Catalog excerpts

1 Smart Solutions on the Cutting Edge Pre-Release Threading Catalogue | 1101
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2 Smart Solutions on the Cutting Edge Demand on production for small parts around the world is continuously increasing. Higher expectations are put on the producers of these parts, and this is where WhizCut comes in. At WhizCut we understand the day to day challenges the users of automatic lathes are up against. To assist these users WhizCut has developed a wide range of useful products for all automatic lathes around the globe. We try, to put it simple, to find new solutions for existing problems within the world of small part machining. Our company is based on these new products that will...
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3 Page 12-13 Introduction WhizIn Threading Page 14 Technical information and Boring bars Page 15 Toolholders WhizIn Page 4-5 Introduction Whiz- Thread Page 6-7 Technical information WhizThread Page 8 Toolholders WhizThread Page 9-10 Inserts WhizThread Page 16-17 Introduction WhizThrill Page 18 Technical Information WhizThrill Page 19 Metric Page 20 Metric with coolant and Metric Chamfer Page 21 Micro Page 22-23 Unified, Pipe Threads NPT/NPTF WhizThrill is a wide range of solid carbide thread mills with a deburring function. WhizThread is a wide range of full and partial profile threading...
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5 Threading inserts with four very sharp cutting edges WhizThread WhizCut has been looking for a long time to improve the laydown threading inserts with three cutting edges. As specialists of small part machining we have developed a stand up insert. This enabled us to design an insert with four cutting edges with increased performance. We have developed a carbide grade which has great performance in the sizes and geometries mostly common in Swiss type automatic lathes. The WhizThread tooling system is also combined with the world renowned WhizFix toolholder system, which enables the...
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6 External Tooling | Technical Information WhizThread When changing or indexing an insert in a conventional Swiss type automatic lathe the toolholder most times is taken out when the insert is indexed. The toolholder is then clamped back in the machine, and the toolholders X-variable is normally set by taking the insert down to the work piece until it very slightly touches. This will sometimes chip the insert, making the performance go down drastically. For this reason we recommend our WhizFix pin type toolholder for Swiss type automatic lathes. It is easy to see the profit in using a...
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7 All WhizThread Inserts have four sharp, fully ground cutting edges. The inserts all have a positive cutting rake ensuring the best chipcontrol possible when threading. The combination of a high positive cutting rake and a ground cutting edge makes the Whiz- Thread inserts useful for most types of material and applications. All inserts are developed for maximum stability and performance. The carbide allows the insert to have a very sharp, but still strong edge. This makes the inserts suitable for materials which are difficult to machine, such as Titanium and Super Alloys. The combination...
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9 WhizThread Style T | Inserts for Full Profile Micro Threading ISO 0,25 T13ER 0,25ISO 13 0,2 r r r k T5 0,3 T13ER 0,3ISO 13 0,2 r r r k T5 0,35 T13ER 0,35ISO 13 0,25 r r r k T5 0,4 T13ER 0,4ISO 13 0,25 r r r k T4 0,45 T13ER 0,45ISO 13 0,3 r r r k T4 0,5 T13ER 0,5ISO 13 0,3 r r r k T3 0,7 T13ER 0,7ISO 13 0,4 r r r k T3 0,75 T13ER 0,75ISO 13 0,4 r r r k T3 0,8 T13ER 0,8ISO 13 0,45 r r r k T3 1 T13ER 1,0ISO 13 0,55 r r r k T3 Pitch Stock Price mm Inserts L t 8M C8 F8 B8 group Style T | Inserts for Partial Profile Threading Stock Price Inserts L V t R 8M C8 F8 B8 group T13EN T55-11-10 13 55...
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10 t L WhizThread External Threading | UN, NPT, NPTF, and W t L t L Style T | Inserts for Micro Threading UN (UNC, UNF, UNEF, UNS) 80 T13ER 80UN 13 0,2 r r r k T5 72 T13ER 72UN 13 0,25 r r r k T5 64 T13ER 64UN 13 0,25 r r r k T4 56 T13ER 56UN 13 0,3 r r r k T4 48 T13ER 48UN 13 0,35 r r r k T3 40 T13ER 40UN 13 0,4 r r r k T3 36 T13ER 36UN 13 0,4 r r r k T3 32 T13ER 32UN 13 0,45 r r r k T3 28 T13ER 28UN 13 0,5 r r r k T3 24 T13ER 24UN 13 0,55 r r r k T3 Stock Price TPI Inserts L t 8M C8 F8 B8 group Style T | Inserts for Threading UN (UNC, UNF, UNEF, UNS) 20 T13EN 20UN 13 1,1 r r r k T2 18...
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11 Important. This is a Pre-release catalog. We will be expanding our product line continuesly during 2011. Make sure to get the newest catalog by downloading it from our website. www.whizcut.se Stock will be available from Jan 1st 2011. Don’t miss our tooling for Swiss Type automatics WhizCut Inserts WhizCut also offers inserts and boring bars for all types of external and internal operations in Swiss Type Automatics. The inserts all have fully ground cutting edges and are available in a wide range of geometries to suite any type of operation. The external inserts all can be used with the...
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13 Threading with internal boring bars WhizIn - Threading WhizIn, another revolutionary product developed by WhizCut is designed to improve productivity of internal applications. It has been specially developed for small diameters in internal turning applications and is unlike anything else on the market. The WhizIn toolholder has the carbide bar mounted at an angle to achieve the maximum stability for a set diameter. By grinding away less from the base of the insert, the insert becomes more stable. Other benefits are less grinding time and grinding stress, and that the coolant may go...
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14 Style T | Inserts for Threading C31NR T60 3 0,8 0,2-0,4 60 0,2 0,5 24 4 b b b k B4 C32NR T60 3 1,6 0,2-0,6 60 0,3 0,75 24 7 b b b k B3 C33NR T60 3 2,2 0,2-0,8 60 0,4 1,25 24 10 b b b k B3 C34NR T60 3 3,0 0,2-1,0 60 0,5 1,5 24 12 b b b k B2 C4NR T60 4 4,0 0,25-1,25 60 0,6 2 32 16,5 b b b k B3 C4NR T55 4 4,0 0,25-1,25 55 0,6 2 32 16,5 b b b k B3 C5NR T60 5 5,0 0,25-1,5 60 0,7 2,5 40 21 b b b k B4 C6NR T60 6 6,0 0,25-1,75 60 0,8 3 48 27 b b b k B5 C6NR T55 6 6,0 0,25-1,75 55 0,8 3 48 27 b b b k B5 C8NR T60 8 8,0 0,35-2,5 60 1,2 4 72 45 b b b k B10 Catalog D d Pitch a f L I Stock Price...
Open the catalog to page 14All Whizcut of Sweden AB catalogs and technical brochures
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Archived catalogs
WhizHip Connect 2017-03
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Catalogue whizcut 2016
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Catalogue 835
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