

Catalog excerpts

Type ZIRALCAST-94 - 2

Alumina Castable Type ZIRALCAST-94Characteristics & Properties Continued Firing Shrinkage, % The data presented herein is intended to help the user to determine the appropriateness of this material for their application. This data is a nominal representation of this product's properties and characteristics and therefore should not be used in preparing specifications. ** Properties expressed parallel to thickness. Suggested Applications Insulating refractory in furnaces operating to temperatures as high as 1815°C (3300oF). Manufacture of low-density cast refractory shapes including covers,...

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All ZIRCAR Ceramics catalogs and technical brochures

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  4. Type IB-100

    2 Pages

  5. Type DAHP

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  6. Type HR

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  7. Type HC

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  8. Type H

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  9. Type K-1

    1 Pages

  10. Type RAHP

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  11. Type SC-1

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  12. Type MTC

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  13. Type ZAL-45

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  14. Type AL-30AA

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  15. Type BM

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  16. Type Z-MAG Q

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  17. AXL

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  18. AXHTM

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    2 Pages

  20. ASH

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    2 Pages

  23. ECO-1200

    2 Pages

  24. ZAL-45AA

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  25. ZAL-45

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  26. ZAL-15AA

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  27. ZAL-15

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  28. SALI-2

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  29. SALI

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  30. PATI

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  31. ECO-20AA

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  32. CRYSTAL-18

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  33. ALC-AA

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  34. AL-45/1700

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  35. AL-30AAH

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  36. Alumina ALC

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  37. AL-30AA

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  38. AL-25/1700

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  39. SC-1

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