Leaky Coaxial Cable


Catalog excerpts

Leaky Coaxial Cable - 1

E s t a bl i s hedi n1992, ZT Ts t a r t edf r om opt i c a lberc ommuni c a t i onsa ndwa s l i s t ed on S ha ngha iS t oc kE x c ha nge( S S E )i n 2002( S t oc kCodei nS S E : 600522) . ZT Tha spi c t ur edadi v er s iedi ndus t r i a l por t f ol i of orma r i neequi p- ment , r enewa bl eener gy , newma t er i a l s , s ma r tgr i d, opt i c a l c ommuni c a t i ons a ndot herdi v er s iedi ndus t r i a l pr oduc t s . ZT TGr oupi snowhos t i ng80s ubs i di a r yc ompa ni esa ndov er16, 000empl oy ee,oper a t i ng5ov er s ea spl a nt s l oc a t edi nI ndi a , Br a z i l , I ndones i a , Mor oc c oa ndT ur k ey. ZT Townsmor et ha n 2500pa t ent swi t hi ndependenti nt el l ec t ua l pr oper t yr i ght s , pr es i dedov er or pa r t i c i pa t edi nmor et ha n500i nt er na t i ona l a ndna t i ona l i ndus t r ys t a nda r ds . T hepr oduc t sofZT Ta r eex por t edt o160c ount r i esa ndr egi ons. T hec ompa nyha sr a nk eda mongt het op500Chi nes eent er pr i s esf orc ons ec ut i v ey ea r s a ndbr ok et hr ough$13. 4bi l l i oni ns a l esr ev enuei n2022.ZT Tf ol l owst he new ec onomi cmodeloff os t er i ngc l ea nerpr oduc t i ona nd a c c el er a t i ng gr eena ndl owc a r bondev el opment , wor k sha r dt os er v ea st hepi oneerof per s i s t entendea v ort oa c hi ev ena t i ona l goa l i nv ol v i ngc a r bondi ox i deemi s s i onspea k i ngby2030a ndc a r bonneut r a l i t yby2060, emer gi nga sagr een ma nuf a c t ur i ngt ec hnol ogygr oupa s s umi ngr egi ona l ec onomy .

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Leaky Coaxial Cable - 2

Company Profile ZTT was established in 1992, and now becomes a public high-tech enterprise with 76 subsidiaries, and about 16,000 employees (Code: 600522). We provide products such as radio frequency cables, leaky coaxial cables, railway digital signal cables and accessories for mobile communications, which are widely used in over 20 countries. We have excellent R&D ability and with advanced equipments such as Maillefer and Rosendahl. We have capacity of manufacturing 80,000km radio frequency cables,10,000km leaky coaxial cables , 13,000km railway digital signal cables and accessories per...

Open the catalog to page 2
Leaky Coaxial Cable - 3

Type of Leaky Coaxial Cables for Communication Base Station Leaky coaxial cable is mainly used in the long, narrow and enclosed areas that conventional antenna signals can not be effectively covered, for example, track traffic, tunnels, mines, buildings and large edifices, and so on. Leaky coaxial cable integrates the function of antenna and feeder cable. It has three functions, (a) transmit electromagnetic wave, (b) launch electromagnetic wave, (c) receive outside specific electromagnetic wave. There are two kinds of leaky coaxial cable, radiating mode and coupling mode. Wave Propagation...

Open the catalog to page 3
Leaky Coaxial Cable - 4

Leaky cable application system Wireless communication system in subway Advantages The product characterized long electromagnetic radiation distance and is suitable for the coverage of enclosed areas, such as rail tunnels, high speed railway tunnels, underground parking and so on. It has strong radiation performance and uniform fluctuation in narrow band. Best working frequency range: 800~1000 & 1700~2400MHz Combiner and Shunt Coupler Downward direction Grounding kits Jumper Jumper Upward direction Power divider Jumper Jumper 1-5/8" Leaky cable 7/8" Feeder Jumper Power divider Indoor antenna...

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Leaky Coaxial Cable - 5

The product characterized long electromagnetic radiation distance and is suitable for the coverage of enclosed areas, such as rail tunnels, high speed railway tunnels, underground parking and so on. It has strong radiation performance and uniform fluctuation in narrow band. Best working frequency range: 150~500 & 600~1000MHz The product characterized long electromagnetic radiation distance and is suitable for the coverage of enclosed areas, such as rail tunnels, high speed railway tunnels, underground parking and so on. It has strong radiation performance and uniform fluctuation in narrow...

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Leaky Coaxial Cable - 6

The product characterized long electromagnetic radiation distance and is suitable for the coverage of enclosed areas, such as rail tunnels, high speed railway tunnels, underground parking and so on. It has strong radiation performance and uniform fluctuation in narrow band. Best working frequency range: 300~600 & 670~950MHz The product characterized long electromagnetic radiation distance and is suitable for the coverage of enclosed areas, such as rail tunnels, high speed railway tunnels, underground parking and so on. It has strong radiation performance and uniform fluctuation in narrow...

Open the catalog to page 6
Leaky Coaxial Cable - 7

The product characterized long electromagnetic radiation distance and is suitable for the coverage of enclosed areas, such as rail tunnels, high speed railway tunnels, underground parking and so on. It has strong radiation performance and uniform fluctuation in narrow band. Best working frequency range: 300~900 MHz The product characterized long electromagnetic radiation distance and is suitable for the coverage of enclosed areas, such as rail tunnels, high speed railway tunnels, underground parking and so on. It has strong radiation performance and uniform fluctuation in narrow band. Best...

Open the catalog to page 7
Leaky Coaxial Cable - 8

The product is applicable for the coverage of density in long, narrow and enclosed areas, such as mines, buildings and elevators etc. It has little fluctuation of electromagnetic density and uniform coverage in broadband. Best working frequency range: 50~3000 MHz The product is applicable for the coverage of density in long, narrow and enclosed areas, such as mines, buildings and elevators etc. It has little fluctuation of electromagnetic density and uniform coverage in broadband. Best working frequency range: 50~3000 MHz Cable type Coupling Size 7/8″ Inner conductor material / OD Copper...

Open the catalog to page 8
Leaky Coaxial Cable - 9

The product is applicable for the coverage of density in long, narrow and enclosed areas, such as mines, buildings and elevators etc. It has little fluctuation of electromagnetic density and uniform coverage in broadband. Best working frequency range: 50~3000 MHz The product is applicable for the coverage of density in long, narrow and enclosed areas, such as mines, buildings and elevators etc. It has little fluctuation of electromagnetic density and uniform coverage in broadband. Best working frequency range: 50~3000 MHz Cable type Coupling Size 1-1/4″ Inner conductor material / OD Copper...

Open the catalog to page 9

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