Catalog excerpts
Explorers raach tho goal The structural features and application The structural style of the gear couplings The model selection of the gear couplings The structural style, basic parameters table and main dimensions of the gear couplings The carrying and storage of the gear couplings The installation, adjustment lubrication and maintenance Attached list
Open the catalog to page 1tmut. u«. jffuwu, m. Mat**, SMUT. «*a tf ***r*» *** tony 04. mur DIM. r—nwfy. ptown notary, i*v MMC* »EKTV»», Kg* fotrq. IW w*e*- aWngrtTw. tTtwnan, *«, atfcfi tn imM ItKJ*.TC-T—i«r. B*WfWM wa T*OW\ \xmarm*vl * arm — r*Uff tflUcTMP tfmto, m r&Ml. frwiirtfhn ■^-wj i n. i ■/ Beta— —IP "T-»- tn^»ta pm+*w. I^-.^H. aptt/. N«* »• in tku> tf*<j» nup/b-«t Mtte kMd a*«k*t ♦ htfi towMtatn rare* ♦ Ifm o« W* »»L <r<* OB MtW* io|)t» con to pcMth* *r*l wg0r* MMmMtdBfutmatYM
Open the catalog to page 2TTIQ Jlr.iC-iral turn™ nrd appl ardor of Ihn guar cojp nca SD1MtK$MWt*9<MlJ|Jt»/ BD our «upnmp IIK nlru HUH IT puducb GFJRPJ S&sitt&St«tt*l GA series used for European market of Products supporting QB isriss is the new development products based on GA.GC series GC series Is the new development products based on GIGL series GD series is the new development products based an GIIGL series QE series is the new development products based on GL series GF series gear couplings without flange GS series safety gear couplings GZ series gear couplings used in railing mill GJ series drum gear couplings...
Open the catalog to page 3Qsarcoupllngs £Btt* Gear couplings t)ftM£« Tie n=dol wilnt*n rfSlo jnnrmLsllrgn When to ae(»3t and use the geer ooupHngs, acoofdltig to the baste Information end calculate the torque, preliminary select couplings model specification. Then from standard found the corresponding specifications corresponding to the maximun pore size, the mtudmun radial dimension (Rotary space) and trie allowable speed whether can meet couplings working conditions to determine the selection and usage of gear couplings model specifications. h t^llJl I.: II BH MlLTwilHJ IUJGI tV HIM£ UJPU LK WLfJilJM jg«&»«v...
Open the catalog to page 4Gasr couplings -&ft tttt • Ttir* Todnl nntnctDr ^Iho guar mupJ if* 1.2.2 MNmvitonmK#xf I ha lonauailnjIiElDfi of tm raupflnga tfK&S Tc=T-Kw-K-Kz CalculationformulaTc-TKw-K>Kz Kw—Srj^j#lJS|R I JR 41 ) Kw —Coefficient of engine (see table 1) K XS SIR (JK 4E1 ) K — working condition coefficient (see table 1) Kz—flSlSM (J&X1) Kz —start coefficient (see Table 1) il IJIDUH b» t*kulicnd md Hlnctian \if -rha fWkwinrj mathod (DWIMttBf High peak loads (fHaft*M8TjfflaBaS»l»-J*») &ato (brake wheel or brake disc Is part of the couplings) <§WJBSfS M High -frequency aula channeling move Goer...
Open the catalog to page 5Thr> Todol notnclCT- t^tha gtur mupJ npi 1.3 ttrSKMWHtttt / TIri prUlmln i*"+rtun af (hi uupirng-i morl#l iDMllluttoiu 1.5i£MkHflM / To rJ-rtmnln* -he Baupllngi mmW ip*dtkMQfii Rated motor power: 30Kw Input shaft diameter d1: 48mm Output shaft diameter d2 35mm Input and output end distance: 3mm Load properties: heavy impact load Working environment such as dust etc Nature of wortc continuous According to the general Information, this project should select and use the SD standard GA gear couplings, Selection & calculation Theoretical toque calculation Calculated torque Computational formula...
Open the catalog to page 6TTID Todnl nnlnclcr =Hlha goar coupJ npi T-m ilmdtL-Ml n!>ki. honln nnumnhoni bbn nnd nnln dmBrolnr&cf lhn goar ccjplng»
Open the catalog to page 7Thra tfn.rrjrz. tftyln tunic pora-mbo™ backi ant mnlr ^InouilDnn nf *n gnm rcuplngE Tlo ilrudtL-Ml r.fyk-. honln snumnboni Eabo md nnln dmnrBlnre,cf lhn gour ccuplngii GAZ type GAZL type
Open the catalog to page 8Thra tfn.rrjrz. tftyln tunic pora-rnlnni backi ant mnlr ^InomlDnn aftn gnar rcuplngn Nets: Q raprassnitfi tha wsighit of connecting tubriQ T-m ilmdtL-Ml r.fyk-. honln 3nmnnbBni Eabo md nnln dmBrolnrn-cf lhn gour ccuplng*
Open the catalog to page 9Thra Eln.rrjrz Bftyln builc pora-mbo™ ti:k> ant mnlr =lriD-uilDnn aftn gnar rcuplngo GAHH type Note: K repreosnti the thickness ot the brake wheel webs: L repressnta the brake whool quality.
Open the catalog to page 10T-m ilmdtL-Ml r.fyk-. honln snumnbini Eabo md nnln lhn goar ccjplng» Note: P represents the weight of brake diss: K represents tto thickriBss of the braks whsel weba.
Open the catalog to page 11Thra cln.rrjrz tftylo] built pflmrrnlnni tncki ant mnlr ^InomlDnn ar*n flnnr rcuplngE T-m ilmdtL-ml n!>ki. honln snrnnnhoni bbn nnd nnln dmnrolnr&cf lho gour DOjplng»
Open the catalog to page 12TTin Eln.crjn itvlo- bjalc poraTntara beta nnC mnlr ^InnmilDnn ar+n anar r^jplngn GAZB Type
Open the catalog to page 13Thra tfn.rrjrz. tftyln tunic pomTnta™ backi ant mnlr ^InomlDnn aftn gnar rcuplngE Note: G rapresanta the weight of connecting tubfrig T-m ilmdtL-Ml r.fyk-. honln nnumnboni tabn md nnln dmnrolnr&cf lhn gour ccuplng*
Open the catalog to page 14GBBTCOUPI Inga ft ft BttM Thra Eln.rrjrz ■ftyln tunic pora-mba™ backi ant mnlr ^InomlDnn aftn gnar rcuplngo T-m ilmdtL-Ml r.fyk-. honln jnumnlrni Eabo md nnln dmBrolnr&cf lhn your ccjplng»
Open the catalog to page 15Thra tfn.rrjrz. Bftyln tunic pomTnbani backi ant mnlr =lnD>uilDnn aftn gnar rcuplngo Note: G represents the weight of connecting tubrig GBBT couplings-ft ABttfJ T-m BlrudtL-Ml Hfyfa, hnnln snrnnnbani Cabn md nnln dmnrBlnrE-cf lhn gaar cojplngn
Open the catalog to page 16Thn Bln.crjni nrtvln- bnrilr: poniTnbn™ bjchi nn£ mnlr ^InrnnlD-in ut^-ts gnar GBHH type GBBT coupl Ings ft £ Rtt fj| Tin itructi.Til nljte, book □numnbH™ tabu md nnln drTmrolnrncf lhn guar rjojplngn Not« K represent thB thickrewB of ths brake whasl wobs; L rapraanlB thB brake wheal quajrty.
Open the catalog to page 17GBBTCOUPI Inga ft ft BttM T-m ilmdtL-Ml r.fyk-. honln jnumnlrni Eabo md nnln dmnrolnr&cf lhn gour cojplng» Note: K represents the thickness of ths brake wheel webs; L reprwanta the breto whael quaJity.
Open the catalog to page 18GB vcoupl Inga ft ft BttB Thra cln.rrjrz tftyln built pflnrTnbo™ tncki ant mnlr ^InomlDnn ar*n gnm rcuplngE T-m ilmdtL-ml n!>ki. honln snumnhoni bbn nnd nnln dmnrolnr&cf lhn gour cojplng»
Open the catalog to page 19All ZHENJIANG SUODA COUPLING CO. catalogs and technical brochures
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