Catalog excerpts

Typical Applications s STAT laboratory s Diabetes research s Blood glucose monitor quality assurance s Blood glucose monitor calibration s Healthcare patient diagnostics s Metabolic research s Sports physiology systems & accessories Stat Glucose, Lactate & Whole Blood Analyzer Easy sampling: Present a sample to the sipper tube and press the keypad. The 2300 automatically aspirates the sample and, in less than 60 seconds, displays and prints glucose and lactate levels. Typical Cost Per Test for YSI Biosensor-Based Measurements* # OF TESTS PER DAY The measurement standard for fast, accurate glucose & lactate results. analyzer available. In 60 seconds or less, this analyzer makes precise glucose measure- glucose in whole blood. YSI ments of whole blood, plasma, followed this in 1982 with a or serum and precise lactate whole blood lactate analyzer. measurements of whole blood, Since then, these products plasma, or cerebrospinal fluid. have become the gold standard for clinical diagnostic work in hospitals the first analyzer to measure the first glucose and lactate Ordering this flexible package along with the instrument will help you save time and money as well as meet current Good Manufacturing Practices.
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YSI and the Blood Glucose Monitor Labs serving surgery, intensive care, neonatal, and other critical care areas find the 2300 STAT Plus a valuable tool. Lactate analysis may signal an oxygen deficit in a critically ill patient. Glucose analysis may reveal hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, or even chronic illnesses such as diabetes. The 2300 STAT Plus provides results in seconds, enabling better diagnosis in medical treatment. Standard Features In addition to speed, autocalibration, and small sample size, the YSI 2300 STAT PLUS features: • Lower cost per test. No need to renew enzymes after each...
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