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Catalog excerpts

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Customer magazine | Windmöller & Hölscher | volume 12 | autumn 2013 | issue 22 OUR POSITION Windmöller & Hölscher Sets the New Standard in Blown Film Extrusion INNOVATION Varex The Beginning of A New Era TURBOCLEAN Now Also for Rotogravure Presses New TOPAS  SL with Record Speed of 2,600 Sacks / Hr

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W & H Sets the New Standard in Blown Film Extrusion A highly professional staging of an avant-garde engineering concept sure to set new standards in blown film extrusion, accentuated by a stand design in harmony with the VAREX – those where the ingredients of our self-confident presentation at the K 2013, which again emphasized our claim for market leadership. Peter Steinbeck (l.) and Dr.  Jürgen Vutz are happy with a successful K 2013. We are proud of the strong positive feedback to the VAREX and to the way W & H presented itself at the show Great were the expectations we had raised in the...

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extra autumn 2013 | issue 22 Varex sounds tHe Bell For a neW era Well shielded from all too curious eyes, the K 2013 highlight made its debut in public. Visitors were approaching the VAREX going through what we called an “adventure tunnel”, which opened up to a spectacular view of the VAREX in its full beauty. Admiring and sometimes even awestruck looks followed the blue film bubble on its way upwards. W & H board members, sales manager, and operator explained the technical features with visible enthusiasm. “Wow!” – with this spontaneous exclamation of surprise paired with admiration many...

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PlastiCs Fair K 2013 // in-House exPo We Were able to further increase the output capacity The VAREX offered plenty to talk about. renowned VAREX blown film system and offers much more than just an attractive design. “Each and every system component was thoroughly put to the test for improvement potential and a great many bolts and screws had to be tackled to finally wind up with a VAREX that will meet next generation‘s needs in the blown film sector”, says Dr. Falco Paepenmüller, general manager /extrusion. “It was our declared goal to notably increase the productivity and flexibility of...

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extra autumn 2013 | issue 22 in-House exPo The production of in-line oriented film for the packaging of compressible goods was demonstrated on a VAREX with integrated MDO (Machine Direction Orientation) unit. Monoaxial orientation with a ratio of approx. 1:5 results in the original threelayer film thickness of 180 microns to be reduced to no more than 35 microns. Another VAREX on show was demonstrated producing 55-micron asymmetrical 9-layer high barrier film. The film is special in that the coextruded polyester sealing layer allows it to be sealed directly to a PET tray. In this way...

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suCCess stories ligHtHouse ProJeCt ooo rani Plast Kaluga Finnish based Ab Rani Plast Oy, one of the international leaders in the manufacturing of film for the Scandinavian packaging industry and agricultural sector, ventures the step into the Russian market. On a greenfield site in Vorotynsk, about 170 kilometers south-west of Moscow, Rani Plast has built a new 5,400 square meter factory for the production of PE films for the Russian packaging industry. “The extraordinary success of this lighthouse project is not only based on the idea of copying the production at Finnish Teerijärvi to the...

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extra autumn 2013 | issue 22 suCCess stories optiMeX – commissioning completed in only a few hours‘ time and acceptance tests run the first days of production – just super! Juha Hakala, General Manager OOO Rani Plast Kaluga / Russia investing in the optiMeX is further proof of our trust in equipment from Windmöller & hölscher – they keep what they promise. We are looking forward to continuing our successful partnership with W & h also with a view to future expansion planning. Máirtín Boran, Managing Director Boran Plastic Packaging Ltd. / Boran Mopack Ltd. / Ireland the biggest advantage of...

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suCCess stories easY -Col Colour matCHing sYstem ConVinCes in dailY use Colour matching with EASY-COL. With easy-col, the tiMe needed for precisely setting the colour values has been significantly reduced EASY-COL has been sold over 100 times world-wide and has convinced package printers at home and abroad with perfect quality colour matches as well as notable economic savings. Whenever a job change takes place on a printing machine, fast and reproducible colour matches on the press are known to have a significant effect on the economic result. Without the EASYCOL module available, up to 50...

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extra autumn 2013 | issue 22 suCCess stories Beat Franceschini, CEO PetroplastVinora Oleg Ushakov, Technical Director / OOO ALFA Flex Print Mr. Liu Shengrong, President / Gansu Jiarong Simon Penlington, Managing Director / Amcor Flexibles Asia Pacific – ANZ the MirafleX cM 8 with an-order oriented press equipment including easy-col will give us a competitive edge in the long term. the easy-col module supplied with the MirafleX aM has notably eased and optimized our production. easy-col helps us accommodate the exacting demands of our customers, while at the same time saving time and money....

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suCCess stories latin ameriCa BanKs on “easY” EASY-SET positions the anilox rollers and plate cylinders fully automatically, precisely and in no time. Since well before the launch of the MIRAFLEX, W & H has been on the successful track in the Latin American marketplace with flexographic printing equipment, which is reflected in sales in many countries in the region. Purchasing decisions in this segment have been increasingly based on modules from the W & H EASY family, which give fast job changeovers. It is also in America’s south that job runs are getting shorter and need to be produced...

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