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Catalog excerpts

DG54C - 1

R!GActro5s4160BLfi ; . K ■B»g*sait«isftsa. 2.sis t * > .0.5* <« a > **«»■. ss*bbs«. metzum. ■0.4»s ; M*2S«&£<RPWL DGS4C3 Atrlii Platform Fir* Truck It mounted on a Bam Ac trot it 160 chassis. Monitors and lira pump usad ara imported from USA. An automatic 6-class foam proportion rr&hg systam is fined, tt has a tar* chat can hod 2.S t of water and 0.S t of foam and is equipped with a monitor on its top. Farmtssble lifbrg capacity of boom head ear is 21 for pMoim ear it is 0.41. The entire unit Is equipped with 25 safety protect ve devee*. aaiwr Mam technical data in travel configuration and for operation

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Archived catalogs

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