Catalog excerpts
les Multifunctional Digital Platform Scale DP-5602 The 0^5602 indratc* hs a tot of usetul onctions such as Chec<iVoghrg (over/\jnder) funcbcn uged t»y 3 co»or L뻣D ndicaM ard a fcxuzer, Short-rtqc gudanco dspiay lor maWng fixod ftO*gh packages Grarjng function to* sorting **ms by A^ight Gross/tot weighl VxicaTioaetc The ifxJicatcc can also conCroi automalic filing System hanks to G set-points* DP 56Q2 Indicator DP5M2 Dtsk-topTypi Journal Piinter JPS-50S Stﮩarate Stand JSB Homofv Options FEATURES Checkweighing Function The Over / Acca* / Under wcajt can ba fridgad Cy 3 cc*cr LED nd caler a*vJ a bulHn cuzzar Shorlage Guidance Display AFd^LCOwrthbackl^tmadeErgt^ aicaies ihe shortago aganst ffte target ri werk unrt jone spooa half cup. 3 pi箨ces or aise ) H facd woigrxng Ijnction. TNs radiXfcS a buran c* CparaAors and improros wert officisney. GradlngFunction h adcHion to the normal grading function- Ino suttracbvo yading function is equippod as a standard Thts rviction ho«s so speed up sc»i«ng op䧩ration As an option, audible (udgmant ts possibte. Journal Printer (Option) A bum-irt Journal Prrter jps-506 ts avaiiab'e as an optcxi USB Memory (Option) il is posst>% to save wetghng resurs in CSV torma: in a USB Memory- Users can sava ard'e-aTangewe^ingdatawrpy Itenatfes yoo to avoid data transcription and roalize aber savirg lt also haDs aneJyis of date kr «mprovtng «orfc exocasa andtWc*#ncy DP 5602 Smalt (Separate type) SPECIFICATIONS Mode* dp-5602 (Deak-Top) DP-5602 (Smali Sa*) Indicator Modal foi-se? Cap* city 3kg s ha 15kg 30 kg 60 kg 150kg Dmston 率ۛ1kg 0 002 kg 0 005 kg 001kg 0 02 kg 0.05 kg Ta/e Max 3 kg 6kg 15kg 30 ku 60 kg 150kg 350W)x 300(0) mm 350TO x 5001D) mm Nat WatgN 16kg Opajfaj ng Tp-np. ■10Xto4CVC hdtaalorSbi 290{W) x 196{k) mm Mam Oisplay 6 Drts Fluorescent Dtsptay / Cnaractar size: 32{H}xI4.6(w) mm Auxriiary Otsptay Fui Dot LCO *fth Bach UgN, 64(H) x 240<W) dois DusbWsflar Protection Incftcator only: IP66 Raietiona Zaro rasai Ona-tooch tara, Prast tara, Chackwatgfrng, ftxad weighingGrading and Counting Powar AC23QV + 10%1o-15% 5060Hz Optcns tmagratao Pote, S碩part* Stand Pote. Bun-m Journal Pnntar JPS-506.B^d*rectonal RS232. Bt -trectionaf RS4S5. Rtfay InpwtOulpiiT. USBVcrrory ViVetos COfT-T⻯UniWftOn The contents ot this catalo^je are subject to change without notice.
Open the catalog to page 1All Yamato Scale Co catalogs and technical brochures
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