway Signal Cables The specifications of transponder data transmission cable Responder data transmission cable Application The responder data transmission cable is used in a track circuit Reference outside diameter 20 point-to-point transponder system,the connection between the devices point-to-point transponder and ground unit (LEU) Electrical performance signal control device ,Transmission automatic block system, the data and information of the over-speed protection system ,basic parameters of railway, the speed information of railway, the information of temporary...

Open the catalog to page 8
Railway Signal Cables - 9

Railway Signal Cables Copper wire braided shielded responder data transmission cable Railway Signal Cables The specification for copper wire braided shielded transponder data transmission cable. Serial number Copper wire braid shield responder data transmission cable Reference outside diameter can be used in the responder transmission system. It connects the indoor cabinets to the LEU devices or connects the Electrical performance outdoor cable terminal box to the transponder equipment. According to the specific use of environmental, Copper wire braid shield responder data transmission...

Open the catalog to page 9

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