Catalog excerpts

Polyester onclosure Plastic enclosure Terminal block box Switch button box Aluminum enclosure Starless steel cabinet Stainless steel box Floor stand cabinet Un-assembled cabinet Control desk Wall mount enclosure terminal box Hood window Complete set ZHEJIANG TIANQI ELECTRIC CO..LTD. Add Tianzi Lake Industrial Zone. Gaoyu. Anji.Huzhou.Zhejiang.China E-mail Sales@tibox cn MSN:t|firm@hotmail.com QQ E-mail:2355376979@qq.com Website: Http://wvnw tibox cn
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WE wilh 18 years experience in electncal industry is one of the leading manufacturers of distribution boxes In China Founded In China 1998.located in the beautiful land scape of the largest China Bamboo Sea is in the north of Zhejiang province, covers an area of 66.000 square metres and has 400 employees The company has got the national quality system certificate of ISO9001 and also received warm welcome in its circle Our ISO 9001 2758 and ISO 14001:2754-certificated factory is equipped with seven production lines. which allow us to supply up to 60.000 pieces every month. The company also...
Open the catalog to page 3
TIHNQI ELECTRIC TIBOX Laboratory The laboratory was constructed on April 18th. 2014, which is a subordinate unit of Zhejiang Tianqi Electric co., Ltd and locatod within its site II is mainly engaged in the testing work of distribution cabinets, electrical enclosures and terminal boxos This lab Is authorized by the company's legal representative delegations and stand at the impartial third party status to carry out testing services Thus, it matntains a relative independence in the process of quality management For a more standardized management of the experimental center, we established the...
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Plastic enclosure Polyester enclosure Window hood Terminal block Aluminum enclosure Complete equipment
Open the catalog to page 5
AR9X stainless steel cabinet-Single door AR9XP stainless steel cabinet with glazed door AR9X stainless steel cabinet-Single door Material stainless sloeiAISI304 or A1SI316 (on request) Thickness (rout door 2 Ornm.' tear panel 1 5mnVsjde panel-* 1 5mm/lop cover ibottom cable plate 1 SmnVgafvantBed mountingplate 2 5rrvrv Supply include: 9-foided rads 4pci.'set door complel* with MS821 -X locking system and hinges roar panel, stde panels 2pcs/sei,top cover, bottom wltti removable cable entry.4 lifting oyebons Plinth to be ottered separatety'See Page 07) ARSX ISO'S ARSX ItSIS ARSX MlVI AR9XP...
Open the catalog to page 7
AR9X/D stainless steel cabinet-Double door AR9X/0 stainless steel cabinet-Double door Material stainless steel AISI304 or AJSI316 (on request) Thickness front door 2 OmrrV rear panel t Smm/side panels t Smm/top cover Abottom cable plate t Smm/galvanised mounting plate ? Smnv Supply Include: 9-totded rails 4 pes'sot door complete with MS821-X locking system and hinges rear panel, side panels 2pcs/sol.top cover,bottom with removable ceble antry.4 lifting eye bolts Plinth to bo offorod separaloiylSee Page 07| 9-folded stainless steel profiles more size to be request to the clients
Open the catalog to page 8
AR8X one piece stainless steel cabinet-single door AR8XP one piece stainless steel cabinet with glazed door_ AR8X one piece floor stand stainless steel cabinet-single door Matorial stainless steel AISI304 or AISI316 (on request) Thickness ot the sheet steel Frontdoor 2 0mm/ enclosure body 1 5mm/ galvanised mounting plate 2 5mm/ bottom cable plate 1 5mm Supply include AR8X structure enclosure body.door complete with MS821 -X locking system and hinges .bottom with removable cable entry 4 lilting eyebolts Plinth lo be offered separ.itely(See Page 07) ARtX iStVS AR8XP stainless steel cabinet...
Open the catalog to page 9
AR8X/D one piece floor stand stainless steel cabinet-Double door AR8X/D one piece stainless steel cabinet-Double door Material stainless steel AISI304 or AISI316 (on request} Thickness of the sheet steel: Fronl door 2 Omm/ enclosure body 1,5mm/bottom cable plate 1 5mm'galvarused mounting plate 2.5mm Supply include: AR8X structure enclosure body double door complete wrth MS821 -X locking system and hinges .bottom wiln removable cable entry 4 Itflmg eyebolts Plinth lo be offered separately (See Page 07) more size
Open the catalog to page 10
Stainless steel wall mount enclosure Material enclosure and door manufactured from AISl 3Q4L sheet stoet (AlSI 316L on request).Flat mounting plate manufactured from galvanised sheet steel Hinges in si am less sleet Thickest of sheet steel enclosure* door sheet sleel t 2mm nil size STX6 820 then 1 5mm Thickness of mounting plate zinc coated steel 1 5mm till e«e STX6 820 then 2.0mm Stainless steel box with single door-STX Supply include enclosure body.door with lock & galvanised mounted ptate.seal gasket and fixing accessories Wail mount brackets 4pcVset to be offered separately Protection...
Open the catalog to page 11
Stainless steel terminal box Stainloss steel terminal box-TLX boxes and GO vol manufacture) from thickness 1 2mm AISI 3041 (AISI316 on inquest) Stainless steel cover fining with stainless steel screws Supply include: enclosure tV covei(sheot steel 1 ?mm).sealing gasket and fixing accessories Galvanised mounting plate to be offered separately Wall mount brackets to be offered separately Dm rail 10 be offered separately Stainless steel terminal box-TBX Material.bones and door manufactured from thickness 1 2mm .AISI 304L (AISI316 on request) Stainless steel door with lock model K3-X. 180...
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Accesorries for stainless steel box Lock for STX stainless steel enclosure Wall mount brackets for STX stainless steel wall mount box Model WCX-OtO Malarial stainless stool AISI304 Package: 4pc*/saj| with fixing accosornos Wall mount brackets for TLX.TBX stainless steel terminal box Matenal: stainless steel AISI304 Package 4pcs/set with fixing accesomes Canopy for STX stainless steel wall mount box Recommended for outdoor installation-Manufactured in 1 2mm AISI 304 stainless sioei Package 1 picco Mounting plate for TLX.TBX stainless steel terminal box Manufactured in t 5mm galvanised sheet...
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TPX stainless steel console TP steel control desk TPX stainless steel console Malarial: Stainless sleel AISI304 01AISI 318 thickness of sheet steel Supply include: contfol desk.lront door with lock system upper coverwlth cover stop 2pcs 2 cable plates.mounting plate T nc accessorrles ol plinth 100mm to be supplied separately according to the client's requirment MODEL w H D<01> NOofaoofS toerJrrc4«ifiigrjls*3(neG) Weight PfnthlOOrnm TP steel control desk Material: cold stoei sheet thickness of sheet steel body 1 Smm'front door 2 Omm /upper covor 2 Omm/galvanised mounting plate 2 5mm Color...
Open the catalog to page 14All ZHEJIANG TIANQI ELECTRIC CO. catalogs and technical brochures
TIP polyester box
2 Pages
Window hood
2 Pages
PSM PSG PST series box
1 Pages
Air vent gland
1 Pages
Aluminum box
5 Pages
complate set
1 Pages
accessories of ST box
3 Pages
MCB box
2 Pages
ST wall mount enclosure
3 Pages
Accessories of AR9
8 Pages
AR9000 and AR9K
3 Pages
control desk
2 Pages
STX stainless steel box
3 Pages
4 Pages
TIBOX catalog 2014
65 Pages
Plug & Socket 2015
56 Pages
Air holes
2 Pages
Wall Mount Enclosure
3 Pages
1 Pages
Stainless steel cabinet
2 Pages
Complete equipment
2 Pages
Floor stand cabinet
2 Pages
Accessories of wall mount
3 Pages
Steel terminal box
1 Pages
ST enclosure
1 Pages
32 Pages
modular cabinets
1 Pages
Plastic Enclosure
9 Pages
New product development
1 Pages
1 Pages
Wall Mount Enclosure
14 Pages
Floor Standing Cabinet
10 Pages