Catalog excerpts

XI'AN SHELOK INSTRUMENT COMPANY LIMITED 1.Pressure Transmi�er 4.Dead Weight Tester 7.Temperature Transmi�er 2.Pressure Gauge 5. Level Transmi�er 8.Density Meter
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YFU2000H Introduction Portable Ultrasonic Flew meter User Manual Preface Welcome to the YFU2000H (Version 13.0) ultrasonic flow meter that has been manufactured with patent technologies and is equipped with more functions and advanced performance than our previous versions. The Version 13.0 series ultrasonic flow meter has been upgraded based on the Version 10.0 series ultrasonic flow meter, which is still the main product line of the company. The new Version 13.0 retains most of the excellent features and functions of the previous versions: the pulse measurement technology, the ultrasonic...
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|Clamp on Transducers | * Install the clamp on transducer with ma gne-tion the p ipe. can fi nis h ttie flow measurement. No pressure drop, no need cut off pipe. * Several types transducers for selection, measuring pipe size from DN1 5mm to DN6000mm. * Several types transducers for selection, Principle of Measurement The YFU2000H ultrasonic flow meter is designed to measure the fluid velocity of liquid within a closed conduit. The transducers are a non-contacting, clamp-on type, which will provide benefits of non-fouling operation and easy installation. The YFU2000H transit time flow meter...
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Optional Transducers Optional Accessories Optional Accessories Basic Technical Data:
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Op en a nd C h e ck Please check whether the spare parts are according with packing list before installa�on. Built- in B a�e r y The instrument can operate with the built-in Ni-MH chargeable ba�ery, which will last about 20 hours of con�nuous opera�on when fully recharged. The charging uses intelligent charging method; users can insert one end of the supply line into the AC220 port, and the other end into power socket, then the charging is finished. When it connected, the red indicator light “CHARGE” on the keyboard flashes, shows that it is charging, when the red light is changed into green,...
Open the catalog to page 5
Transducers Mounting Allocation The first step in the installation process is the selection of an optimum location in order to obtain a more accurate measurement. For this to be completed effectively, a basic knowledge about the piping and its plumbing system would be advisable. Principles to selection of an optimum location: (1) Choose the straight pipe section full of liquid, e.g. the vertical segment of the pipe or the horizontal segment which is full of liquid. (2) Make sure that the temperature on the location does not exceed the range for the transducers. 3 Take the pipes fouling into...
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N-metho d I n sta l l a�o n Rarely used method. In sta l la�o n C h e ckup Through the checkup of the installa�on, one can: check the receiving signal strength, the signal quality Q value, the traveling �me difference of the signals, the es�mated liquid speed, the measured traveling �me of the signals and the calculated traveling �me ra�o. Therefore, op�mum measurement result and longer running �me of the instrument can be achieved. Sign a l St re n gt h Signal strength indicates the amplitude of receiving ultrasonic signals by a 3-digit number. [00.0] means there is no signal detected and...
Open the catalog to page 7
The damper acts as a filter for a stable reading. If ‘0’ is entered in window M40, that means there is no damping. A bigger number brings a more stable effect. But bigger damper numbers will prevent the instrument from ac�ng quickly. Numbers 0 to 30 are commonly used for the damper value. Default value is 10 seconds. There is a Frequency Output in all TUF-2000 series flow meters. This frequency output signal, which represents the flow rate, is intended to connect with other instruments. The Frequency Output is totally user-configurable. Generally, four parameters should be configured for the...
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How to m o d i f y t h e b u ilt- in ca len d ar No modifica�on on the built-in calendar will be needed in most cases. The calendar runs on insignificant amount of power supply. Modifica�on will be required only in such cases as when the ba�ery is totally consumed, or when the changing of the ba�ery takes a long �me. Press the ENT key under M60 for Modifica�on. Use the dot key to skip over these digits that need no modifica�on. How to v i ew t h e D ate To ta lizers Use M82 to view the date totalizers that are comprised of a daily totalizer, a monthly totalizer and a yearly totalizer. Sign a l Q...
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How to enter into the linearity correcting? How to enter into the data? When the product leaved the factory, the function is closed. The menu can realize almost 12 parts linearity correcting. The user can choose from two points to twelve points to execute the linearity correcting according to user actual condition. In order to explain the usage method of the menu, we suppose that we get the following table data through calibration the meter. Introduction Menu Windows Arrangement M00~M09 windows for the display of the flow rate, velocity, date time, totalizer, battery voltage and estimated...
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Error code
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Error Code and Counter-Measures When the actual flow inside the pipe is not standstill, but the instrument displays 0.0000 for the flow rate, and 'R' displaying signal strength and the signal quality Q (value) has a satisfactory value? The problems are likely caused by the user who has used the 'Set Zero' function on this non-standstill flowing pipe. To solve this problem, use the 'Reset Zero' function on menu window M43. The displayed flow rate is much lower or much higher than the actual flow rate in the pipe under normal working conditions. There is probably an offset value wrongly...
Open the catalog to page 14All Xi'an Yunyi Instrument Co. catalogs and technical brochures
K series
3 Pages
2 Pages
1 Pages
14 Pages
2 Pages
Temperature calibrator WT
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Pt100 temperature sensor
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Digital density meter JL-T
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Process density sensor
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Digital density meter YMF883
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Digital density meter JL-YT
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Digital density meter JL-LD
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Digital density meter JL-SD
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Digital density meter JL-GD
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Portable pH meter K series
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Leak calibrator XY-2006B
2 Pages
Deadweight tester JY
2 Pages
Pressure calibrator XY-2001A
2 Pages
Pressure calibrator YX-60
2 Pages
Leak calibrator YX-2001C
2 Pages
Dial pressure gauge YK-M4
2 Pages
Infrared flow meter YFM-4800
21 Pages
Mass flow meter YFU2000-B
4 Pages
Mass flow meter Coriolis
14 Pages
Orifice flow meter
6 Pages
Mass flow meter MF4000
3 Pages
Mass flow meter
3 Pages
Vortex flow meter YFV
20 Pages
Turbine flow meter YFT
13 Pages
Mass flow meter YFV300
20 Pages
Mass flow meter YFT300D
13 Pages
Turbine flow meter
13 Pages
Mass flow meter MF5700
3 Pages
Liquids level gauge UHZ-10
1 Pages
Level measuring instrument
11 Pages
Liquids level gauge YLR68
12 Pages
Liquids level gauge
3 Pages
Radar level sensor
12 Pages
Diaphragm pressure switch
2 Pages
Digital pressure controller
2 Pages
YD31 series
4 Pages