Yz 71 composite hydraulic press


Catalog excerpts

Yz 71 composite hydraulic press - 1

Yz71 Com posite H ydrauli c P ress Optional Add-ons 1. Manual mold change trolley 2. Electric mold change trolley 3. Mold heating system 4. Servo system 5. Robot automation 6. Sheet cutting machine 7. Blowing and vacuum system 1.Frame /four-column structure: 2. The frame type structure has good rigidity, high stability, strong anti-eccentric load capacity,and is not prone to fine deviation after adjustment. 3. The four-column structure is column-guided, highly adjustable, and cost-effective. 4. Fast speed and low vibration. Technical parameter Project 1 . C om pos it e h y d ra u li c p ress is ma i n ly s u i ta bl e fo r S M C mater ia l com p ress i on molding . The frame struct ure i s recommended fo r high-preci si on produ cts . 2 . T h e m a c hi n e i s u se d i n i n d u s t r i es s u c h as a u to m o b iles ( b um p e rs , u n d e r b o dy g uard s, et c. ) , av i at ion , rail t ra nsp ort at i o n ( r ail way ve hi c l e a nd h i g h-speed train int erio r d eco r a t i on ) , h ome fu rn i s hi n g , el ect r i c i t y , b a t h r oom , e n v i r on m e n t al p r ot ect i on , e t c . 01 Mold opening forc KN e Opening heigh mm t mm Slider stroke s 200 Slider fast down mm spe/ed Slider pressing speed mm/s 0 . 5 - 5 Slow mold opening mm/s 1 - 5 speed Slider fast return mm speed /s 1 60 Total power

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