Catalog excerpts
ROKMRN□ RIVE Flange-mounted parallel shaft helical gear units with hollow shaft F series gear units are available in the following designs: F..Y.. Foot-mounted parallel shaft helical gear units with solid shaft FAZ..Y.. Short-flange-mounted parallel shaft helical gear units with hollow shaft Shaft input parallel shaft helical gear units Combinatorial parallel shaft helical gear units F ( FF, FA, FAF. FAZ) S... R... Shaft input combinatorial parallel shaft helical gear units FF..Y.. Flange-mounted parallel shaft helical gear units with solid shaft
Open the catalog to page 1/ TyPe Designations attest fttt fetusi*. ta« ttatt Gear units type Structure Size Motor code Motor power pole Ratio Mounting position Position of the motor terminal box Gear units type: Parallel shaft helical gear units Foot-mounted solid shaft output (-) Hollow shaft output A Flange-mounted solid shaft output F Flange-mounted hollow shaft output AF Short-flange-mounted hollow shaft output AZ Foot-mounted solid shaft output,shaft input S Hollow shaft output,shaft input AS Flange-mounted solid shaft output,shaft input FS Flange-mounted hollow shaft output,shaft input AFS Hollow shaft output...
Open the catalog to page 2Position of the motor terminal box [1 Input power rating and maximum torque m & Size Gear unit weight The weights are mean values.only for reference. *) Maximum torque means the biggest one of the maximum torque related to the different ratio for the specified size.
Open the catalog to page 4ROKMRN □ RIVE atufta R&&%m in. m % <s a Output speed Output torque aamfc featt naasst mu*. Rati° 22T Type r/min Nm i fs Type Output speed Output torque
Open the catalog to page 5F 5ERIE5 PARALLEL SHAFT HELIEAL BEAR UNITS s»ata« ft sait Hg&ssa wit a k Output Output Service speed torque M£mo factor stafti* ftatk n*xis Output Output Service speed torque Mai 0 factor t/l ^ ffi St Type Pole Type P
Open the catalog to page 6#»uma Mtutae ft*tt m&moL Output Output 0_tl_ Service speed torque r/min Nm *tut!3£ *tttm*g ft*tt ai^HKSt siif Output Output Service speed torque Hat,° factor Type Type
Open the catalog to page 7F 5ERIE5 PARALLEL SHAFT HELIEAL BEAR UNITS aama attm® ftatt fsa&sit as-* a it auita amass ftsott m&x®. aif Output Output Service speed torque Mai 0 factor Output Output Service speed torque 113110 factor
Open the catalog to page 8Ratio faS6 T*pe r/min Nm i fB Type Output speed Output torque #?ami£ Siam® fsatt: n^ Rati° tSEf Type r/min Nm i fB Type Output speed Output torque
Open the catalog to page 9F 5ERIE5 PARALLEL SHAFT HELIEAL BEAR UNITS aama attm® ftatt fsa&sst tasi^ a it auita amass ftsott m&x®. Output Output Service speed torque Mai 0 factor Output Output Service speed torque 113110 factor a m ^ a a Type Pole Type P
Open the catalog to page 10ROKMRN □ RIVE arama a>am*e ftatk JiB&ssst #i m ^ ® & Rati0 factof Type Pole r/min Nm i fB Type P Output speed Output torque Rali0 factor Type r/min Nm i fB Type Output speed Output torque
Open the catalog to page 11atama ft^tk fla&sis ta a< « Output speed Output torque mama n«$tt Output speed Output torque Service factor til SJ ^ ffi SS Type Pole Type P
Open the catalog to page 12ROKMRN □ RIVE Output Output 0_t!_ Service speed torque r/min Nm lit fifi Type Pole anutaa tfttua® fMfrtt mat «b Output Output Service speed torque Mai 0 factor Type Type
Open the catalog to page 13F 5ERIE5 PARALLEL SHAFT HELIEAL BEAR UNITS #ami4 «nna® ai? «s Output Output Service speed torque Mail° factor Output Output Service speed torque h’a,l° factor
Open the catalog to page 14#ami* »aa* ftatt j»$*ss Output Output 0_„_ Service speed torque r/min Nm staff® sraa® wait a m ■§■ « e r/min Nm i fB Type P Output speed Output torque
Open the catalog to page 15F 5ERIE5 PARALLEL SHAFT HELIEAL BEAR UNITS Output Output Service speed torque Mai 0 factor ftait m&mti ta si ■§• is & Output Output Service speed torque Mai 0 factor
Open the catalog to page 16ROKMRN □ RIVE Mrmshe ttfsfcfc br&sss as^ « Ra,i0 facto?8 Type Pole r/min Nm i fB Type P Output speed Output torque SfttHifiig ftartfc Jjg&SSJf 8L m ** « US Ra,i0 factor00 Type Pole r/min Nm i fB Type P Output speed Output torque
Open the catalog to page 17F 5ERIE5 PARALLEL SHAFT HELIEAL BEAR UNITS *m&& ft m flR&ssa ai§ «» Output Output Service speed torque Ha'10 factor Output Output Service speed torque Kai 0 factor
Open the catalog to page 18ROKMRN □ RIVE Mrmshe ttfsfcfc br&sss as^ « Ra,i0 facto?8 Type Pole r/min Nm i fB Type P Output speed Output torque ftatfc A*** ta m ** « ns Ra,i0 factof Type Pole r/min Nm i fB Type P Output speed Output torque
Open the catalog to page 19F 5ERIE5 PARALLEL SHAFT HELIEAL BEAR UNITS *m&& ft m flR&ssa ai§ «» Output Output Service speed torque Ha'10 factor Output Output Service speed torque Kai 0 factor ta m *§• « » Type Pole Type P
Open the catalog to page 20ROKMRN □ RIVE araa® na&sss «i m •§■ ta tt Type Pole r/min Nm i f8 Type P Output Output Service speed torque Hail° factor
Open the catalog to page 21F 5ERIE5 PARALLEL SHAFT HELIEAL BEAR UNITS Mamax fHbft Permissible Output torque speed Ratio Mamax Permissible Output torque speed Type Power The power are all overload In the table.The decided torque according to operating condition should not more than gear units' nominal torque.
Open the catalog to page 22ROKMRN□ RIVE Mamax «lSf A« torque speed Ra,'° Type Power The power are all overload In the table.The decided torque according to operating condition should not more than gear units' nominal torque.
Open the catalog to page 23F 5ERIE5 PARALLEL SHAFT HELIEAL BEAR UNITSFA38/ FAF38/ FAZ38£/£>$4 /Hollow shaft 120 50 - — a:i.s*R’=miir«5*si 2.* f, **s f. fa, ff. faf. faz 3.*a!i«#s, #5134-35ar Note:1.The above housings are common parts.The mounting dimensions may consult each other. 2.' F .'mean F. FA. FF, FAF. FAZ 3.Hollow shaft output with shrink disk, see P34 -35 for detail
Open the catalog to page 24XSfR-'ta! fflWSSSMSSSt NoteiFor other values please refer to the o-pposited structure. When equipping the user's motor or the special one,the flange Is required to connected. Note:1.The above housingsare common parts. The mounting dimensions may consult each other. 2.' F..*moan F, FA, FF, FAF, FAZ 3.Hollow shaft output with shrink disk, see P 34-35 for detail.
Open the catalog to page 25All Zhengzhou Aokman Machinery Co. catalogs and technical brochures
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