CENTUM VP Turbomachinery Control Solutions


Catalog excerpts

CENTUM VP Turbomachinery Control Solutions - 1

Turbomachinery Control Solutions True integration of turbomachinery control in the state-of-the-art CENTUM VP The clear path to operational excellence

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CENTUM VP Turbomachinery Control Solutions - 2

True integration of turbomachinery control Powerful new I/O modules for the CENTUM VP perform high-speed control and protection of turbomachinery, enabling comprehensive and coordinated control of power plant turbines, boilers, and balance of plant (BOP) facilities with a single distributed control system (DCS). Toial Pomr Pteni Control Sysism Operational Excellence Human Interface Station (HIS) Sequence of Events (SOE) server Plant information management Consolidated alarm management Operation navigator Plant resource management Virtual test function Operator Screen Highly Reliable...

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CENTUM VP Turbomachinery Control Solutions - 3

Italy 400 MW combined cycle Mongolia 8 x 420 t/h coal fired revamping & simulator Bulgaria 8 x 200 t/h flue gas desulphurization Spain 800 MW combined cycle w/ LNG terminal Nigeria 530 MW & 2 x 450 MW simple cycle Saudi Arabia 360 MW IWPP Korea 800 MW supercritical training simulator Romania 180 MW combined cycle Turkey 130 MW combined cycle China 2 x 300 MW coal fired China 6 x 300 MW coal fired Japan 2 x 1,050 MW flue gas desulfurization India 3 x 660 MW supercritical coal fired Korea 9 x 100 MW coal fired Taiwan 2 x 550 MW coal fired Venezuela 460 MW combined cycle Vietnam 2 x 300 MW,...

Open the catalog to page 3

All YOKOGAWA Europe catalogs and technical brochures

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Archived catalogs