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The ZOLLERN Group ZOLLERN GmbH & Co. KG is a company with world wide oprations, employing over 3000 employees in the business fields of transmission technology (automation, gear boxes and winches), plain bearing technology, machine components, foundry technology and steel profiles. HYDROSTATIC BEARING SYSTEMS 魕 Hydrostatic throttle systems 3 ZOLLERN bearing clearance compensator 4 Օ Compound bearing materials 5 Hydrostatic spindle units 6 Օ Hydrostatic guideways 8 Hydrostatic bearing components 9 Օ Hydrostatic test bearings 10 Hydrostatic lead screws 11 Օ Additional equipment 12...

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HYDROSTATIC THROTTLE SYSTEMS 2 Precision flow-divider - characteristic High bearing loads Օ High bearing stiffness Low hydrostatic power-loss Օ Feasibility of generous bearing clearances Bearing systems with and without wrap-around Օ External piping required 3 Capillary tubes - characteristic Low sliding speed Օ Bearing systems without wrap-around Single hydrostatic pockets Օ Adjustment of capillaries required after production 1 Bearing clearance compensator -characteristic ZOLLERN standard configuration for an economical serial production Օ Ready-to-install bearings Compact design...

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Plateau_ Pp pump nroove Pt pocket nroove ZOLLERN BEARING CLEARANCE COMPENSATOR Yh0 PRESSURE PUMP COMPRESSED OIL SUPPLY BEARING POCKET The long exprience by our company in the field of slide bearing metallurgy led us to the development of hydrostatic bearing systems. From the outset, ZOLLERN has used a special form of preliminary throttle system, the so-called 'ZOLLERN bearing clearance compensator'. Bearing op魩ration The respective Plateau in the centre of each pocket is machined by the same plane of the bearing. A pump groove PP which is connected to the pressure pump is milled into the...

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COMPOUND BEARING MATERIALS Compound castings for efficient hydrostatic applications We optimize our hydrostatic bearing components with special compound materials. By using different combinations, we are able to meet your demands for products, capable fulfilling the most wide-ranging applications. Thereby we produce diffusion bonds between steel and lead-bronze, steel and white metal as well as compounds based on aluminum. 4 5 Name of compound Properties Application Radial bearings Օ Thrust bearings Best sliding properties and emergency-run characteristics Օ High sliding speeds...

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Grinding spindle units Օ Milling spindle units Workpiece- and turning spindle units Օ Fine drilling spindle units Multi-spindle units HYDROSTATIC SPINDLE UNITS 1 Grinding spindle unit Bearing diameter: 110 mm Spindle speed: 1500-6000 rpm Radial and axial runout: < 0.5 pm Application: high precision grinder 2 Fine drilling spindle unit, 3-way Bearing diameter: 70 mm Spindle speed: 1000-6000 rpm Workpiece roundness: < 0.5-1 pm Application: fine drilling of conrod bearing holes in one production step 3 Multi-spindle unit, 7-way Bearing diameters: 32-50 mm Spindle speed: 1800-4000 rpm...

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5 5 Rotary-table unit Bearing diameter: 550 mm Face-chuck diameter: 1000mm Axial load: 120 KN Application: measuring machines, vertical grinders Radial axial runout: < 1pm Features Outstanding high machining accuracy, radial and axial runout < 0.5 pm Օ High radial and axial stiffness No vibration from rolling elements Օ Maximum damping of vibrations from machining process High surface quality and reduced tool wear through damping oil film Օ Full load of bearing capacity and stiffness even at speed zero Wear-free, no mixed friction zone on starting and run-down Օ Peripheral speeds up to...

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Guideways VVIUI al IU VVIUIUUI VVIaU"alUUI Օ Guideway-units with linear motors Round guideways, simultaneous linear-and rotary movements Օ V-Flat guides Guide rails Օ Guide plates 1 HYDROSTATIC GUIDEWAYS Features Unlimited theoretical lifetime Օ Outstanding suitable for oscillation movements No ball redirection from rolling elements Օ No friction by low motion, no stick-slip effect Maximum positioning accuracy, no backlash Օ High damping by oil-filled lubrication gap No vibrations from rolling elements Օ Maximum possible damping of vibrations from machining process High security...

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Rotary-table bearings Օ Bearing sets Bearing segments Օ Thin-walled radial bearings Supporting bearings HYDROSTATIC BEARING COMPONENTS Features Օ Compact design Applicable into existing machines Օ High positioning accuracy, frictionless by low speed Rotary-table bearings from diameter 80 mm up to 2000 mm Օ Spindle sleeve bearings from diameter 35 mm up to diameter 500 mm Integrated linear and rotary movements in a single bearing 2 4 I5 6 Applicable instead of YRT ball-bearing Bearing diameters: 250-2000 mm Operating accuracy: < 2 pm Axial loads: up to 500 KN Radial loads: up to 50 KN...

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2 SPECIAL HYDROSTATIC TEST BEARINGS Features High radial and axial stiffness Օ No vibrations by rolling elements Maximum possible damping of vibrations from testing process Օ Feasibility of making precise measurements of friction torques Frictionless by low speed Օ Maximum load capacity already at speed zero Free of wear, no metal to metal contact 4 5 1 Radial bearings for test cylinders Piston rod diameters: 45 up to 440 mm Material: steel/bronze Operating pressure: 280 bar 2 Friction balance test rig Measurement of the friction torque of roller bearings under several operating loads...

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HYDROSTATIC LEAD SCREWS 10 11 Hydrostatic lead screws permit the wear-free transmission of power from rotary movements to linear movements. Thanks to the no-play and hydrostatic pre-stressed nut, the hydrostatic lead screws are particularly suitable for highly dynamic, precise positioning functions in continuous non-stop operation. Free of wear, no metal contact between the elements Օ Speeds up to 90 m/min. Thermally stable, direct heat dissipation through lubricant Օ Excellent suitable for rapid, oscillating movements Lead screws with external dimensions to customers' specifications can...

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12 Engineering services Planning and delivery of complըte oil supply System, oil cooling system included Delivery of components for monitoring pocket-pressure or monitoring volumetric flow rate of the hydrostatic system Օ If required by the customer, commissioning of complete systems on-site Use of low-pulsation, low-noise internal gear pumps

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All ZOLLERN catalogs and technical brochures


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Archived catalogs

  1. Steel Profiles

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  2. Materials

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  3. Brochure

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