Grid Couplings


Catalog excerpts

Grid Couplings - 1

Explorers reach the goal applications of the grid couplings The structural style of the grid couplings The selection and use of the grid couplings The structural style, basic parameter and main dimensions of the grid couplings The rapid cooling installation connection method of Grid coupling The installation, adjustment and lubrication o f the grid universal couplings preservation of the grid couplings Attached list

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Grid Couplings - 2

Grid Couplings ffiftKMS Tha structural ftastu'es anc applltations of flia grid couplings The grid couplings shown as figure 1, figure 2, Which Is made up of several groups of serpentine spring around the two couplings halves tooth space to transfer movement and power. The external enclosed cover prevents the spring was thrown under the action of centrifugal force, shell exists lubricating oil, lubricating spring and the booth surface contact, avoid dry friction, Grid Couplings ffiff KM it Tha stnjcturai njaUnss sfic applications of lha grid nwpHngs ♦ The grid couplings of compact structure,...

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Grid Couplings - 3

Grid Couplings tJSffittffi The sirudurfli style of the grid ccupJines ToFqiie rangp: Grid Couplings ffiUKStSt i he iiru^Lursi style ol [he grid <;ou clings Tofqus range:

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Grid Couplings - 4

Grid Couplings tJSKttffi The aeledJon and use or Ihe grid couplings When to select and use the grid couplings, according to the basic information and calculate the torque, preliminary select couplings model specification. Then from standard found the corresponding specifications corresponding to the maximum pore size, the maximum radial dimension (Rotary space) and the allowable speed whether can meet couplings working conditions to determine the selection and usage of grid couplings model specifications. Accordinrj ID (he fallowing steps ID select and use couplings 1.1 fiffiS^fsA / Thg...

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Grid Couplings - 5

Grid Couplings tJSKttffi The selection end use of Ihe grid coupling! When the motor power is big, impact load, frequent starting and braking, intermittent operation and so on, such as when system exists repetitive peak load, the couplings torque rating equal or greater than selection torque calculated according to the following formula. ♦ a. *£fl*tttt«/ No rot-arse peak load Selection torque (N ■ m) = system peak torque Selection torque (N ■ m) = system peak power (Kw) x 9550 / rotate speed (rpm) ♦ b. ftftfiltttf ttVf / Have revors* peak load Selection torque (N m) = 1.5 x system peak...

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Grid Couplings - 6

The selection and use of the grid couplings If did not meet the requirements of bore diameter, needs to adjust the couplings model and specifications. meets the requirements of bore diameter. After adjusted the couplings type and specifcation is 1070T. 2.4.2 ( ^atS*#lt« ) / FlOUry jpace (compared with an site ccndilicmt On work site, there is no limit for the max diameter of couplings. 1070T10 Meet the requirements of rotary space. 2.4.3 iWBIttt / Allawnbi. ipasd The actual output speed of couplings is 686rpm. 1070T10 Meet the allowable rotate speed. 2.5 3£fittS&'€M*- / Selected couplings...

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Grid Couplings - 7

Grid Couplings tJSffittffi The sirudurai style, basic parameter and main dimensions or the grid couplings T20 Steelflex grid couplings Note: Cover material: 1020-11BO Aluminum alloy gold casting. Grid Couplings jrtWISMS i he sirutturai siyis. basic c^n'T-amr 3nd iniiin dimensions cA Lhe <;jnd coupling a Note: Aluminum alloy gold casting.

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Grid Couplings - 8

Grid Couplings tJSffittffi The airueiural style, basic parameter and mam dimensions of the grid couplings Note: ©Cover mBterial:1020-1180 Aluminum alloy gold casting. ©TTIB minimum bora diameter aizB marked with ■ iB 1ha bore diametar SIZB of half-caupllngB, Shan end half couplings min aperture size respectively is 38.1,50.8, 63.5, 76.2, 88.9. Grid Couplings ffiUKStSt i he sirutturiii sLyis. hasrc parameter ana mam dimensions cA Lhe grid coupling a T50 Steelflsx grid coupling Note: .rCovsr matarial:1030-110Q round steel: 1110-1130 forging; 1140-1200 Steel plate or cast steel (^Maximum pore...

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Grid Couplings - 9

The structural style, basic parameter and main tfimefis ons of the grid couplings T63 Steelf lex grid couplings Note: (£Cover material: Use T10 series cover, the material is aJuminum alloy gold casting. ©This type of couplings can not be applied to escalators, elevator, cranes and other personnel transport braking. Grid Couplings ffiiteas the structural style, basic parameter and main dimensions, of :he gn'd couplings T70 Steelflex grid couplings Note: CDCover material is 1030-1070 round bar; 1080-1130 forging; 1140 aluminum alloy gold casting ©Max bore diameter of 1140 is the bore diameter...

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Grid Couplings - 10

Grid Couplings tJSKttffi The structural style, basic parameter and main dimensions or [he arid couplings T90 Steelflex grid couplings Grid Couplings itjIKMS The rapid cooling installation connectton meihod of Gnd coupling Processing according Note: (DCover material: Aluminum alloy gold casting. ©ThB max bore diametBr markBd with * ia ths borB diamster of hub with rsctangular keyway. The rapid cooling installation connection method of Grid caunling

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Grid Couplings - 11

♦ PraduaBtoyMDadinboxpidwsrg naadi CuMlDn(tftcrar«r arr-jMlwidlrgaqjpfrwrt. aany brn cpedtad piwe. Whwi nrinata. *IB rope* ihould be hawed on the wooden bort itaapanaufaard(na l^nQ, thdim^kn bastthaJd itrtxitD be In hnbmtai p6lftk>i. A tha im>a fkna pcy ttififttlan to tha b—ftcoipnllyd tha hand tog aqulpn»ntd*lme«lt» raqutarnvnaflhiaaBJilpcyfciad. wo corrplgta, «ppoinco a) Vrea, Hteeli«nvpi^loni,*nalycontaaiirtihnvcornpaiw. • LKDrg Thef*b.a IHHnghala nMhnztmeaupanoaMvaa altha outar andfaeo nrnrrtniriB,nuum It aaqr far LMfitolltlngciha«oana.Hcta: Whin Mine tin odd...

Open the catalog to page 11
Grid Couplings - 12

Grid Couplings tJSffittffi The insiMation. adjustment and tubncalnon or Ihe grid couplings ♦ £SffiS#|P$6S JS.H5 Assembly the seal element and wheel hub, as shown in figure 5 sssssi^ffi, ffiffisafflstt±„ amfisisis^w, ^*iraa: ttme&aB^M, m&mw First of all, close the start switch, removing the load from the driven device. Wipe all the metal parts with non-flammable solvent and also the two shafts which need to be connected. And to spread the grease on the mating surfaces which need install the wheel hub onto the shaft .After that gently to spread a layer of grease on the sealing ring, put the...

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