Catalog excerpts

Laboratory EDXRF Spectrometers EX-6600 & X-7600 with Secondary Targets Non-destructive elemental analysis C(6) - Fm(100) starting from ppb to 100% concentrations Light Elements Starting from Carbon Detector Resolution Down to 123eV Detection Levels from ppb to 100% Fast and Non-Desturctive Analytical Method Direct and Secondary Targets Modes Silicon Drift Detector (SDD) facilitates extremely high count rate applications with excellent energy resolution, suitable for both high and low Z elements Optional SDD LE thin window for improved light elements analysis Patented WAG ® (wide angle geometry) X-ray Optic Technology-when combined with up to 400W of Excitation Power-creates a powerful and fast elemental analyzer to fulfill all the requirements for any Research or Production laboratory Eight customizable filters and eight secondary targets facilitate fast and accurate determination of trace and minor elements Easy to operate thanks to the proprietary nEXt™ software package www.xenemetrix.com info@xenemetrix.com
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Xenemetrix's Laboratory Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) spectrometers offer the ultimate non-destructive solution in elemental analysis applications. The Fast SiLicon Drift Detector (SDD) simultaneously delivers lower electronic noise and a higher count rates, which is transLated into higher energy resoLution and faster resuLts in comparison with Si-Pin and Si-Li detectors. Eight secondary targets in the EX-6600 & X-7600 models, provide maximum sensitivity for fast and precise quantification even in complex matrices such as aUoys, plastics and geological samples. Targets are...
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The Power to Change Energy Into Information
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Key applications Mining & Minerals: cement, limestone, sand, clays, bauxite, phosphate rock, gypsum and others Metallurgical: research and quality control of the various metal industry processes of stainless steels, cast irons, metal sorting and others Environmental: wastewater, RoHS compliance, air pollution, soils & grounds, emmission control and others Petrochemical: Sulfur and ULS in fuels, lube oils monitoring, additives, wear metals and others Academic Research: academic studies of material sciences, chemical engineering, electronics and others Polymers: plastics row material...
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