LQ Series 10 kW - 50 kW Regulated High Voltage DC Power Supplies
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Catalog excerpts

LQ Series 10 kW - 50 kW Regulated High Voltage DC Power Supplies - 2

Remote Control Interface: All LQ familypower supplies provide a standard user's remote interface. The signals provided are: Inputs: Safety interlock, output volt-age and current program signals,high voltage enable and connectionsfor remote HV on and off pushbut- tons Outputs: Output voltage and currentmonitor signals, HV enable status,I/V regulation mode status, fault sta-tus, and a +10 V reference source. Signal common and ground refer-ence terminals are also provided. Optional Analog Interfaces: ?Differentially coupled program andmonitor signals.?4-20mA program and monitor sig-nals.?RS232...

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LQ Series 10 kW - 50 kW Regulated High Voltage DC Power Supplies - 4

Designing Solutions for High Voltage Power Supply Applications 124 West Main Street,PO Box 317,High Bridge,NJ 08829-0317(908) 638-3800 ? Fax (908) 638-3700 ? www.glassmanhv.com >

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