Catalog excerpts

General Specifications GENERAL The EXA PH intelligent pH conveter is a highly reliable advanced function pH measurement system designed for wide application in all industries such as for medium-scale waste water treatment system, and general-purpose pH measurement and control systems. The EXA PH intelligent pH converter features highly effective built-in functions for sensor diagnosis similar to FLXA21 2-wire liquid analyzer. These functions monitor sensor errors even while pH measurements are in progress, enabling more highly reliable pH measurement. The converter also offers an interactive system for setting the various parameters, facilitating effective use of its wealth of functions. The EXA PH intelligent pH converter is available not only in versions for general-purpose applications but also for high-purity water service. High-Purity Water pH Measurements High-purity water today is widely used in numerous process plants in a variety of chemical processes and boilers, with heavy emphasis placed on pH measurement and monitoring for water quality control and water purification unit operational control. However, the use of general-purpose pH meters for pH measurements in high-purity water meets with the following problems. ᭹ Since measurement solutions are chemically pure, their pH values may vary owing to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and / or impurities in measurement lines. ᭹ The pH electrode output is likely to be affected by streaming potentials, externally induced potentials, etc. and thus likely to produce measurement error because the liquid resistance between the electrodes in measurement solution is high owing to low solution conductivity. Since the pH sensors and their holders for high-purity water service have been designed considering countermeasures against the above problems, they can provide highly reliable pH measurements. Moreover, since the EXA PH intelligent pH converter is equipped with a reference temperature conversion function to compensate for pH variation owing to measured liquid temperature variation, any effect from sample liquid temperature fluctuation is slight, and devices such as sampling system coolers, etc. can thus be simplified. FEATURES Microprocessor - Based Intelligent pH converter ᭹ Sensor failure can be monitored even during pH measurement. ᭹ Automatic calibration using standard buffer solutions can be initiated by merely a single touch of a key. Tables for three types of standard solution are incorporated. This allows for simple automatic calibration. ᭹ Sensor characteristic deterioration is automatically checked during automatic calibration using the standard solutions. The sensor replacement time that previously depended on intuition can now be decided automatically. ᭹ Daily operation can be performed without opening the case. Even in rainy weather, since the routine maintenance operation such as calibration using standard solutions can be performed without opening the case lid, there is no worry about insulation deterioration. ᭹ Ranges can be freely set in the field if the span is 1 pH or more. ᭹ A timer function for cleaning is incorporated. ᭹ Abundant built-in contact output function ᭹ Operating panel has excellent operability. Ryton pH Sensor Body ᭹ The sensor body uses Ryton which compares with Teflon in corrosion resistance and heat resistance and has excellent mechanical properties. This pH sensor can cover most applications. ᭹ This pH sensor is easy to handle. As this is a composite pH sensor, calibration using standard solutions or maintenance can be easily performed. Glass electrode and junction can also be simply replaced. Yokogawa Electric Corporation 2-9-32, Nakacho, Musashino-shi, Tokyo, 180-8750 Japan Tel.: 81-422-52-5617 Fax.: 81-422-52-6792
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SYSTEM CONFIGURATION For the pH sensors, see GS 12B07B02-E. For the holders or cleaning devices, see GS 12J05C02-00E. Fig. 1-a System Configuration (General Purpose) pH sensors ᭹ Xerolyt HA405/HA485 Holder, Holder with Cleaning system ᭹ Suspension Type Holder HH350G MEASURE AUT CAL MAN CAL TCMP DISP HOLD ᭹ Angled Floating Ball Holder PB350G ᭹ Submersion Type Holder ᭹ KCL filling type PH8EFP ᭹ Vertical Floating Ball Holder Ultrasonic Cleaning Jet Cleaning Brush Cleaning ᭹ Flow Type Holder PH8HF Cleaning Devices ᭹ Ultrasonic Oscillator PUS400G Ultrasonic Cleaning Jet Cleaning Brush Cleaning...
Open the catalog to page 2
SPECIFICATIONS EXA PH Series General Specifications Measured object: Hydrogen ion concentration (pH) in aqueous solutions Measuring principle: Glass electrode method Measuring range: 0 to 14 pH Measuring conditions: Solution temperature: See Table 1, for high-purity water, 0 to 50؇C Solution pressure: See Table 2, for high-purity water, atmospheric pressure (measured liquid outlet side open to atmosphere) Solution flow rate: Max. 2 m/s for submersion guidepipe type 3 to 11 l/min for flow-through type, for high-purity water, see Figure 2. Solution conductivity: Min. 50 S/cm, for high-purity...
Open the catalog to page 3
Table 4. Utilities (For Jet Cleaning or Brush Cleaning) A compound sensor assembly consisting of glass electrode, reference electrode, temperature sensor, and ground tip. Type: KCl filling and KCl refillable types Water brush 100 to 250 + Liquid pressure Measuring range: 0 to 14 pH for KCl refillable type; normal pH =2 to 12 pH) Refer to "Selection Criteria for pH Sensors and Holders" shown on the last page to select KCl filling or refillable type sensors. Temperature compensation sensor: Platinum RTD (Pt1000) Wetted part materials: 200 to 400 + Liquid pressure 100 to 300 Nl/min 150 to 250...
Open the catalog to page 4
Contact Output ؒContact output function that can be set Contact FAIL Power Function Setting (free selectable) Operation (free selectable) OFF, low limit, high limit, HOLD ON/OFF, Proportional duty pulses Proportional frequency pulses *2 OFF, low limit, high limit, HOLD OFF, low limit, high limit, HOLD, Cleaning timer, Hi - Hi limit, Lo - Lo limit (*1) Proportional duty pulse Example of high limit alarm (conrol) output 10% % duty cycle control 90% 100 Proportional range Duty cycle (*2) Proportional frequency pulse Example of high limit alarm (conrol) output Maximum pulse frequency 0.3 s When...
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