Bimetallic thermometer WSS series
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Bimetallic thermometer WSS series - 1

XI'AN SHELOK INSTRUMENT TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. 1.Pressure Transmi�er 4.Dead Weight Tester 7.Temperature Transmi�er 2.Pressure Gauge 5. Level Transmi�er 8.Density Meter

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Bimetallic thermometer WSS series - 2

Bimeta llic Thermometer Description: It is one kind of thermometers to measure middle and low temperature on the spot. It could be used to directly measure emperature of liquid, vapor and gas ranging from -80 to 500 °C Principal Bimetallic thermometer is based on bimetal bended into ring shape. One side of bimetal expands in time of being heated,which results in revolving of indicator, then the meter indicates corresponding temperature value to pyroelectric potential. | Features 1 .directly display temperature on the spot 2.high reliability and long life expectancy 3.many structure forms to...

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