Vortex Fine Filters
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Catalog excerpts

Vortex Fine Filters - 1

for n rainwater Clea se ndustrial u nd i domestic a Vortex Fine Filters with unique, reliable dirt separation system ● A unique design of rainwater collection system with integral fine filtration and automatic dirt release sted: ATV te uty d Vehicle p to ity u capac ing to ● For installation in horizontal rainwater pipes below ground, in utility rooms or outdoors ● Rugged construction with vehicle duty capacity ● High water-collection efficiency ● Easy access to inspection opening for removal of filter insert sted: ATV te ty du Vehicle p to city u capa Rated ● Completely safe drainage design according to DIN EN 752 and 12056. Conforms to DIN 1989. ● Low maintenance, filter is nearly self-cleaning sted: ATV te ty du Vehicle p to ty u capaci ● The unique WISY fine filtration system delivers extremely clean rainwater. The fine filtration action protects sensitive system components like the pump and valves, making them durable and reliable. ● The rainwater from the roof flows through a horizontal rainwater pipe into the inlet connection on the side of the WFF and is widely distributed over the cylinder-shaped filter mesh. The rainwater is drawn through the vertical mesh walls of the fine filter by adhesion and then fed through the outlet to the storage tank. Using this principle, it is possible to harvest over 90% of the rainwater collected from the roof, while the remaining water automatically rinses dirt particles away into the storm drain. ● An extension tube to raise the inspection opening to ground level can be ordered as an optional accessory for the WFF 10

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Vortex Fine Filters - 2

The WFF 100 and the WFF 150 For roof areas up to 200 m² / 500 m² When the rinsing water is discharged to a seepaway system instead of a storm drain, a seepaway strainer designed Lifting handle for the filter insert is supplied as standard Extension tubes To raise the inspection opening to the ground level. Easily cut to length along guide grooves on tube surface Seepaway strainer to trap coarse dirt particles is suspended beneath the filter insert (WFF 150, WFF 100). Stainless steel filter inserts (mesh size 0.28 mm or 0.44 mm) of stainless-steel. Housing, cover and extension tube are made...

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  1. WFF 300

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